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Another Root Of The New Moses Theme: Ps 106.



Ps 106 retells the failures of Israel in the desert and then refers to Moses as mediator/intercessor in the gap, v23, to spare them.

The Acts 3:22 passage uses the theme of the New Moses in Christ and says that if the people do not listen to the New Moses, they will be degradingly cast out. So we can say that all through the 40 year generation, there is an appeal to Israel to obey the New Moses (Christ) and save themselves from 'this wicked generation' and from the ugly destruction of the Jewish revolt.

This is repeated in Heb 6, which warns that if the people do not heed the voice of God they will perish, and that the land will be burned. The 'great salvation' was to spare them of this, as warned from heaven, and the burning of the land was the 'Great War' of 66+.
Jesus of Nazareth, the new Moses. I didn’t make it up.

Obey Jesus Christ, the new Moses. An old but relevant theme.