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Communing With God at the Throne of His Love

Great OP @Arial and I agree that God loves us first, before we love Him. Many people struggle with "love", the concept of love and perhaps every person has a different idea of what love is. As you said, in our finite existence we can barely get a glimpse, or a small part of what God's love for us truly is.

Everything good is to God's glory and praise. Thanks for pouring your heart out in your posts and glorifying God as you do.
Thanks PJ.
The love God has for us is a very difficult concept to grapple with. And even though I am posting this OP, I still do myself. It takes practice I have concluded, every day in that still quiet place where we sit down with God. Practice meditating on all the witness of His love as I have given some examples of, and I have found He carries me into a place where my heart is singing with it, having first gone through my mind. He meets me there. This venture began with starting to read John Owen's book, "Communion With God." Some of those old writers purity of insight is worth its weight in gold. They were coming from a far different place than we are today. But it is what I am seeking of and from Him right now, to know and hold this love He has for me/us.

I know that the thing that makes it such a grapple for people, and so hard to get beyond our view of love, is experiences. We have all been betrayed, and for many frequently if not always, by what we thought was love. And even thought we loved or truly loved, only to find out that love is a fickle, insubstantial and elusive thing among the earthbound. I have even wondered at times if it is a real thing, and had to remind myself, I definitely love my dog and that will never change. :LOL: But we have to remember that what passes for love in humans does not come close to the love that is God. And all our facades of love, which damage our idea of it more, are not even similar. I am not quite there yet, but in those quiet times I speak of I get a glimpse as though far off but nearly tangible all the same, that the natural and automatic outflowing of truly receiving and accepting and understanding better, this love God has for us personally, is that same love spilling from us into our brothers and sisters in a real and true way. And in fact I think we actually have that already, but that too gets shoved aside and forgotten. I remember that morning I woke up knowing every word in the Bible was true, I also had such a love for everyone that even family grievances vanished into thin air, replaced by love.
Thanks PJ.
The love God has for us is a very difficult concept to grapple with. And even though I am posting this OP, I still do myself. It takes practice I have concluded, every day in that still quiet place where we sit down with God. Practice meditating on all the witness of His love as I have given some examples of, and I have found He carries me into a place where my heart is singing with it, having first gone through my mind. He meets me there. This venture began with starting to read John Owen's book, "Communion With God." Some of those old writers purity of insight is worth its weight in gold. They were coming from a far different place than we are today. But it is what I am seeking of and from Him right now, to know and hold this love He has for me/us.

I know that the thing that makes it such a grapple for people, and so hard to get beyond our view of love, is experiences. We have all been betrayed, and for many frequently if not always, by what we thought was love. And even thought we loved or truly loved, only to find out that love is a fickle, insubstantial and elusive thing among the earthbound. I have even wondered at times if it is a real thing, and had to remind myself, I definitely love my dog and that will never change. :LOL: But we have to remember that what passes for love in humans does not come close to the love that is God. And all our facades of love, which damage our idea of it more, are not even similar. I am not quite there yet, but in those quiet times I speak of I get a glimpse as though far off but nearly tangible all the same, that the natural and automatic outflowing of truly receiving and accepting and understanding better, this love God has for us personally, is that same love spilling from us into our brothers and sisters in a real and true way. And in fact I think we actually have that already, but that too gets shoved aside and forgotten. I remember that morning I woke up knowing every word in the Bible was true, I also had such a love for everyone that even family grievances vanished into thin air, replaced by love.
These are the types of conversations I want on this forum. Edifying each other and building each other up in Christ. Talking about the deep things of God and keeping our minds on heavenly things. We know the love we have for our parents and children and brother and sisters; family.

Love in a romantic relationship is another kind of deep love leading to marriage. Pets as well, as you mentioned. It's been exactly 90 days since I lost my sweet kitty. Unconditional love.
These are the types of conversations I want on this forum. Edifying each other and building each other up in Christ. Talking about the deep things of God and keeping our minds on heavenly things. We know the love we have for our parents and children and brother and sisters; family.

Love in a romantic relationship is another kind of deep love leading to marriage. Pets as well, as you mentioned. It's been exactly 90 days since I lost my sweet kitty. Unconditional love.
Sorry about your kitty. Yep. Love, given and received, no conditions attached.

Me too on the types of conversations. I get tangled up in the debates, and can even enjoy it for awhile. It clarifies my thinking and teaches me to articulate and support, which is good. But it seems they have all been done and just keep repeating themselves, and I miss God.
I view this thread, not only as a way to express and share things I am beginning to learn, but a place where others have an opportunity share their own insights on the subject. Things they have learned and seen and experienced pertaining to the love God has for us. There is a reason the Bible calls us the body of Christ and says that every member has something to offer and is of great value to the growth, both in numbers and spiritual grown. We all come with our own individuality and therefore our own perspectives of any given topic. I do not speak here of differing interpretations that may conflict, but of our independant birds eye view that God has given uniquely to each member. The who of who they are. In this way, if we share with one another, we can begin to get an expanding knowledge of God. The body is edified and grows and strengthens. That is why that in large part these types of threads are seldom if ever engaged in, is disturbing to me. It make me wonder---where is our joy? And I very much appreciate and enjoy those who have participated in that vein here. @patrick jane @Bradley D @1Mind1Spirit

I will post some more on topic later this afternoon.
I view this thread, not only as a way to express and share things I am beginning to learn, but a place where others have an opportunity share their own insights on the subject. Things they have learned and seen and experienced pertaining to the love God has for us. There is a reason the Bible calls us the body of Christ and says that every member has something to offer and is of great value to the growth, both in numbers and spiritual grown. We all come with our own individuality and therefore our own perspectives of any given topic. I do not speak here of differing interpretations that may conflict, but of our independant birds eye view that God has given uniquely to each member. The who of who they are. In this way, if we share with one another, we can begin to get an expanding knowledge of God. The body is edified and grows and strengthens. That is why that in large part these types of threads are seldom if ever engaged in, is disturbing to me. It make me wonder---where is our joy? And I very much appreciate and enjoy those who have participated in that vein here. @patrick jane @Bradley D @1Mind1Spirit

I will post some more on topic later this afternoon.
Exactly, where is the joy. I'm so beaten down by this world and I feel like I'm not making a difference one way or another. Many times each day I stop and think and pray but inevitably sadness ensues. This world is full of death and pain and suffering and if we are blessed with long life we witness more and more of the sad stuff.

I thank God that I'm alive and seeing my parents grow older. Bittersweet, as I enjoy their presence only to know there's not much time left for any of us. Sometimes I feel like I might die soon and what have I done to help anybody? I do lean towards depression while realizing I can take my worries and cares and give them over to God. Too many times we try to handle difficult times on our own before finally giving our problems to the Lord.

Thanks I was busy all day yesterday.
Exactly, where is the joy. I'm so beaten down by this world and I feel like I'm not making a difference one way or another. Many times each day I stop and think and pray but inevitably sadness ensues. This world is full of death and pain and suffering and if we are blessed with long life we witness more and more of the sad stuff.

I thank God that I'm alive and seeing my parents grow older. Bittersweet, as I enjoy their presence only to know there's not much time left for any of us. Sometimes I feel like I might die soon and what have I done to help anybody? I do lean towards depression while realizing I can take my worries and cares and give them over to God. Too many times we try to handle difficult times on our own before finally giving our problems to the Lord.

Thanks I was busy all day yesterday.
Just wait until you are 75 and look upon all the pain you have endured---and caused in my case. Simple things like remembering losing patience with my mother when I was her caregiver and she was 90-95, losing most of her sight and hearing. Or with my brother when he was struggling through dementia. Yes, that frustration vented and felt was an outpouring of grief and my helplessness, but still---. Things we can't undo and can't take back or do over. We are actually promised suffering and hardship as we walk fallen, yet lifted up in Christ, persecuted, yet kept safe in Christ, hurt, betrayed, witness to the injustice and cruelty and callousness of a people without God, yet held in the everlasting arms, given a Rock of shelter, green pastures of peace and sustenance, still waters of His love for us from which to refresh ourselves, the Good Shepherd to restore our souls, and lead us in the paths of righteousness. It is not our love for Him that moves Him with these compassions and mercy and power, to us, but His love for us, His covenant people, sealed in Christ---the mighty Rescuer.

We are in an inbetween state of right now and not yet. We are on a journey that takes us through this land of our affliction. This is what Joseph called Egypt, not when he was in prison and falsely accused, but when he had come to power and wealth second only to Pharoah. Still it was not his home, but the land of his affliction. We are on our way home. Our Savior will get us safely there, sustain us all along the way, comfort when we need comfort. He is leading us, His flock. And when we arrive home and pass through the gates of righteousness, whether through earthly and temporary death of our bodies or at the restoration of all things if we are still here, all this suffering will count as having been nothing compared to the glory we receive. It is a promise by the Most High God.

In the meantime, while we are here, when we are overwhelmed with it all, we can go to a still quiet place, just as Jesus did when He was one of us and too in this land of His affliction, to commune with the Father. Times of refreshing. We can fall down before His throne of grace, broken and thirsty and hungry, afraid and full of sorrow or anger or whatever it might be, and say "Father you are my rock of salvation, my hiding place. Hide me in you." He will. And through it all, our faith is tested and found true, it grows in focus on God and His Son and the Holy Spirit, and it grows in strength. We can stand up again for we have known God to come to us in love, full of compassion and loving kindness, and comfort us. He truly is our strength.
All the words of the Bible are true. I find particular help in comfort and strengthening, in knowing God more, in the Psalms. The writers of the Psalms did not view God through a filtered lens of themselves, but they knew who He is. They knew everything had to come from Him or it would not come at all. And they knew He loved them, His covenant people. We are His covenant people too. They knew that His mercy endures forever. Sorry for the length. I tend to get carried away.
Exactly, where is the joy. I'm so beaten down by this world and I feel like I'm not making a difference one way or another. Many times each day I stop and think and pray but inevitably sadness ensues. This world is full of death and pain and suffering and if we are blessed with long life we witness more and more of the sad stuff.

I thank God that I'm alive and seeing my parents grow older. Bittersweet, as I enjoy their presence only to know there's not much time left for any of us. Sometimes I feel like I might die soon and what have I done to help anybody? I do lean towards depression while realizing I can take my worries and cares and give them over to God. Too many times we try to handle difficult times on our own before finally giving our problems to the Lord.

Thanks I was busy all day yesterday.
At 71 this old world is tiring me out also. The psalm of Moses Psalm 90 tells me I will be dealing with labor (aches and pain) and sorrows. It is true. Also the Bible tells me there will be plagues and wars upon wars. Also true. So I stay with the Word for I have found to be true. My parents passed away. My Mother had Alzheimer's and my Father emphysema. My wife had diabetes and died of heart failure. When young we have these dreams. Then reality comes in as we get older. Paul tells us to abide in Faith, Hope, and Charity. That is what I work on. There is still the battle of the flesh with the spirit. I resist and pray. Life is not a cakewalk for anyone. Take care.
Just wait until you are 75 and look upon all the pain you have endured---and caused in my case. Simple things like remembering losing patience with my mother when I was her caregiver and she was 90-95, losing most of her sight and hearing. Or with my brother when he was struggling through dementia. Yes, that frustration vented and felt was an outpouring of grief and my helplessness, but still---. Things we can't undo and can't take back or do over. We are actually promised suffering and hardship as we walk fallen, yet lifted up in Christ, persecuted, yet kept safe in Christ, hurt, betrayed, witness to the injustice and cruelty and callousness of a people without God, yet held in the everlasting arms, given a Rock of shelter, green pastures of peace and sustenance, still waters of His love for us from which to refresh ourselves, the Good Shepherd to restore our souls, and lead us in the paths of righteousness. It is not our love for Him that moves Him with these compassions and mercy and power, to us, but His love for us, His covenant people, sealed in Christ---the mighty Rescuer.

We are in an inbetween state of right now and not yet. We are on a journey that takes us through this land of our affliction. This is what Joseph called Egypt, not when he was in prison and falsely accused, but when he had come to power and wealth second only to Pharoah. Still it was not his home, but the land of his affliction. We are on our way home. Our Savior will get us safely there, sustain us all along the way, comfort when we need comfort. He is leading us, His flock. And when we arrive home and pass through the gates of righteousness, whether through earthly and temporary death of our bodies or at the restoration of all things if we are still here, all this suffering will count as having been nothing compared to the glory we receive. It is a promise by the Most High God.

In the meantime, while we are here, when we are overwhelmed with it all, we can go to a still quiet place, just as Jesus did when He was one of us and too in this land of His affliction, to commune with the Father. Times of refreshing. We can fall down before His throne of grace, broken and thirsty and hungry, afraid and full of sorrow or anger or whatever it might be, and say "Father you are my rock of salvation, my hiding place. Hide me in you." He will. And through it all, our faith is tested and found true, it grows in focus on God and His Son and the Holy Spirit, and it grows in strength. We can stand up again for we have known God to come to us in love, full of compassion and loving kindness, and comfort us. He truly is our strength.
All the words of the Bible are true. I find particular help in comfort and strengthening, in knowing God more, in the Psalms. The writers of the Psalms did not view God through a filtered lens of themselves, but they knew who He is. They knew everything had to come from Him or it would not come at all. And they knew He loved them, His covenant people. We are His covenant people too. They knew that His mercy endures forever. Sorry for the length. I tend to get carried away.
My mom lost her temper with my grandma too and she still feels bad, but after she realized it she never did it again and nothing her mom did ever upset her again. My mom is an angel and a saint and she is the caregiver, the hero many times and she helps everyone she can.

She is getting health issues as is my dad and me as well. Can you imagine living so long as they did in the first few thousand years of history in the OT? Now the average age of life is 72.6 years.

Communing with God for me is just directing my thoughts and prayers to Him and talking to Him with sincerity and selflessness. I am so thankful for Jesus Christ who is my advocate and His spirit who indwells me. The holy spirit is the only one restraining satan on earth and when the restrainer is taken out of the way this earth will be hell.

My Grandma made me read the book of Revelation and she said read it over and over so it is the book I've read the most. I don't try to predict or prophesy but since I was little I always thought I would be involved at the end of days.
Exactly, where is the joy. I'm so beaten down by this world and I feel like I'm not making a difference one way or another. Many times each day I stop and think and pray but inevitably sadness ensues. This world is full of death and pain and suffering and if we are blessed with long life we witness more and more of the sad stuff.

I thank God that I'm alive and seeing my parents grow older. Bittersweet, as I enjoy their presence only to know there's not much time left for any of us. Sometimes I feel like I might die soon and what have I done to help anybody? I do lean towards depression while realizing I can take my worries and cares and give them over to God. Too many times we try to handle difficult times on our own before finally giving our problems to the Lord.

Thanks I was busy all day yesterday.
Music and communing with God is medicine for the heart.
Seen these guys open for Nazareth at Memorial Hall. (1978)
Great Kansas City band, Morningstar.
What was really going on?
Morning Star opening for Nazareth at Memorial Hall. 🤠
At 71 this old world is tiring me out also. The psalm of Moses Psalm 90 tells me I will be dealing with labor (aches and pain) and sorrows. It is true. Also the Bible tells me there will be plagues and wars upon wars. Also true. So I stay with the Word for I have found to be true. My parents passed away. My Mother had Alzheimer's and my Father emphysema. My wife had diabetes and died of heart failure. When young we have these dreams. Then reality comes in as we get older. Paul tells us to abide in Faith, Hope, and Charity. That is what I work on. There is still the battle of the flesh with the spirit. I resist and pray. Life is not a cakewalk for anyone. Take care.
It is supposed to be that way for the Christian. Paul said, "We groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our bodies" Romans 8:23. We are looking and hoping for something better. This world is full of sin and corruption.