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Seven questions

I think it makes him look obsessional to the point of weirdness

My "concern," to use the term loosely, would be more in the vein of what's going on in @SteVen's life and inside his head
This post is a case study in how NOT to reach out to one whose behavior appears somewhat troubled.

Ever hear of the Bible? Does it counsel on such matters?

If Your Brother Sins Against You
15 “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. 17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.

Matthew 18:15-17

But what is the sin? Intolerance on your part, methinks.
Except for your positive and enlightening diatribes, of course. :censored:
But wait - you sternly informed me I had been relegated to Ignore. Are you a liar or a phony or both? I vote for both, not to menton supercilious, self-important a-hole, but maybe that's just me.
This post is a case study in how NOT to reach out to one whose behavior appears somewhat troubled.
So not only have you made the same point about @SteVen in the past, even citing me in the process, but now in chiding me you kindly characterize him as appearing "somewhat troubled."
You are a piece of work, projecting deficiency of oneself onto God.

It is not that God is offended but you are insolent. Grasp the distinction?
An example of your own "positive and enlightening" responses to @SteVen. What an absurd clown you are.

Here ya go, even more from you to @SteVen:
I hope this post helps and that you pray over what I've written here. I think you are going through something that needs more than online friends posting supportively. You need the Fruit of the Spirit - as we all do.

Do you know that verse where Jesus says he will give the weary rest? I think that's what you need. I think it was @O'Darby III who also commented about the restlessness in your soul for starting so many threads. (I'm paraphrasing).
Yep, you're a nutcase. For only a handful of participants, the nutcases seem to be over-represented here. At least @SteVen means well, is genial and seems to be sincere.
Well, good, I'm glad you appreciate it. I think it makes him look obsessional to the point of weirdness, but perhaps that's just me. When the first page of a supposed forum with no more than a handful of participants has 90% of the threads started by one individual, it strikes me as a bit weird. My "concern," to use the term loosely, would be more in the vein of what's going on in @SteVen's life and inside his head than any "butthurt" on my part. From your standpoint, I can see that without @SteVen you'd have a Rather Dead forum.

When you were a lawyer, and someone needed a lawyer- I presume you were in the book.

If someone needs a psychoanalyst, I assume you are not.
When you were a lawyer, and someone needed a lawyer- I presume you were in the book.

If someone needs a psychoanalyst, I assume you are not.
Good Lord, does @SteVen have compromising photos of you and a baby moose? I simply made an observation that the lovely and talented @Wrangler had previously made as well. Perhaps you need to do some house-cleaning and start fresh?

As I've said, the psychology and dynamics of internet forums has long been one of my pet interests, and I have indeed read the available professional literature. I do not purport to be a psychoanalyst, nor am I suggesting Brother @SteVen needs one.
So glad I put him on ignore.

It's rather comical to me when folks champion their own right to free speech (that other site banned me!) and then come in here where folks can put forward any idea they like- and whine and complain about how some ideas (they don't agree with i.e 'we never landed on the moon') should not be talked about and if it is????? I quit!.

See ya.
Religion and theology don't lend themselves easily to empiricism.
I said more generally experience. We can expand on the meaning of it. However, one powerful fact is most people are the religion they experienced growing up.