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You need to UN-LEARN tradition (Jesus) tom discover TRUTH!



Christ and the Apostles warned of the antichrist and the false teachers to come: and they came with a vengeance!
One by one, the teachings of Christ were twisted into concepts alien!

God, Jehovah was the first to go- replaced by the 'Trinity'!

Rabbi Tarfon or Tarphon was a member of the third generation of the Mishnah sages, who lived in the period between
the destruction of the Second Temple (70 CE) and the fall of Betar (135 CE).
A passage recorded in the Hebrew Tosefta, Shabbat 13:5, quoting Tarfon referring to the early Christian writings~

Shabbat 13:5:The books of the Evangelists and the books of the minim they do not save from a fire [on the Sabbath].
They are allowed to burn up where they are, they and [even] the references to the Divine Name that are in them.

There is debate as to whether Tarfon's reference to the minim is to be taken as a reference to heretical Jews in general,
or to a particular group of them, for example Jewish gnostics or Jewish Christians according to preferred interpretations
of gilyonim and minim.

Note: The first Christians WERE Jews...

- http://jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/10846-min
