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Born again - Before, or After, the Call?

Whatever you want—he won't notice. ;)

That's the proverbial joke with a thousand punchlines.


May I tell a story? I love parables and allegory, metaphor and prose. I think truth is best delivered in small story form bottles. Message in a bottle, as the song goes. (I love songs too).

A Drunken Tale---

There was a neighborhood pub in a small corner of the world....


Among its regular customers there were folks of every stripe, color and creed. On one particular night, while by no means the only occasion-- as patrons were imbibing spirits, the open door invited an unsavory guest. He was familiar to all, and often rubbed people the wrong way. Drunk and belligerent on arrival- he rankled the regulars immediately. He would spit insults, mock and malign guests for whatever offense he imagined, or none at all.... He was just in everyone's face, no matter the topic of conversation- he had an opinion to share and a point of view that could never be challenged because he would simply shout louder and longer until folks grew exasperated.

-It should be said that the place was full of folks- each with their own degree of intoxication which of course compounded the problem and made civil dialogue difficult at the best of times. The more folks drank, the more opinionated each would become, and the more argumentative they became, the visitor would roil them up with ease. As the evening wore on, the visitor took advantage of the situation and he would shuffle and bump his way along the bar, picking the pockets of the drunk customers.

He wasn't graceful in the least. He was as drunk as anyone there, but in such states no one even noticed that this fool was snatching their wallets and purses alike. A drunk robbing drunks.

But the owner of the establishment took notice. He was sober as a judge. It's easy enough for a drunk to rob a drunk-- but to a sober man, he looks like a stumbling, bumbling idiot. So clumsy and obvious in his efforts to take what he has no rights to, simply because folks were unaware, asleep and yes-- quite drunk. A drunk should never attempt to rob a sober man-- he will be found out, exposed, discouraged or done in by the watchful and awakened man. So he was shown the door and told not to come back until he was willing and able to properly behave.

They found him in the street-- his belly shaved with a rusty razor.... early in the morning.
They found him in the street-- his belly shaved with a rusty razor.... early in the morning.
A little research revealed that is from a Sea Shanty.

What will we do with a drunken sailor?
What will we do with a drunken sailor?
What will we do with a drunken sailor?
Ear-ly in the morning!

Shave his belly with a rusty razor
Shave his belly with a rusty razor
Shave his belly with a rusty razor
Ear-ly in the morning!

Put him in the bed with the captain’s daughter
Put him in the bed with the captain’s daughter
Put him in the bed with the captain’s daughter
Ear-ly in the morning!
