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The resurrection and our concept of proof



People usually think the great question of the resurrection is to find out what proves it happened.

I don't know quite where people's attention is at when they read the accounts, but when we realize that a resurrection is probably the most unusual event that could take place on earth, we should realize it is something like a healing.

So we know the consequence of healings--I think! If the person isn't healed, there is a bit of a problem facing the Christian account. This is seen in the Mk 2 'which is easier' healing. Since it happens at will, he can then declare other things to be true.

Nothing would have got going of the Christian message if it had not happened. It is otherwise the most ridiculous belief. A pitiable belief, says Paul. He once tried to stamp it out.

The apostles have no problem providing proof for the resurrection--they spent 40 days with the person involved.

Instead what the resurrection proves was much more captivating and important to them. It proved his enthronement, and it proves our justification from sins. You find the first in Acts 2-4, in Eph 1, Col 2, Phil 2, Heb 1. He is now King of the universe and this world. If we are not declaring that, we are rather missing the point. The resurrection was the enthronement of Christ and this puts all rulers on a warning basis.

You find the 2nd in Rom 4:25, in Acts 13:32, etc. The resurrection shows that our justification is completed; he is King and savior.