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Seven questions

I meant a deep dive in Hebrews 10 - not your contempt for the attributes of God you do not like.

Hebrews 10 reiterates Stephen’s testimony about Moses’ misunderstanding of God. For which they (those who followed Moses) stoned him.

I can point you to it, but I can’t make you see it.

Sometimes I point at things and all people see is my finger.
I guess you don't want to start a thread about Hebrews 10. So be it.

Are you saying you don’t know how to start a thread?

I’d be happy to start a thread teaching you how that is accomplished. Then and there, you could follow through on your own suggestion.
Are you saying you don’t know how to start a thread?
No. I complimented you that you made such a good point about Hebrews 10 that it deserved its own thread. Rather than start one, you posted an existing thread on a different topic. As I said, so be it.
I can explain it for you but I cannot understand it for you.

Your orientation is backwards. Everything is off because of this. Your weakness and failure is not the same as the weakness and failure of another person. Supposing so is psychological projection. Capisci?
Mi dispiciace, ma non capisco. True it is that A's weakness and failure is not B's weakness and failure. The question on the table, however, is about
It is not that God is offended but you are insolent. Grasp the distinction?
and a relevant distinction between our insolence and offending God by that insolence.
God is going to kill you for the sin of pride, your insolence. The focus or orientation should be inward. Namely, change your insolent tune so as to survive.

The focus or orientation should not be on how God feels about your sin. Namely, does he feel offended. Such outward focus or orientation will not improve your fate. Capisci?
God is going to kill you for the sin of pride, your insolence. The focus or orientation should be inward. Namely, change your insolent tune so as to survive.

The focus or orientation should not be on how God feels about your sin. Namely, does he feel offended. Such outward focus or orientation will not improve your fate. Capisci?

Warning point issued. We simply aren't going to do this here.
God is going to kill you for the sin of pride, your insolence. The focus or orientation should be inward. Namely, change your insolent tune so as to survive.

The focus or orientation should not be on how God feels about your sin. Namely, does he feel offended. Such outward focus or orientation will not improve your fate. Capisci?
I give a new commandment to you: “Love one another; just as I have loved you, you should also love one another.” (John 13: 34)
Dude, brother: error on the side of love.
God is going to kill you for the sin of pride, your insolence. The focus or orientation should be inward. Namely, change your insolent tune so as to survive.

The focus or orientation should not be on how God feels about your sin. Namely, does he feel offended. Such outward focus or orientation will not improve your fate. Capisci?
We've gone from God the Father to The Godfather.
