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Greetings from New Hampshire


Active member
Hi everyone. I'm a little late to the party, but I'll join in as I can. Me: a 69 y.o. male, philosophy major (don't laugh), practicing attorney, married (to an Episcopal Priest -- and she's far smarter than I am!), one kid (that I know of) and one grand kid. Written a couple of religious fiction novels. Very interested in Christology and Early Church history. Not a Catholic basher (although I'm not Catholic). Not a "sola scriptura" guy (it just never made any sense to me). Respectful of other views including from other religious traditions, eastern and western. Still trudging along on my faith journey . . .
Hi everyone. I'm a little late to the party, but I'll join in as I can. Me: a 69 y.o. male, philosophy major (don't laugh), practicing attorney, married (to an Episcopal Priest -- and she's far smarter than I am!), one kid (that I know of) and one grand kid. Written a couple of religious fiction novels. Very interested in Christology and Early Church history. Not a Catholic basher (although I'm not Catholic). Not a "sola scriptura" guy (it just never made any sense to me). Respectful of other views including from other religious traditions, eastern and western. Still trudging along on my faith journey . . .
Welcome to White Horse RedFan. Maybe in time you will be a White fan.
Hi everyone. I'm a little late to the party, but I'll join in as I can. Me: a 69 y.o. male, philosophy major (don't laugh), practicing attorney, married (to an Episcopal Priest -- and she's far smarter than I am!), one kid (that I know of) and one grand kid. Written a couple of religious fiction novels. Very interested in Christology and Early Church history. Not a Catholic basher (although I'm not Catholic). Not a "sola scriptura" guy (it just never made any sense to me). Respectful of other views including from other religious traditions, eastern and western. Still trudging along on my faith journey . . .
Thanks for the nice bio.

philosophy major (don't laugh), practicing attorney
Interesting combo. What law do you practice?

I grew up in Boston and spent my summers in rural New Hampshire. Some of my best childhood memories are there with my grandfather, uncle, grandmother and her twin sister. We'd fish, canoe, go for walks, have fires, and play cards.
Interesting combo. What law do you practice?

I grew up in Boston and spent my summers in rural New Hampshire. Some of my best childhood memories are there with my grandfather, uncle, grandmother and her twin sister. We'd fish, canoe, go for walks, have fires, and play cards.
I do almost exclusively commercial litigation, much of it construction related, from my 30-lawyer firm Manchester.
I don't know that I have a single "philosophy." It's such a loaded word. Do you mean, as it pertains to my religious views?
Did not mean to ask a loaded question. I meant generally, and for this thread aside from religious views.

I’ve studied philosophy a fair amount. A major divide in western philosophy goes back to the school of thoughts between Plato’s idealistic ‘forms’ and practical Aristotlean logic. Following Plato is Descartes and Kant. I bias heavily toward Aristotle, Locke and Ayn Rand.
Did not mean to ask a loaded question. I meant generally, and for this thread aside from religious views.

I’ve studied philosophy a fair amount. A major divide in western philosophy goes back to the school of thoughts between Plato’s idealistic ‘forms’ and practical Aristotlean logic. Following Plato is Descartes and Kant. I bias heavily toward Aristotle, Locke and Ayn Rand.
My interests tended more toward modern philosophy, ethics, epistemology, and political philosophy. I am a fan of G.E.Moore, Bertrand Russell, some of the logical positivists, Wittgenstein, Quine and especially Max Black, whom I had the pleasure of studying under when I was a student at Cornell in the early 70s.
All I know about Philosophy is what I learned about So-crates from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. - LOL
