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Greetings from New Hampshire

Providence guided me this morning to the philosophy of life from Ecclesiastes:
2:24 Enjoy eating, drinking and hard work​
3:12 & 11:7 Enjoy life​
12:13 Respect & Obey God​
One of the things that impressed me about first reading the Bible is the practical, easy to understand philosophy.

I reject the RCC claim that only Gnostics can decipher it. The finer points, sure. But in the main, our Creator knows how to talk to his Creation - for those with an open heart.
All I know about Philosophy is what I learned about So-crates from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. - LOL

Philosophy is far more than Socrates’ nihilism, of knowing only that you don’t know anything. In fact, it is the gateway for understanding how we know anything.

Ayn Rand opened up the world of philosophy way more than my college class. Its main branches are:
  1. METAPHYSICS: The nature of reality. Darth Vader is real. He is a real fictional character.
  2. EPISTEMOLOGY & LOGIC: The limits and meaning of knowledge. How do you know what is real? All science is based on this.
  3. ETHICS: The science of choice analysis. Where morals are the thing to analyze, e.g., sex, drugs, and rock n roll. What is correct is adhering to a given code of ethics. This makes right and wrong objective.
  4. POLITICS: The social application of ethics.
  5. AESTHETICS: What is appealing to the senses.
What’s cool is to consider a moral from the different branches. Consider sex. We can study it biologically; what happens in the body and brain regarding hormones and secretions, etc. we can study it ethically; such as who to have sex with. And we can study it aesthetically, what sets the mood for you? What light, sound, smell and especially what type of touch is pleasing. And on this note, it is interesting to realize it is not the same for each person.

Philosophy is the highest achievement of mankind. It provides the basis for a worldview. How to properly examine the world around us. This explains why the highest level of education invokes its mastery. PhD is French for Doctorate of Philosophy.