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A man carrying a pitcher of water

“Simply put, a prophet is someone chosen by God to speak for God. Their job, whatever the time period or tidings, was to accurately impart His message. Men and women called to this task came from differing backgrounds, personalities and levels of social status. But what they all had in common was a heart for God, an anointing to hear from Him, amd the faithfulness to impart His message to others.”

A prophet is someone who isn’t God.

I think the first usage in scripture is where God tells Moses that he will be like God to Pharaoh and that Aaron will be his prophet--- inspired man/spokesman.

It was because Moses didn't 'talk so good.' So God gave him an inspired spokesperson to convey the message. But why? Why didn't God just say-- Moses? I'm going to inspire you so that you will be my spokesperson/prophet and you will deliver my messages/word to Pharaoh?

Ever wonder about that? Instead, God speaks to Moses- and Moses speaks 'as God' and then it is Aaron who speaks the words of Moses to Pharaoh. And this is what they did..... they presented themselves to Pharaoh as God and prophet.
I think the first usage in scripture is where God tells Moses that he will be like God to Pharaoh and that Aaron will be his prophet--- inspired man/spokesman.

It was because Moses didn't 'talk so good.' So God gave him an inspired spokesperson to convey the message. But why? Why didn't God just say-- Moses? I'm going to inspire you so that you will be my spokesperson/prophet and you will deliver my messages/word to Pharaoh?

Ever wonder about that? Instead, God speaks to Moses- and Moses speaks 'as God' and then it is Aaron who speaks the words of Moses to Pharaoh. And this is what they did..... they presented themselves to Pharaoh as God and prophet.

Like Moses, Jesus also is presented to us as God and prophet in scripture. The Jewish concept of agency resolves the issue in my mind.

The God of Moses is the also the God of Jesus.