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Defining the godhead - an open discussion on Unitarianism, Binitarianism and Trinitarianism

The monotheistic Christian doctrine that defines God as three divine persons or hypostases
(Greek — plural: ὑποστάσεις hypostáseis, singular: ὑπόστασις hypóstasis):
I would clarify that as three hypostaseis (persons), one οὐσία ("ousia" or "essence"). The very statement of the concept is something that I really cannot grasp intuitively. But I do find it helpful to remember that "personhood" is relational. You relate to a Person in a unique way, just as Jesus related to His Father and His Father related to Him in a unique way. You don't relate to an "essence". Thus, it is proper and appropriate for me to relate to God-the-Father and Jesus differently.

But I do find it at best confusing and at worst irritating when my brothers and sisters in Christ try to relate to the Father and the Son as the same PERSON. They're not, and the doctrine says as much.

And then there's the question of whether the Holy Spirit has a "personhood" separate and distinct from the Person of God-the-Father...
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In case anybody wants to know where The Name is mentioned in the New Testament, look at Revelation 19. Four times the author uses the word "Alleluia", which is an English transliteration of ἁλληλουϊά, which is a Greek transliteration of הַלְלוּ יָהּ ("Hallelu Yah"), or in English, "Praise Yah".

A lovely piece of trivia to amaze your friends.
That culture did not invoke the divine name? What does that mean?
Why wouldn't they use the name of Yahweh?
And if not, why would you?
No. This is why they substituted Adonai, which alone refers to YHWH. English translations use capital-LORD. This is differentiated from Adoni, which refers to any of the dozens of lords in Scripture.

My understanding of why they did not invoke the divine name was to be sure they did not violate the commandment to not use YHWH's name in vain by never using it.

The reason I do use the divine name even though they did not is because I am neither Jewish nor part of 1st century Palestinian culture.
Thanks for joining the discussion. And...
Welcome to the forum.
I agree that the godhead is hard for us to wrap our head around.
How can three persons be of the same essence?
And then there's the question of whether the Holy Spirit has a "personhood" separate and distinct from the Person of God-the-Father...
Here's what I know about that.

Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as a person. (he)

John 14:26 NIV
But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name,
will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

John 15:26 NIV
“When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—
the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Fatherhe will testify about me.

The reason I do use the divine name even though they did not is because I am neither Jewish nor part of 1st century Palestinian culture.
Aren't you free to invoke the name since you AREN'T "Jewish nor part of 1st century Palestinian culture"?
Since that's the reason you give. ???

I agree that the godhead is hard for us to wrap our head around.
How can three persons be of the same essence?
There is no "godhead" in Scripture. It is a concept from another culture. The Greek culture.

Regarding the anti-Scriptural concept of the trinity, the 3 persons are demonstrably NOT the same essence, which shows the inherently contradiction doctrine is internally contradictory. Spirit are the Father and the supposed Holy Spirit person. Flesh is Jesus. These are not the same.

Different is not the same.
There is no "godhead" in Scripture. It is a concept from another culture. The Greek culture.

Regarding the anti-Scriptural concept of the trinity, the 3 persons are demonstrably NOT the same essence, which shows the inherently contradiction doctrine is internally contradictory. Spirit are the Father and the supposed Holy Spirit person. Flesh is Jesus. These are not the same.
You have yet to respond to my trinity supporting scriptures. (avoiding) ???
Yet here you are again claiming "There is no "godhead" in Scripture."
I would post them again, but you will probably continue to ignore them and stick with your bogus claims. Right?

Father Yahweh = God essence (1 of 3)
God the Son (Jesus) = God essence (2 of 3)
God the Holy Spirit (The Advocate) = God essence (3 of 3)

] cc: @Hillsage
You have yet to respond to my trinity supporting scriptures. (avoiding) ???
No. Just rejecting your Strawman of what consitutes a trinity verse. HINT: Having the trinity in it would help.
Yet here you are again claiming "There is no "godhead" in Scripture."
Yup. Only a bad translation invokes it. The fact that most don't have that word, especially those made in the last 400 years ought to tell you something.
No. Just rejecting your Strawman of what consitutes a trinity verse. HINT: Having the trinity in it would help.
The name Yahweh is nowhere to be found in the New Testament.
Did God write himself out of the book? (poof)
If it was as important as you claim it is, it should have been addressed, right?

If it was as important as you claim it is, it should have been addressed, right?
I don't claim it is important. Both God and Jesus claim it is important.

We don't honor things, like reasons for a holiday, by not speaking of it. We honor by mentioning. In fact, this is where we get the term "Honorable mention."