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Does God Really love everyone?

God doesn't hate anyone, he hates the sin in us. If Jesus tells us who are in this sinful flesh to love our enemies and to do good to those that hate us, then what kind of love does God (who has no sin) have for us? It says in the Bible that God is love, and that he is slow to anger. It's not God hating us, he is there for all of us if we are willing to turn to him, repent and have faith and obey his word, loving one another with a godly love. But many love the world before God, so it's not him hating us or turning from us, it's us turning from him, and putting our fleshly lusts, and this world before him.
To hate with God is to not bless, not a feeling but is action or work.

Esau meaning (hairy red one) and Jabob meaning (the deceiver) are used in a continuation of the first-born doctrine. The spiritual seed Christ that works in the believers. Esau saw no value in the unseen things of God sold his birth-rite for a cup of hairy goat soup.

It began with Cain the first born and Able the second born. Cain seeing no value in the unseen things of God silenced the gospel, buried his brother under the corn (out of sight out of mind). the religious pagan foundation,

Onan spilled his seed (to represent God not seen) also seeing no value in the unseen things of the faith of Christ's labor of love .

Luke 3 gives the genealogy of the spiritual born again seed from Jesus to Enoch the replacement of Abel. Enoch as a son of God born again from above just like Abel in who Christ had mercy and grace on.

Note. . . fleshly seeds the temporal

Note. . .spiritual unseen seed

Genisis 4: 37-38 Which was the son of Mathusala, which was the son of Enoch, which was the son of Jared, which was the son of Maleleel, which was the son of Cainan, Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.
God loves us all and He wants everyone to come to the knowledge of the truth and to be saved. I won't get into translation details and arguments either way. I know that God loves us all and desires all to be saved.
If the Bible says that God hates some people, isn't the possibility at least worth considering? If I said, "I just know that God wouldn't send His son to the cross," that would not change the fact that he did, and that the Bible says he did.
God was not pleased with Esau who sold his birthright to Jacob and married outside of the tribe. This was the person who was suppose to carry on the tribe of the people of God. Esau was not sorry for what he did against God.
Rom. 9:10-11. You clearly didn't read the passage in question.
God doesn't hate anyone, he hates the sin in us. If Jesus tells us who are in this sinful flesh to love our enemies and to do good to those that hate us, then what kind of love does God (who has no sin) have for us? It says in the Bible that God is love, and that he is slow to anger. It's not God hating us, he is there for all of us if we are willing to turn to him, repent and have faith and obey his word, loving one another with a godly love. But many love the world before God, so it's not him hating us or turning from us, it's us turning from him, and putting our fleshly lusts, and this world before him.
The Bible clearly teaches that God's character is beyond ours, and He can do many things that we can't (Rom. 9:15, Heb. 10:30). Love is not God's sole character trait. He is also the Judge.

Proverbs 6:19 says that God hates someone who lies or sows discord.
Do you think/believe God hates the fags? Like the westborro baptist church goes on carrying says that say it? Doesn't God desires for people to turn to Him? Isn't that why Jesus was sent to take care of sin and leave the choice for people to either seek out God in faith or not?
Do you think/believe God hates the fags? Like the westborro baptist church goes on carrying says that say it? Doesn't God desires for people to turn to Him? Isn't that why Jesus was sent to take care of sin and leave the choice for people to either seek out God in faith or not?
He dislikes their sin and foolishness. eh?
People have trouble accepting God for who He is. Who the Bible clearly says He is and the things He does. He is holy. In that holiness is justice and judgment. He is the sovereign, we are the creature. In the OT covenant, the hand of a sinful man could not so much as touch, or his eyes look upon, those things that were consecrated as holy, or that person would be struck dead by the mighty hand of God. That is how sinful we are. Which is the other side of the story we don't truly believe.

And strangely enough, in essence we say we will only worship a God who is loving and kind and gentle, and so we ignore that God says His wrath (and just imagine that wrath with all power and glory and holiness behind it!) will come upon sin and the sinner. They will one day be utterly destroyed and forgotten. So we have made God in our image. We have defined Him according to our own sinful desires.

The God who is merciful, and compassionate, and full of loving kindness; the God who is bountiful in His love, and delights in us, who watches over us, hears us, answers us, leads us, meets all our needs, makes good on all His promises, is found only in Christ. Through union with Christ by believing that He is our Savior who took upon Himself that wrath of God against our sins, that we might be made holy through His righteousness, not our own. That we might be shown mercy, the justice we deserve being laid upon Him. In Christ, and only in Him, we can say God is Love, His mercy endures forever. Only in Christ and wrapped in His robes of righteousness, can we come before the very throne of grace to receive mercy and grace in our need. Jesus is the fountain through whom this love flows. By His stripes we are healed.
He dislikes their sin and foolishness. eh?

All I know is what the bible states: 1 John 4:7-21.

Either God is love or he is not. Sin was paid for on the cross one time, for all human beings. Jesus's blood was enough to be accepted. He went into the holies of holies, and had to come back out to show that his blood was accepted. Therefore Jesus was made sin (Sin offering on behalf of all people) - even if people have yet to turn and believe his blood has covered their sins already). However, it is up to the person whether or not they will seek out God or not seek out God...

Does God really hate gays, lesbians, murders? Sure he hates the sin which has been taken care of and finding out that Jesus Christ has taken care of everything for you, does that mean you keep on living a certain lifestyle? This is where God and his judgement comes in, he looks at the heart and mind of an individual. He can see if a gay person is having love for God and love for others in faith in his resurrected Son...

There are many people who straight hate people who are Gay... wanna hang them by their necks.

Where is the heart on the matter? And considering the Wrath of God had been poured on the nation of Israel for their own sins of disobeying God having their who entire world crashed downward in fire.

That is the important part...

Can you love a complete stranger...

Can you love a person who even though they killed someone?

Can you love a person who had gotten an abortion?

Jesus is the gap between us and God, and it is Him whom is shared with others and does the healing of the (SOUL) the mind, the will, the heart, the emotions with-in us, which God has given us freely. A life to live, a life to live of course for God, and what he is represents and is about having taken care of everything by the death, burial, and resurrection of the Son of God.
If the Bible says that God hates some people, isn't the possibility at least worth considering? If I said, "I just know that God wouldn't send His son to the cross," that would not change the fact that he did, and that the Bible says he did.

Rom. 9:10-11. You clearly didn't read the passage in question.

The Bible clearly teaches that God's character is beyond ours, and He can do many things that we can't (Rom. 9:15, Heb. 10:30). Love is not God's sole character trait. He is also the Judge.

Proverbs 6:19 says that God hates someone who lies or sows discord.
God's character is one of righteousness, justice, holiness, mercy, love, etc. Does He hate sin as those actions stated in Proverbs 6:19? Yes, certainly. Did He actually hate Esau or did He just love him less; i.e. favor Jacob more? When Jesus said "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, even his own life; he cannot be my disciple" - did he mean "hate" or "love less than me", i.e. placing him first above family? How could he have meant hate when we are to honor and obey our parents (Ephesians 6:1,2); Husband's are to love their wives as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25); and we are to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matt. 22:39)?

There is also the issue is Rom. 9:13 speaking about Jacob and Esau as individuals? God told Rebekah "Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you shall be divided; the one shall be stronger than the other, the older shall serve the younger." (Gen. 25:23) Those two nations were Israel (Jacob; Gen. 35:10,11); and Edom (Esau; Gen. 25:30) So, could this passage possibly be speaking of the nation of Israel and and the nation of Edom?
Do you think/believe God hates the fags? Like the westborro baptist church goes on carrying says that say it? Doesn't God desires for people to turn to Him? Isn't that why Jesus was sent to take care of sin and leave the choice for people to either seek out God in faith or not?
No, I do not believe that God hates everyone. I think there are some people that God has already determined will not be save, in order that His plan be successful, like the pharaoh who didn't let the Israelites go, or Nero (my theory), or the future antichrist. BUT IT IS NOT FOR US TO DECIDE WHO THESE PEOPLE ARE. God's job is to judge people (love whom He will and hate whom He will), and my job is to love everyone.
Either God is love or he is not.
This is true in a sense. But as I said before, love is not God's sole defining characteristic. He is also the Judge, the Creator, Merciful, Holy (thus He cannot let anything defile Him), King, Savior, and much, much more. All these at exactly the same time. It's part of what makes Him so great.
Can you love a complete stranger...

Can you love a person who even though they killed someone?

Can you love a person who had gotten an abortion?
Yes. God has commanded us to love everyone, so He will give us the strength to carry out that command.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God loves absolutely everyone. There are places where it says quite the contrary.