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The Purpose of Theology For the Christian



Theology: The study of God and religious belief: religious beliefs when systematically developed.

There are many theologies and many different religions, each having their own theologies. Even within Christianity---and here I speak of traditional Christianity with its doctrines that make up Christ's church----our theologies take many roads. It should not be, but it is, and somethings do not affect salvation and some things do, but all have an effect on our knowledge of God---how we see Him and His Christ. Theology however has become not only here on the forum, but I suspect in many places and among many people, a springboard for debate and argument, rather than what it is meant to be for God's people.

Prov 9:10 tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Jer 9:23-24 Thus says the Lord: "Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight."

In Philippians 3:8-10 Paul gives a deep cry of his heart, a yearning for the triune God. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith---that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection--- It is interesting that a man appointed by Christ as an apostle to His church, filled with the Spirit and given much knowledge and wisdom, a man after God's own heart, should still not consider that he had attained to all there was to attain to. He still yearned to know God and His Son more.

The knowledge of God is inexhaustible. We all begin as babes in Christ, with little knowledge, but full to bursting with love for Him. And somewhere along the line many if not most (and I include myself here) of us have a shift take place as we gather more knowledge and in a way the knowledge becomes the center, something we use to our advantage, and we unknowingly become the center of our Christianity, and cease pursuing the knowledge of Him. Forgetting how big He is and that it is He who is the fountain from which comes all His graces, even the grace to know Him more. So we don't ask, and we don't receive. Jesus our mediator is the High Priest who bestows this grace upon us.

Theology---the study of God----for the Christian, is meant to drive us to ever increasing knowledge of Him, for it is in knowing Him, seeking Him, that also flows that endless fountain of God that love and obedience and worship that delight Him. We are His garden of delights.
Where does Paul say anything about yearning for a triune God?
Every time Paul places the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in one lesson or praise of salvation---and he does this often---He is showing that He knew God as Triune. Which is what your real question was.
And His Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
Absolutely our theology should glorify the Father and the Son---and the Holy Spirit. Your theology takes much away from the glory of Jesus, and therefore the glory of the Father and the Holy Spirit, that is found in historic Christianity. You say no it doesn't, but that can be the only result of reducing Christ to a creature and worshiping Him in the reduced way one would pay honor to a man, and in calling the Holy Spirit, holy spirit. If you do not believe in the Trinity, that is one thing. But Christianity does and there is more glory in this to all three persons of the Trinity than can possibly exist without it.
Every time Paul places the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in one lesson or praise of salvation---and he does this often---He is showing that He knew God as Triune. Which is what your real question was.
I know Paul did not think God was a Trinity. 1 Cor 8:6; 1 Tim 2:5.
Absolutely our theology should glorify the Father and the Son---and the Holy Spirit. Your theology takes much away from the glory of Jesus, and therefore the glory of the Father and the Holy Spirit, that is found in historic Christianity. You say no it doesn't, but that can be the only result of reducing Christ to a creature and worshiping Him in the reduced way one would pay honor to a man, and in calling the Holy Spirit, holy spirit. If you do not believe in the Trinity, that is one thing. But Christianity does and there is more glory in this to all three persons of the Trinity than can possibly exist without it.
You have yet to provide even a single verse that says or demonstrates that God is a Trinity, triune, three in one, multipersonal, or anything similar. You’re hanging you hat on “orthodoxy.”
I know Paul did not think God was a Trinity. 1 Cor 8:6; 1 Tim 2:5.

You have yet to provide even a single verse that says or demonstrates that God is a Trinity, triune, three in one, multipersonal, or anything similar. You’re hanging you hat on “orthodoxy.”
How about this one? John 14:9.
I know Paul did not think God was a Trinity. 1 Cor 8:6; 1 Tim 2:5.
You do not know that. You simply interpret his words according to the unitarian beliefs you hang your hat on, and then attribute to Paul your own beliefs.You do not understand him, because you cannot.
You have yet to provide even a single verse that says or demonstrates that God is a Trinity, triune, three in one, multipersonal, or anything similar. You’re hanging you hat on “orthodoxy.”
I have provided many. As have others. The fact that you reject them and then jump over to some other scripture that you take to contradict them, does not mean that they are not demonstrating that God is triune. It is a bit audacious you argue here from the point that I am wrong because I adhere to orthodox Christianity, when in fact your whole belief system comes from adhering to teaching that intentionally rejects orthodox Christianity. The thing you hang your hat on. I thank God in all gratefulness that He has given us the orthodox foundation of His word. The the light of the Holy Spirit in His people to discern it.

On the other hand you have yet to ever give me one scripture or verse in the NT concerning the gospel, that says we decide to believe and that is what saves us. Not one verse that says it is our freewill decisions that make or break us, or that God left it up to us to determine our destination, because He honors our freewill more that He honors Christ.
You do not know that. You simply interpret his words according to the unitarian beliefs you hang your hat on, and then attribute to Paul your own beliefs.You do not understand him, because you cannot.

I have provided many. As have others. The fact that you reject them and then jump over to some other scripture that you take to contradict them, does not mean that they are not demonstrating that God is triune. It is a bit audacious you argue here from the point that I am wrong because I adhere to orthodox Christianity, when in fact your whole belief system comes from adhering to teaching that intentionally rejects orthodox Christianity. The thing you hang your hat on. I thank God in all gratefulness that He has given us the orthodox foundation of His word. The the light of the Holy Spirit in His people to discern it.

On the other hand you have yet to ever give me one scripture or verse in the NT concerning the gospel, that says we decide to believe and that is what saves us. Not one verse that says it is our freewill decisions that make or break us, or that God left it up to us to determine our destination, because He honors our freewill more that He honors Christ.
Not worth going over again. Time will tell.

If you ever want to communicate, you know how to get ahold of me.

All the best to you.