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Do humans actually understand the justice of God?


Well-known member
Our human view of justice seems to not reflect what I understand about God's justice.

Humans want revenge. (a sin)

When they used to have public hangings, it was like entertainment.
The whole town came and watched the authority put criminals to death.
And they stayed around "until the last dog was hung."

I can't imagine that God was pleased with this behavior.

What do you think?

] cc: @O'Darby III
If you haven't read the Talbott book I mentioned in your "banned" thread, you definitely should. In his defense of Universalism, he argues that the traditional concept of God's "justice" as demanding wrath and punishment, even to the extent of an eternal hell, is fundamentally misguided. He argues that God's very essence is love and that his justice is simply an aspect of his love and mercy - not some separate, schizophrenic quality whereby God is loving and merciful at one moment and demanding of justice in the next. His point is that what may look like severity, wrath and punishment is necessary to bring some individuals to a realization of the futility of their sinful ways and ultimately reconcile them to God. So the justice is simply part and parcel of God's love and mercy. It actually makes far more sense than the orthodox Christian view, whereby God is indeed weirdly schizophrenic.
(prime the pump)

"Our human view of justice seems to not reflect what I understand about God's justice." (from the OP)
