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Defining the godhead - an open discussion on Unitarianism, Binitarianism and Trinitarianism

Did Jesus use the name Yahweh?

Did the 12 Apostles use the name Yahweh?
Did the Apostle Paul use the name Yahweh?

I don't see it anywhere in the New Testament. (send help)


They were all Jews. You’ve already commented that Jews living in the 1st century didn’t use God’s personal name.

They knew the name. It is written almost 7,000 times in the Hebrew Bible.

The God of Abraham - > Yahweh
The God of Moses - Yahweh
The God of David - > Yahweh
The God of Israel - > Yahweh
The God of Jesus -> Yahweh
The God of the Apostles -> Yahweh

Use or don’t use “the name” (Heb. Hashem), it’s still known.
I don't see it anywhere in the New Testament. (send help)


You have seen that Jesus called his God theos. Singular.

The God (singular) of Jesus is only one person, the Father.

The God (singular) who created the heavens and the earth is only one person, Yahweh.

The God (singular) of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is only one person, Yahweh.

The God (singular) of Moses is only one person, Yahweh.

The God (singular) of David is only one person, Yahweh.

The God (singular) of all of the prophets who were true is only one person, Yahweh.

The God (singular) of Israel is only one person, Yahweh.

The God (singular) of the Jews is only one person, Yahweh.

The God (singular) of the Apostles is only one person, Yahweh.

The God (singular) of Jesus is only one person, Yahweh.

The help you asked for has been given.
I’ll also be adding a link to one of Michael Brown’s radio programs (Line of Fire) which addressed the subject, after I locate it. Dr. Brown was raised Jewish and converted to trinitarianism. I recommend it to all readers, trinitarian and non-trinitarian alike.

Here is the link to Dr. Brown’s radio program I was alluding to @SteVen.

This should settle the matter. For some, it will. For many, it won’t.

Why did a unitarian post the trinitarian’s radio broadcast?
I was trying to be humorous. I guess it fell flat.

It fell flat because of me, not because of you. I’m multi-tasking this morning, which isn’t conducive to picking up on everything. Others may have picked up on the humor that I didn’t.

What do you make of all this talk about Yahweh being the devil?
I've been meaning to ask, @Wrangler, about your signature's last citation, "True worshippers only worship the Father (John 4:23)." I wont argue with you about who true worshippers exclusively worship -- but I find no support for that proposition in John 4:23, which speaks of how the Father prefers to be worshipped and should be worshipped, but is silent on the ban against worship of anyone else.
It says "worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth" which excludes a false claim about the verse. (nothing about Yahweh)

Untrue. I provided the evidence. See my signature.

You've ignored the fact that your text relies on the pretext that Moses provides. Moses says that God's name is Yahweh-- and everything else that comes later draws water from that one well. In other words, everyone drank the kool-aid Moses served up. But Jesus didn't. You'll never find a single reference of Jesus saying that Yahweh is his Father. Instead he tells the Pharisees that the God of their Father-- is Yahweh. And he tells them they've got it all wrong. They were rightfully offended-- nobody wants to hears something like that.