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The Case Against Eternal Security - NOSAS

That's true.

Honesty isn't tolerated there. Mustn't talk about things that make the true Christians uncomfortable.

I've created a list of ideas that here at White Horse, as a point of order and forum rules.

The following topics must never be voiced or discussed:
CyB has a non-Christian forum.

Recently, I was made aware of the difference between being a skeptic from being a cynic. A believer with doubts is fundamentally different from an agnostic who goes where the winds and waves take him.

For fellowship, I'm totally open to strengthening a fellow believer with doubts.

Spending time with agnostics is a waste other than to evangelize. Can't they have their own forums and us believing Christians have ours?
Oh, come on. Vast numbers of Christ followers not only deny history, archaeology and other scholarly disciplines, they are so fearful of them that they avoid them like the plague insofar as they prove a challenge to cherished beliefs. The fact is, those disciplines cast considerable doubt on the Bible as a text, on the biblical accounts of history and "science," and even on the person and ministry of Jesus. One can allow those disciplines to inform - but by no means inevitably destroy - his faith, or one can hide his head in the sand (as most do) and insist the only truth is in the Bible.
lol it’s only been a few hundred years ago that the church would murder those who delved into any scientific/medical experimenting.

No tell how advanced knowledge would be at this current time had it not been for the myopic views of these fable propagators.
No wonder you were banned from CyB.

6 The key is that your request be anchored by your single-minded commitment to God. Those who depend only on their own judgment are like those lost on the seas, carried away by any wave or picked up by any wind. 7 Those adrift on their own wisdom shouldn’t assume the Lord will rescue them or bring them anything. 8 The splinter of divided loyalty shatters your compass and leaves you dizzy and confused.
James 1:6-8

CyB has a non-Christian forum.

Recently, I was made aware of the difference between being a skeptic from being a cynic. A believer with doubts is fundamentally different from an agnostic who goes where the winds and waves take him.

For fellowship, I'm totally open to strengthening a fellow believer with doubts.

Spending time with agnostics is a waste other than to evangelize. Can't they have their own forums and us believing Christians have ours?

There are plenty of "orthodox" Christian forums for you to choose from. This ain't one of them.

If you are looking for a place that is going to censor and silence folks simply because your opinions differ from theirs-- this ain't it.

I don't care if someone wants to defend their beliefs about the Trinity, the shroud of Turin nonsense, Globe Earth, Moon Landings, OSAS, Moses or Jesus... all fair game.

This place is truly and by design an open forum. A true neighborhood pub where all are welcome and entitled to their own opinions (ahem-- beliefs). One of those old-fashioned, Old West saloons with a front door that swings both ways. If it doesn't suit your tastes, find another, but don't think you're going to come in here and impose your sense and sensibilities on everyone else.

Sorry if it gives vapors. These aren't the droids you are looking for.
There are plenty of "orthodox" Christian forums for you to choose from ... all are welcome and entitled to their own opinions (ahem-- beliefs).

I'm not talking orthodox only. You mean this is not intended to be a Christian forum?
I'm not talking orthodox only. You mean this is not intended to be a Christian forum?

Christians come in all different shapes and sizes, colors, creeds, stripes and abstracts. It's not intended to be demanding of 'what kind' of Christian you must be to participate here, or that you be a Christian at all.

I'm a Christian-- therefore, yes-- this is a Christian forum. Imagine it to be like a church, where sinners are still welcomed-- if such a place still exists.
It's not intended ... that you be a Christian at all.
That might change as the party grows.

I think CyB has a good setup; a place for believers and a place curious about believers.

What do you think about what I wrote below?

For fellowship, I'm totally open to strengthening a fellow believer with doubts.

Spending time with agnostics is a waste other than to evangelize.
What do you think about what I wrote below?

For fellowship, I'm totally open to strengthening a fellow believer with doubts.

Spending time with agnostics is a waste other than to evangelize. Can't they have their own forums and us believing Christians have ours?

What do I think about your openness? Sounds to me like you just shared a personal preference. Fine by me. If you like cowboy hats, or prefer baseball hats, either is fine by me. But don't tell me that I even have to wear one or the other. I prefer to go hatless and raise cattle.

My model is that guy who wasn't exclusionary, not cyb or any place requiring some sort of Statement of Faith for membership. Matt 9:9-13

As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax booth. “Follow me,” he said to him. So he got up and followed him. As Jesus was having a meal in Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with Jesus and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this they said to his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” When Jesus heard this he said, “Those who are healthy don’t need a physician, but those who are sick do. Go and learn what this saying means: ‘I want mercy and not sacrifice.’ For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
Nope. God wants us all to have a Christian mindset. See, the Great Commission.
Only by your understanding, which is the point you don't seem to grasp. Jews, Hindus and even O'Darby are entitled to their understandings. You don't get to decide Truth for everyone else. The fact that you assert your Truth in the name of God as you understand him doesn't alter this fact - it's your understanding of God and your Truth.
Nope. Religion is man's attempt to reach God. Jesus is God's attempt to reach man. Then and now.
Oh, Lord, I was parroting this line when I was a Campus Crusade newbie 54 years ago. OK, fine, but this still your understanding of Truth. The ontological Reality, none of us really knows.
Odd line to draw. Only if every Christian is a scientist do you give Christians, as a group, credit?

As I implied, the better line to draw is:
Q. Among all of humanity, who most advanced learning through the centuries?
A. Christians
You are missing the entire point. I guarantee you, I have read as much as you about the massive contributions of Christianity (and Islam, perhaps surprisingly) to Western civilization and science. Your "better line to draw" has nothing to do with what I am talking about. The fact is, multiple scholarly and scientific disciplines pose serious challenges to bibliolatry and conservative/evangelical Christianity. Many - and indeed most - Christians avoid those disciplines as though they were demonic.
No wonder you were banned from CyB.
And proud of it! I'll put my "single-minded commitment to God" up against yours any day and spot you 100 good deeds to start. Every serious Christian theologian recognizes that an element of doubt is part and parcel of faith. You appear to be living in that la-la land I call "pretend Christianity."
Recently, I was made aware of the difference between being a skeptic from being a cynic. A believer with doubts is fundamentally different from an agnostic who goes where the winds and waves take him.

For fellowship, I'm totally open to strengthening a fellow believer with doubts.
You misunderstand agnosticism. A true agnostic says he is not able to reach a conviction about religious claims on the basis of the available evidence and arguments and has reached a conviction that such a conviction is not possible. He doesn't "go where the winds and waves take him."

A believer such as myself has reached convictions but is sufficiently rational to acknowledge that the Truth about Ultimate Ontological Reality cannot be known. Ergo, I hold the convictions I do while rationally acknowledging that anything from Young Earth Christian Fundamentalist to Materialist Atheist Fundamentalism might be closer to Ultimate Ontological Reality.

Your fundamental (no pun intended) problem, it seems to me, is that you live in the la-la land of Pretend Christianity and actually seem to think that you get to vote on who is or isn't a Christian and whose religious beliefs are or are not True.