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Calvinism: No Justification, No Reconciliation, No Judgment

This is what you first said that I denied.

Yes, cannons of Dort say that. The Bible says that: Eph 1:5, so I believe it. It is further solidified in many verses, but I will give a few.
Eph 1:11; Romans 11:5-6; Romans 9:15-16; Romans 8:33; Romans 8:28-30; 2 Thess 2:13; 1 Peter 1:2; Psalm 65:4;
To believe that God chose some certain persons to salvation and damned the rest to hell is to believe that God is unjust. To believe that God is unjust means that you cannot trust in him. This is why Calvinism is self-defeating and is a first-class ticket to hell.
Everyone has been provided with mercy and grace by the doing and the dying of Jesus, Hebrews 2:9.
That is the Pelagius heresy. It is also largely adopted by the Catholics who you also hate and pronounce the judgment of everlasting hell on (as though it was you and not Jesus who was appointed to that position.)
If you were saved by grace through faith, you would not need Calvinism. You have perverted your faith with Calvinism.
If you believed what the Bible says about election and predestination, you wouldn't need Pelagius in order to reduce your salvation to your own free will.
I, on the other hand do not need Calvinism. It is you who make that claim about me, in order to manufacture some condemnation, you think will stick. But when thought about (I know incredibly painful and best avoided) is a nonsensical claim. I simply find that what is in Calvinism, which btw, includes all the tenants and doctrines of Christianity, so when you call it perverted you also condemn yourself, is the same as what I see for myself in scripture. Some of us are actually capable of understanding what is in scripture and make it all come out entirely consistent without having to do dance steps on some of it, in order to maintain a God whose image we can accept and worship. Some of us are actually able to accept, love, and worship Him and know Him, as He is. Genuinely sorry you can't.
To believe that God chose some certain persons to salvation and damned the rest to hell is to believe that God is unjust. To believe that God is unjust means that you cannot trust in him. This is why Calvinism is self-defeating and is a first-class ticket to hell.
To call anything God does unjust simply because you can't accept it and take it upon yourself to define for Him what is just and unjust, ought to terrify you and cause you to beg for mercy in repentance, and even, if you could, find an ounce of courage in your free will, ask Him to show you who He is, even if you don't like it. If you were to do so, you would also need to ask for the strength to endure it. Your view of God would make but a single drop in His fullness.
To believe that God chose some certain persons to salvation and damned the rest to hell is to believe that God is unjust. To believe that God is unjust means that you cannot trust in him. This is why Calvinism is self-defeating and is a first-class ticket to hell.
You know RP much of what you say should cause you to shudder at your own audacity and the way in which you so casually usurp Christ as the Judge of the living and the dead. But it doesn't. Even after you have been corrected, and corrected through the imperatives of scripture, you continue on in it unabashed. This is evidence of a couple of things.
1. It could be there is no Holy Spirit operating in your life. (I am not suggesting this, just pointing some things out.)
2. You have so seared your conscience with your arrogance and pride, and plain blind, self-preserving stubbornness, that you can no longer hear Him.

The Holy Spirit says in HIs word that Christ is the judge of the living and the dead.
He says in His word, 1 Cor 3:12-15 Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw---each ones work will be made manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done, If the work that anyone has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward, If anyone's work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire.

He says in 1 John 4:20 If anyone says, "I love God," but hates his brother, he is a liar. for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.

1 Peter 1:22 Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart.

You have no legitimate reason to not consider the Calvinist a brother in Christ, only your opinions and slander. And here is what the Holy Spirit says about that. James 3:13-18.
To call anything God does unjust simply because you can't accept it and take it upon yourself to define for Him what is just and unjust, ought to terrify you and cause you to beg for mercy in repentance, and even, if you could, find an ounce of courage in your free will, ask Him to show you who He is, even if you don't like it. If you were to do so, you would also need to ask for the strength to endure it. Your view of God would make but a single drop in His fullness.
Your Calvinist God is unjust. The God of the Bible is not unjust.

The God of the Bible "Is longsuffering towards us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" 2 Peter 3:9.
Your Calvinist God is unjust. The God of the Bible is not unjust.

The God of the Bible "Is longsuffering towards us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" 2 Peter 3:9.
That is still you having the gall to define for God what is just and unjust, in spite of having been warned time and again, that this is what you are doing. Measuring the Almighty God by your puny self, and how that means you are creating a God of your own imagination.

2Peter 3:9. "is longsuffering towards US, (Peter is speaking to Christians) not willing that any (of us. Those elect in future time) should perish." This would make the passage consistent with the other truths of the Bible, ("called," "chosen," "chosen before the foundation of the world," "predestined," "elect,") not to mention the very character and attributes of God that show Him to be sovereign and governing all things. And though there are passages in scripture that show man has a will and that he freely makes choices, there are none that say his will is free, and that in this freedom is quite capable of choosing God. If he didn't have a sin nature he could, but that is not the case. He loves his sin much more than he loves God, and it is this very bondage of his will that WILL NOT choose God, unless he is reborn in Christ, and that by the Holy Spirit. John 3.
That is still you having the gall to define for God what is just and unjust, in spite of having been warned time and again, that this is what you are doing. Measuring the Almighty God by your puny self, and how that means you are creating a God of your own imagination.

2Peter 3:9. "is longsuffering towards US, (Peter is speaking to Christians) not willing that any (of us. Those elect in future time) should perish." This would make the passage consistent with the other truths of the Bible, ("called," "chosen," "chosen before the foundation of the world," "predestined," "elect,") not to mention the very character and attributes of God that show Him to be sovereign and governing all things. And though there are passages in scripture that show man has a will and that he freely makes choices, there are none that say his will is free, and that in this freedom is quite capable of choosing God. If he didn't have a sin nature he could, but that is not the case. He loves his sin much more than he loves God, and it is this very bondage of his will that WILL NOT choose God, unless he is reborn in Christ, and that by the Holy Spirit. John 3.
Where in the Bible does it say that man lost his free will? Adam didn't lose his free will, what he lost was his relationship with God. God chose Jesus to be the savior of the world before the foundation of the world, Ephesians 1:4. You continue to try and prove that God is a respecter of persons. God chose all of humanity in Jesus Christ, not individuals. No one has been predestinated, that would make God unjust and unrighteous. God is not unjust or unrighteous. What is unjust and unrighteous is your Calvinist religion.
Where in the Bible does it say that man lost his free will
It never says man had free will. Show me where it does. So there would be no point in saying he lost it. Free will is a manufactured, meaningless,, and absurd phrase.
Adam didn't lose his free will, what he lost was his relationship with God.
He lost his innocence. At his inception he could choose to obey God or not and he chose not. As a result all the rest of us have the propensity and desire to sin in our very nature. That is the very bondage Jesus came to remove. And Adam didn't lose his relationship with God, but it changed. After all, God clothed Adam and Eve in animal skins---the very first shadowing of Christ.
You continue to try and prove that God is a respecter of persons.
I am not trying to prove anything. As we have already gone over and I have clearly shown you, that passage you use to disprove predestination is talking about something else entirely. It is talking about the gospel going to the Gentiles, and with no respect as to a person's nationality, ethnicity, place of birth or residence, situation in life, or anything else. This was demonstrated by a Gentile receiving the same Holy Spirit as the Jews at Pentecost, the very thing that prompted the statement by Peter. But---sigh---you can't imagine yourself ever being wrong and certainly would never admit it.
God chose all of humanity in Jesus Christ, not individuals
If God chose all humanity to be in Christ, then all humanity would be in Christ. If not, you are saying that God is a failure. And even worse, that Jesus is---He died in vain in that case.
No one has been predestinated, that would make God unjust and unrighteous. God is not unjust or unrighteous. What is unjust and unrighteous is your Calvinist religion.
Then you deny much of the Bible. You deny that God is who He says He is. You replace Him with a God that you measure by your own standards. You are constantly shaking your fist at Him.
It never says man had free will. Show me where it does. So there would be no point in saying he lost it. Free will is a manufactured, meaningless,, and absurd phrase.

He lost his innocence. At his inception he could choose to obey God or not and he chose not. As a result all the rest of us have the propensity and desire to sin in our very nature. That is the very bondage Jesus came to remove. And Adam didn't lose his relationship with God, but it changed. After all, God clothed Adam and Eve in animal skins---the very first shadowing of Christ.

I am not trying to prove anything. As we have already gone over and I have clearly shown you, that passage you use to disprove predestination is talking about something else entirely. It is talking about the gospel going to the Gentiles, and with no respect as to a person's nationality, ethnicity, place of birth or residence, situation in life, or anything else. This was demonstrated by a Gentile receiving the same Holy Spirit as the Jews at Pentecost, the very thing that prompted the statement by Peter. But---sigh---you can't imagine yourself ever being wrong and certainly would never admit it.

If God chose all humanity to be in Christ, then all humanity would be in Christ. If not, you are saying that God is a failure. And even worse, that Jesus is---He died in vain in that case.

Then you deny much of the Bible. You deny that God is who He says He is. You replace Him with a God that you measure by your own standards. You are constantly shaking your fist at Him.
All of that and 0 scripture.

Adam was created with a free will. He chose to sin against God.

Adam was kicked out of the Garden and lost his relationship with God, God withdrew his Spirit from Adam and Eve, Genesis 3:24. God does not fellowship with sinners.

All of humanity is not in Christ, because all of humanity does not want to be in Christ. Salvation has been provided for everyone, Hebrews 29.

People are saved by hearing and believing the Gospel, Romans 10:17. Not by being predestinated.

The God that you believe in is not in the Bible, it is the God of John Calvin.