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Communing With God at the Throne of His Love



Awhile back I started a thread on communing with the Triune God, which was pretty much dead in the water as are most threads that are about God and Christ and Him crucified. Nothing to fight about I guess. No fodder for the ego. This will probably go the same way. Yet there are some extraordinary and beautiful truths about God's love that I wish to share. All Christians know of His love and that He is love if they are familiar with the Bible. At the same time, we, and I include myself here, kind of slide right over that, immediately equating it with the same love that human's express on a horizontal level. In truth, God's love is expressed on every page in the things that are given, the bounty bestowed on us. And to be clear, this love of which I speak is not universal but is a unique love that He has for the saints, those in Christ. The same type of love He had for the Israelites uniquely over all other nations. It is covenant love. Love for His people.

This love that is God far surpasses anything we can imagine, or anything that we are able to give, cannot be defined or fully encompassed, by the limitations of our finiteness, for it is eternal and infinite. We can, however, perceive and experience this love in the things that He does, and the things He tells us. When we begin to get a glimpse of it and then enter into communion with Him, the communion of His love for us, not ours for Him, we can begin to enter into a different place in our relationship with Him and with our brethren, for it fills us to overflowing. I will not cover all of it in this first post, as it would be far too long, but God willing, will keep it alive and fleshed out, with further posts, even if no one responds. And hopefully the place love has with many, an imitation of what we think love is, by which primarily we end up meaning "be nice" and profess love for one another, will move into the real thing.

The love of the Father is a love that comes down to us. It begins with His love for us and this is what results in our love for Him. It is never the other way around---we love Him and as a result He loves us. This love of God is a love of choice, He chooses who to love, it is not the result of of us first choosing to love Him. At the same time, the believer can rest assured, if He has a love for God, that is because God has bestowed love upon Him. Too often we think, even if it is subconsciously, that we are doing God a favor by loving Him, and that in doing so, He will love us back. God gives us His love freely. It is our duty to return that love.

This love that God has for His people is like Himself. It is equal, constant, and incapable of growing larger or smaller. We love Him and others, like ourselves. Unequal, increasing and decreasing, growing, stagnating, declining. Even so, His love for us remains the same. The love God has for us is fruitful, a love of bounty. He sheds His love abroad in our hearts. (Romans 5:5). The love that the Father has for His people is the same perfect love that He has for the Son and the Holy Spirit in all eternity, and the same love that the Son has for the Father and the Holy Spirit, the same love that the Holy Spirit has for the Father and the Son. (John 17) That is the same love they have for the believer. (John 16:27; Psalm 36:7; Psalm 109:26) Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 1 John 4:9-10 This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."

When we enter into our prayers meditating on His love for us and ask for a greater understanding of this to enter our minds and be written upon our hearts, we can be assured He will hear and answer for it is to His glory and praise for us to recognize and appreciate this love. Chances are we will begin to see His love manifested on every page of the Bible. Col 1:9-14 For this reason since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of His holy people in the kingdom of light. For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

What manner of love is this! We are not the center of Christianity. God is. We are the fruit bearing plants in His garden. It is not to our glory, but to His glory. We----well we are the objects of His love. When we get that deep into our minds and hearts, the rest---fruit bearing, love for others, obedience to His imperatives for His children, will multiply after their own kind---the love God has bestowed upon us. And all we have to do is ask it of the One who in His love made it possible to go before His very throne of grace to receive---what? mercy in our time of need, which is always. And our King, in His love for us, holds our the "golden schepture" (metaphor from the book of Esther) and says, "Daughter/Son what do you desire. I will give it to you." Prayer is the means God has established for us to go before His throne. So ask. It is the robes of Christ's righteousness that He places on us in this great love He has for us that grants us entrance into the Holy of Holies.
Awhile back I started a thread on communing with the Triune God, which was pretty much dead in the water as are most threads that are about God and Christ and Him crucified. Nothing to fight about I guess. No fodder for the ego. This will probably go the same way. Yet there are some extraordinary and beautiful truths about God's love that I wish to share. All Christians know of His love and that He is love if they are familiar with the Bible. At the same time, we, and I include myself here, kind of slide right over that, immediately equating it with the same love that human's express on a horizontal level. In truth, God's love is expressed on every page in the things that are given, the bounty bestowed on us. And to be clear, this love of which I speak is not universal but is a unique love that He has for the saints, those in Christ. The same type of love He had for the Israelites uniquely over all other nations. It is covenant love. Love for His people.

This love that is God far surpasses anything we can imagine, or anything that we are able to give, cannot be defined or fully encompassed, by the limitations of our finiteness, for it is eternal and infinite. We can, however, perceive and experience this love in the things that He does, and the things He tells us. When we begin to get a glimpse of it and then enter into communion with Him, the communion of His love for us, not ours for Him, we can begin to enter into a different place in our relationship with Him and with our brethren, for it fills us to overflowing. I will not cover all of it in this first post, as it would be far too long, but God willing, will keep it alive and fleshed out, with further posts, even if no one responds. And hopefully the place love has with many, an imitation of what we think love is, by which primarily we end up meaning "be nice" and profess love for one another, will move into the real thing.

The love of the Father is a love that comes down to us. It begins with His love for us and this is what results in our love for Him. It is never the other way around---we love Him and as a result He loves us. This love of God is a love of choice, He chooses who to love, it is not the result of of us first choosing to love Him. At the same time, the believer can rest assured, if He has a love for God, that is because God has bestowed love upon Him. Too often we think, even if it is subconsciously, that we are doing God a favor by loving Him, and that in doing so, He will love us back. God gives us His love freely. It is our duty to return that love.

This love that God has for His people is like Himself. It is equal, constant, and incapable of growing larger or smaller. We love Him and others, like ourselves. Unequal, increasing and decreasing, growing, stagnating, declining. Even so, His love for us remains the same. The love God has for us is fruitful, a love of bounty. He sheds His love abroad in our hearts. (Romans 5:5). The love that the Father has for His people is the same perfect love that He has for the Son and the Holy Spirit in all eternity, and the same love that the Son has for the Father and the Holy Spirit, the same love that the Holy Spirit has for the Father and the Son. (John 17) That is the same love they have for the believer. (John 16:27; Psalm 36:7; Psalm 109:26) Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 1 John 4:9-10 This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."

When we enter into our prayers meditating on His love for us and ask for a greater understanding of this to enter our minds and be written upon our hearts, we can be assured He will hear and answer for it is to His glory and praise for us to recognize and appreciate this love. Chances are we will begin to see His love manifested on every page of the Bible. Col 1:9-14 For this reason since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of His holy people in the kingdom of light. For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

What manner of love is this! We are not the center of Christianity. God is. We are the fruit bearing plants in His garden. It is not to our glory, but to His glory. We----well we are the objects of His love. When we get that deep into our minds and hearts, the rest---fruit bearing, love for others, obedience to His imperatives for His children, will multiply after their own kind---the love God has bestowed upon us. And all we have to do is ask it of the One who in His love made it possible to go before His very throne of grace to receive---what? mercy in our time of need, which is always. And our King, in His love for us, holds our the "golden schepture" (metaphor from the book of Esther) and says, "Daughter/Son what do you desire. I will give it to you." Prayer is the means God has established for us to go before His throne. So ask. It is the robes of Christ's righteousness that He places on us in this great love He has for us that grants us entrance into the Holy of Holies.
IMHO . . . The reason most of the threads you open up have no responses is not due to the subject matter but due to the sheer length of the OP.
IMHO . . . The reason most of the threads you open up have no responses is not due to the subject matter but due to the sheer length of the OP.
And I imagine those same people may also view seeking God and understanding in the Bible the same way. The pursuit of God and gaining in the knowledge of God suffering in the process. Generations of "right now" and "keep it short and super simple so as not to tax my mind" populating the world and Christ's church. And yet almost all will say they come here to learn from others as one of their purposes in being here. It is very, very sad. The OP is not what I would call long. Skimming a subject as important as the things of God does no one any favors.
And I imagine those same people may also view seeking God and understanding in the Bible the same way. The pursuit of God and gaining in the knowledge of God suffering in the process. Generations of "right now" and "keep it short and super simple so as not to tax my mind" populating the world and Christ's church. And yet almost all will say they come here to learn from others as one of their purposes in being here. It is very, very sad. The OP is not what I would call long. Skimming a subject as important as the things of God does no one any favors.
Well, since I am the one who responded, I will assume that "those same people" would include me! I spend quite a bit of time seeking God and growing in knowledge to gain understanding. I agree with most of what you posted, I'm just not sure just what kind of dialog you wanted in response. You basically prepared and posted a sermon!
Well, since I am the one who responded, I will assume that "those same people" would include me! I spend quite a bit of time seeking God and growing in knowledge to gain understanding. I agree with most of what you posted, I'm just not sure just what kind of dialog you wanted in response. You basically prepared and posted a sermon!
Off topic. Discuss the OP not me. And so what If I did post what you call a sermon? A bit of fresh air would do the forum some good instead of all this fighting. It is if people can't fight about something they have nothing to say and nothing to care about.
Off topic. Discuss the OP not me. And so what If I did post what you call a sermon? A bit of fresh air would do the forum some good instead of all this fighting. It is if people can't fight about something they have nothing to say and nothing to care about.
Quote: "I agree with most of what you posted, I'm just not sure just what kind of dialog you wanted in response." - I don't see that as being argumentative nor anything else that I posted. Just never mind . . .

- Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I hate you
Quote: "I agree with most of what you posted, I'm just not sure just what kind of dialog you wanted in response." - I don't see that as being argumentative nor anything else that I posted. Just never mind . . .

- Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I hate you
I didn't say you were arguing. I didn't say anything personally about you at all. If you have something to say about the OP besides it is too long, and you mostly agree, then do so by all means.
What came to mind is that "God is love."

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them" (1 John 4:16).
If we could set aside for one day, one hour, even one minute in our prayer and meditation on and in the word, all of the things we so often argue over, and that surely carry over into a time that should be spent in the presence of the Lord, would our lives and our walk with Him change? If we just forget trying to define the Trinity or whether we believe in such a thing and all the whys and wherefores of whatever view we take, and the same with is predestination true or false, and just stick with what we see of God in the Bible and worship Him accordingly, what might we discover? We know as regards to the Trinity, that three critical words are used. Father, Son, Holy Spirit and we see the activity associated with each. Worship then according to what they do and see the love that is involved to usward.

We know that the Father sent Jesus, (love for us) and Jesus came willingly, for the sole purpose of completing God's perfect righteousness as one of us,(Jesus' love for the Father) so that He could substitute His life for ours, (His love for us) dying the death of a sinner, and taking our sins just punishment in His own body, facing God's wrath for us, that we might wear HIs robes of righteousness, snatching us out of the kingdom of darkness, bringing us into HIs kingdom, and the Father adopts us as His own children. We know that He yet lives, keeping us safe from the enemy that would try and condemn us again. Love for us, His love for the Father, the Father's love for Him, giving us to Him as fragrant and fruitful delights for Him.

We know that both the Son and the Father pour out the Holy Spirit upon us, that He even indwells us. He seals us in Christ forever. He teaches us, sanctifies us through His word of truth, comforts us, defends us, intercedes for us in prayer always according to the will of the Father. Love for us and the Holy Spirit's love for the Father and the Son, and theirs for Him.

If when we commune with God in prayer and are heard by God, (a privilege that is pure and undiluted love for us, for without Him we are destitute and without hope) we set our hearts and our minds and our worship with thanksgiving, and having first done this, then bring our supplications before Him, might we find that our perspective has shifted and we are filled with love for Him because we see now His great love for us. It has filled us and is everything, might we discover in our supplications that faith and trust in Him has increased? Might we even find out that our first and foremost supplication is for His grace and His mercy, for understanding and wisdom, to know Him better and love Him more? Might we discover just how poor and needy and wretched and small we are, and yet enfolded in His love for us, and how He has loved us always? He loved us personally, long before we knew Him, long before we came to Christ, and yet, when Christ hung on that cross He knew us each by name and everything about us, and still His love was so great for us He faced the wrath of God for us, that we might be with Him where He is.
Awhile back I started a thread on communing with the Triune God, which was pretty much dead in the water as are most threads that are about God and Christ and Him crucified. Nothing to fight about I guess. No fodder for the ego. This will probably go the same way. Yet there are some extraordinary and beautiful truths about God's love that I wish to share. All Christians know of His love and that He is love if they are familiar with the Bible. At the same time, we, and I include myself here, kind of slide right over that, immediately equating it with the same love that human's express on a horizontal level. In truth, God's love is expressed on every page in the things that are given, the bounty bestowed on us. And to be clear, this love of which I speak is not universal but is a unique love that He has for the saints, those in Christ. The same type of love He had for the Israelites uniquely over all other nations. It is covenant love. Love for His people.

This love that is God far surpasses anything we can imagine, or anything that we are able to give, cannot be defined or fully encompassed, by the limitations of our finiteness, for it is eternal and infinite. We can, however, perceive and experience this love in the things that He does, and the things He tells us. When we begin to get a glimpse of it and then enter into communion with Him, the communion of His love for us, not ours for Him, we can begin to enter into a different place in our relationship with Him and with our brethren, for it fills us to overflowing. I will not cover all of it in this first post, as it would be far too long, but God willing, will keep it alive and fleshed out, with further posts, even if no one responds. And hopefully the place love has with many, an imitation of what we think love is, by which primarily we end up meaning "be nice" and profess love for one another, will move into the real thing.

The love of the Father is a love that comes down to us. It begins with His love for us and this is what results in our love for Him. It is never the other way around---we love Him and as a result He loves us. This love of God is a love of choice, He chooses who to love, it is not the result of of us first choosing to love Him. At the same time, the believer can rest assured, if He has a love for God, that is because God has bestowed love upon Him. Too often we think, even if it is subconsciously, that we are doing God a favor by loving Him, and that in doing so, He will love us back. God gives us His love freely. It is our duty to return that love.

This love that God has for His people is like Himself. It is equal, constant, and incapable of growing larger or smaller. We love Him and others, like ourselves. Unequal, increasing and decreasing, growing, stagnating, declining. Even so, His love for us remains the same. The love God has for us is fruitful, a love of bounty. He sheds His love abroad in our hearts. (Romans 5:5). The love that the Father has for His people is the same perfect love that He has for the Son and the Holy Spirit in all eternity, and the same love that the Son has for the Father and the Holy Spirit, the same love that the Holy Spirit has for the Father and the Son. (John 17) That is the same love they have for the believer. (John 16:27; Psalm 36:7; Psalm 109:26) Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 1 John 4:9-10 This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."

When we enter into our prayers meditating on His love for us and ask for a greater understanding of this to enter our minds and be written upon our hearts, we can be assured He will hear and answer for it is to His glory and praise for us to recognize and appreciate this love. Chances are we will begin to see His love manifested on every page of the Bible. Col 1:9-14 For this reason since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of His holy people in the kingdom of light. For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

What manner of love is this! We are not the center of Christianity. God is. We are the fruit bearing plants in His garden. It is not to our glory, but to His glory. We----well we are the objects of His love. When we get that deep into our minds and hearts, the rest---fruit bearing, love for others, obedience to His imperatives for His children, will multiply after their own kind---the love God has bestowed upon us. And all we have to do is ask it of the One who in His love made it possible to go before His very throne of grace to receive---what? mercy in our time of need, which is always. And our King, in His love for us, holds our the "golden schepture" (metaphor from the book of Esther) and says, "Daughter/Son what do you desire. I will give it to you." Prayer is the means God has established for us to go before His throne. So ask. It is the robes of Christ's righteousness that He places on us in this great love He has for us that grants us entrance into the Holy of Holies.
Great OP @Arial and I agree that God loves us first, before we love Him. Many people struggle with "love", the concept of love and perhaps every person has a different idea of what love is. As you said, in our finite existence we can barely get a glimpse, or a small part of what God's love for us truly is.

Everything good is to God's glory and praise. Thanks for pouring your heart out in your posts and glorifying God as you do.