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Do I need to take everything in the Bible literally?



When it comes to the Bible do you need to take everything literally, figuratively, as a metaphor?

As a student of the bible, or a teacher of the bible what do you do when you read it?

I believe that their are some things that are to be taken literally, and some figuratively, and some are metaphorical.

An example of figuratively is when Jesus mentioned cutting your hand off and plucking out your eye.

Please share your way of what you do, is everything needed to be take 100% and we should cut our eye out and our hand off?

God bless,
Matthew Gallagher
When it comes to the Bible do you need to take everything literally, figuratively, as a metaphor?

As a student of the bible, or a teacher of the bible what do you do when you read it?

I believe that their are some things that are to be taken literally, and some figuratively, and some are metaphorical.

An example of figuratively is when Jesus mentioned cutting your hand off and plucking out your eye.

Please share your way of what you do, is everything needed to be take 100% and we should cut our eye out and our hand off?

God bless,
Matthew Gallagher
I personally think very little of the bible is to be understood in a literal physical sense. I go so far at times to equate the literal to the physical to the carnal or natural, and as such, opposed to the spiritual. I believe very much of the bible is comprised of double and even triple entendre also, with manifold meanings and nearly unsearchable breadth of meaning and application.

I'd be happy to go into more detail upon request. I hope you have a good day friend.

I believe that reading the bible as literal opens up up one's understanding and wisdom; spiritual wisdom. I think a 3rd grader can easily tell when we should NOT take it literal.
I personally think very little of the bible is to be understood in a literal physical sense. I go so far at times to equate the literal to the physical to the carnal or natural, and as such, opposed to the spiritual. I believe very much of the bible is comprised of double and even triple entendre also, with manifold meanings and nearly unsearchable breadth of meaning and application.

I'd be happy to go into more detail upon request. I hope you have a good day friend.


I like this pops.... Please do share more of your thoughts.

Where scripture speaks of physical things, historical events-- they are just that. We don't have to spiritualize everything as some are wont to do. Similarly, where scripture speaks of spiritual things in a conceptual way, we go astray when we impose literal meaning. Like @patrick jane said-- a third grader can tell the difference. It was probably seventh grade for me, when I was exposed to a wonderful teacher who introduced me to the beauty of poetry that has stuck with me life long. He would present the text for us to read, always followed up with-- 'What does it mean?' 'What was the poet saying?'

I am one of many
Small branches of a broken tree,
Always looking to the ones above
For guidance, strength and security.

Was the poet a branch of a tree? Of course not- trees do not write poetry. It cannot be a Poet Tree.

“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. “Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit.

So easy a seventh grader can understand it.
I like this pops.... Please do share more of your thoughts.

Where scripture speaks of physical things, historical events-- they are just that. We don't have to spiritualize everything as some are wont to do. Similarly, where scripture speaks of spiritual things in a conceptual way, we go astray when we impose literal meaning. Like @patrick jane said-- a third grader can tell the difference. It was probably seventh grade for me, when I was exposed to a wonderful teacher who introduced me to the beauty of poetry that has stuck with me life long. He would present the text for us to read, always followed up with-- 'What does it mean?' 'What was the poet saying?'

I am one of many
Small branches of a broken tree,
Always looking to the ones above
For guidance, strength and security.

Was the poet a branch of a tree? Of course not- trees do not write poetry. It cannot be a Poet Tree.

“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. “Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit.

So easy a seventh grader can understand it.
I'm sorry but I have a real problem just expressing things at times. I see very little of the bible as history or literal only. I believe even those things that can be understood as literal, also have additional meaning. I think there was a literal Jesus who was literally hung on a tree or cross, but even these things are also symbolism to me also.

An example would maybe be in the OT when we are told that one must work to eat, that one must till the earth. These things can be seen as literal only for some.....but not for me.
I'm sorry but I have a real problem just expressing things at times. I see very little of the bible as history or literal only. I believe even those things that can be understood as literal, also have additional meaning. I think there was a literal Jesus who was literally hung on a tree or cross, but even these things are also symbolism to me also.

An example would maybe be in the OT when we are told that one must work to eat, that one must till the earth. These things can be seen as literal only for some.....but not for me.

I'm not disagreeing with you on any of this. The duality can't be denied (though many try). There is a spiritual reality with that greater meaning that requires spiritual understanding. Then there is the physical reality that is as a reflection or likeness of those things above. On earth as it is in heaven.
It’s always good to be honest and say, I do not know. Or I do not understand.

The Bible historically has many evidences of God and mankind having a relationship together. There are figurative, and metaphors with in the context of the Bible. There are people who be very radical with their interpretations and some people who are more skeptical about things because they might just know, or understand how to know if something is not explained to them. I believe teachers are a good help and benefit and why Christian teachers do exist today and they kind of get your understanding going. However of course there are many different understandings. Anything that doesn’t cause you to by the Holy Spirit to continue to have love for God and love for Others, get away from that thing that is telling you to hate God or to hate others.

In Christ;
Matthew Gallagher

Thank you all for sharing some of your thoughts and opinions, when it comes down to this topic.
It’s always good to be honest and say, I do not know. Or I do not understand.

I recently commented in another thread that there is nothing wrong with someone acknowledging they don’t know something if / when they don’t. You said it better and more eloquently than I did.

As to the question addressed in this thread, scripture contains a wide variety of figures of speech. To understand something written as a figure of speech as being literal is to misunderstand the writer’s intention.