• Welcome to White Horse Forums. We ask that you would please take a moment to introduce yourself in the New Members section. Tell us a bit about yourself and dive in!

I'm Wynona


Hey, it's nice to land here.

I'm a wife and homemaker with a baby girl and baby boy on the way. My husband and I aren't affiliated with a church denomination but we love Scripture.

We got through 1 Cor this morning.

Ive always loved reading and writing and feel passionate about Titus 2:3-5 ministry and cultural politics.
Hey, it's nice to land here.

I'm a wife and homemaker with a baby girl and baby boy on the way. My husband and I aren't affiliated with a church denomination but we love Scripture.

We got through 1 Cor this morning.

Ive always loved reading and writing and feel passionate about Titus 2:3-5 ministry and cultural politics.

Welcome to White Horse Wynona!
Hey, it's nice to land here.

I'm a wife and homemaker with a baby girl and baby boy on the way. My husband and I aren't affiliated with a church denomination but we love Scripture.

We got through 1 Cor this morning.

Ive always loved reading and writing and feel passionate about Titus 2:3-5 ministry and cultural politics.

What do you view as 'cultural politics?' I had to google it.... and found this description.

Cultural politics refers to the tactics and strategies used by social groups, both powerful and oppressed, to express their views of the world.
What do you view as 'cultural politics?' I had to google it.... and found this description.

Cultural politics refers to the tactics and strategies used by social groups, both powerful and oppressed, to express their views of the world.
Oh I meant I like thinking about certain movements having to do with gender and race in light of Scripture and Christian values.
Trad Wives, Red Pill, MGTOW, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Feminism, Dadvocates, Biblical Patriarchy

That's quite a spectrum! Each with cultural/political perspectives that may or may not align with scripture and/or Christian values. Feel free to start a topic on any or all.
Greetings Wynona.
I'm St. SteVen on the other forum. I should warn you that I was banned from there for coming over here. I hope that doesn't happen to you. Best not to say anything at the other forum about this one. To my surprise, they invited me back. But I was blocked initially with no explanation or discussion.

No warning, no discussion. Blocked from entry. (just like CF)
Went to check my messages and got this instead:

Oops! We ran into some problems.​

You have been banned for the following reason: Violation of forum rules..

Greetings Wynona.
I'm St. SteVen on the other forum. I should warn you that I was banned from there for coming over here. I hope that doesn't happen to you. Best not to say anything at the other forum about this one. To my surprise, they invited me back. But I was blocked initially with no explanation or discussion.

No warning, no discussion. Blocked from entry. (just like CF)
Went to check my messages and got this instead:

Oops! We ran into some problems.​

You have been banned for the following reason: Violation of forum rules..


It’s quite silly and petty.

I take a different approach entirely. If there’s some place that suits you better, or someplace that offers different or better conversations— go there! Or go there and here!

Different stokes for different folks.

In fact, I’ll create a thread in Cowboy Coffee with links to alternative forums. People can add any that they know about and enjoy.
Hey, it's nice to land here.

I'm a wife and homemaker with a baby girl and baby boy on the way. My husband and I aren't affiliated with a church denomination but we love Scripture.

We got through 1 Cor this morning.

Ive always loved reading and writing and feel passionate about Titus 2:3-5 ministry and cultural politics.
Hello Wynona!
Welcome to White Horse :)
In some of your posts below between your good self and Mr E (@Mr E ) you mentioned your interest in gender studies: quite a broad spectrum of study!
I appreciate that willingness to read as much of the ideations right to left and left to right.
Oh, at first (where are my manners): congratulations on your babies on the way! I am a Papa of two girls, and it is both a joy and enriching experience.
I believe I am the resident leftie- either self appointed or whispered by others so :)
I really hope to have some good debate with you... I am in the South of the World and when I first started posting on American theological forums I felt like a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs!
I really wish there was no need for 'cultural war and its politics'; and inclusivity was the primal signifier.
Massive blessings to you sister.