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Seven questions

What does a "good" God look like? Do I get to define goodness for God? Thinking I get to, or can, is one of the fundamental problems with religion. Perhaps God is "good" in precisely the way Islamic jihadists define him. Perhaps he/she/it is good in some way entirely outside my human frame of reference.
I keep coming back to what God expects from us. Assuming the Bible is a fair gauge of that. Godliness.
I makes no sense to me that God would operate under a lower standard than he expects of us.

For example, the "love your enemies" revelation that Jesus gives is in Matthew 5 referred to as Godly behavior.
"Be perfect. as your Father is perfect." (from memory) Therefore, what should God do with HIS enemies?
Unless he operates under a lower standard than he holds us to.

You may balk at that statement, but what does our god-given human conscience tell us?

It appears to me you're looking for people to confirm your personal notion that "No, the God of Christianity as I conceive Him to be would not punish me for asking hard questions." The fact you feel the need to start all these threads suggests to me you lack confidence in your own beliefs and they aren't bringing you the peace of mind that deep religious convictions should bring.
No, I don't look to others to confirm my beliefs.
I look to challenge theirs.

I don't think I lack confidence in my own beliefs. (test me)
The forum is helpful to formulate what I believe. Writing helps me to solidify my thoughts.
Whether it looks that way or not.

I'd like that explanation as well. I've never seen insolence that wasn't offensive.
It reminds me of when a toddler tells you they hate you.
Any parent with a stable view knows that they are upset and don't take offense at it.

The reaction says more about the parent than the child.

Now apply that to God.
The reaction says more about the parent than the child.

What does it say about God if he reacts negatively to insolence?

"Grasp the distinction?" - @Wrangler

It is not that God is offended but you are insolent. Grasp the distinction?

No, but you can explain. If you would be so kind. Thanks.

I can explain it for you but I cannot understand it for you.

Your orientation is backwards. Everything is off because of this. Your weakness and failure is not the same as the weakness and failure of another person. Supposing so is psychological projection. Capisci?

In my life, I am extremely emotionally controlled. While my feelings are not hurt, I recognize the evil intent in others whose intention is to hurt my feelings. While I am not hurt, I act on their evil intention to hurt. This reaction on my part is never what the person hoped for. My actions are therefore, always 2 steps ahead of such miscreants. Rather than pause for self reflection, they are consumed by their own venom.

That God can take a punch has nothing to do with your intention to punch him. This is easy to understand, if you want to.
What does it say about God if he reacts negatively to insolence?
Your posts double down on your petulance! He aint taking no shit from nobody - nor should he. It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Hebrews 10:31

There is a reason that fear is the beginning of wisdom. Proverbs 9:10 A God who need not be feared is not a God worth worshipping. The whole point of him being the LORD of Heaven's Armies is that he can defeat anyone. It's not that you have no chance to defeat him, it is your failure to submit to him that has ZERO tolerance in his kingdom. ZERO tolerance.

Insolence is not love. We have the burden to love God. What does it say about God if he reacts negatively to insolence? It says he is Holy. Submit or die. The choice is yours. He wants you to choose wisely.

The question is why are you pushing to see how much disdain you can heep on your Creator? This mindset, this orientation is not love. Failing to love God with all your heart, all your mind and all you strength is your failure. Your failure is not his failure.
Your posts double down on your petulance! He aint taking no shit from nobody - nor should he. It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Hebrews 10:31

There is a reason that fear is the beginning of wisdom. Proverbs 9:10 A God who need not be feared is not a God worth worshipping. The whole point of him being the LORD of Heaven's Armies is that he can defeat anyone. It's not that you have no chance to defeat him, it is your failure to submit to him that has ZERO tolerance in his kingdom. ZERO tolerance.
You are describing Yahweh as a tyrant. (with biblical defense)

You are describing Yahweh as a tyrant. (with biblical defense)
He is the law. A tyrant goes outside the law.

Heaven is not a democracy, where majority - or you rule. It is an absolute dictatorship where YHWH rules - but delegated rule of his kingdom to his Anointed.

It’s his universe; you are just living in it. Welcome to reality.
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Your posts double down on your petulance! He aint taking no shit from nobody - nor should he. It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Hebrews 10:31

Have you read Hebrews 10 and taken a moment to consider the context?

The whole conversation is about the uselessness of the idea that God demands sacrifice and blood. It's nonsense. But that is "the fear" of God that Moses taught. That God is jealous, vengeful, angry and that He must be pacified with the killing of sheep and goats to avoid His wrath.

Hebrews says that's what Moses gave us, and it's ridiculous. Remember it was through the Law, that Jesus blood was shed.