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Does God Really love everyone?



It's something I've been thinking about for a while now. In Romans 9:13 it says that God hated Esau. What do ya'll think?
I believe all of this should be considered in context.

What does the Greek word for hated mean in the text itself, and why Esau, what was the reason?
I believe all of this should be considered in context.

What does the Greek word for hated mean in the text itself, and why Esau, what was the reason?
The Greek word is μισέω, used 40 times in the NT. It's there pretty much every time you see "hate" in the NT. Mt. 5:43
I don't know why God hated Esau. That section of Romans is about election, and it is brought up in the context of God choosing certain people before they do anything.
Nowhere do I see this word translated Disregard. It is also translated Detest, though. What sort of method do you use to translate it?
Also, the context does exclude the possibility of God loving Esau.
The Greek word is μισέω, used 40 times in the NT. It's there pretty much every time you see "hate" in the NT. Mt. 5:43
I don't know why God hated Esau. That section of Romans is about election, and it is brought up in the context of God choosing certain people before they do anything.
It shows that "elect" doesn't mean one is superior over another.
Which is why God elected Jacob over Esau before they were even born and did anything good or bad.
7thMoon's definition is pretty good in that God did not regard one as being better than the other when He elected Jacob over Esau before they were even born.
Both Jacob and Esau did some dastardly things.
It fits in with Paul's statement that God is no respecter of persons.
Paul also did some dastardly things and he was elected by God.

Does God Really love everyone?​

I love them that love Me;
and those that seek Me early shall find Me.

Proverbs 8:17

For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers:
but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.

1 Peter 3:12
It's something I've been thinking about for a while now. In Romans 9:13 it says that God hated Esau. What do ya'll think?
God loves us all and He wants everyone to come to the knowledge of the truth and to be saved. I won't get into translation details and arguments either way. I know that God loves us all and desires all to be saved.
The Greek word is μισέω, used 40 times in the NT. It's there pretty much every time you see "hate" in the NT. Mt. 5:43
I don't know why God hated Esau. That section of Romans is about election, and it is brought up in the context of God choosing certain people before they do anything.
Probably from not turning towards God. May be something to look into and find out. Was Jacob Esau’s brother? Or was it Isaac, there would be a reason and it’s not like God hated Esau he no longer let him live, Esau lived for awhile?

Good thing to looking into friend instead of not knowing. On the notion of people being elected to me that pertains highly to Israel in which was the 12 tribes.

Thank you for reading.
God was not pleased with Esau who sold his birthright to Jacob and married outside of the tribe. This was the person who was suppose to carry on the tribe of the people of God. Esau was not sorry for what he did against God.