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The NT does not do trite



One constriction of some social media is length of post, for ex., Twitter. So recently, a tweet did something that was pretty much the opposite of the NT: 4 trite lines in one tweet.

"God says:
1. I will make a way for you
2. I'm fighting your battles
3. Prayer is the best medicine
4. Trust my timing."

Our intentions are not enough in this life, we must follow through and see how this actually affects people. I believe lines like this can lead to all kinds of misunderstanding. They are also 'ear-candy' and there are pastors who will not say anything about the battles of Christian life for fear of losing followers, and not having as much 'happy' lines as the pastor down the street.

Take that first one, for example. There are major sections of advice and counsel to believers by Jesus and Paul about the opposite: that we will be in very 'stuck' places, that we must endure, that we must hold our beliefs, standing alone. I actually can't imagine anyone saying this without an entire context to go with it. And there must be elaboration: does the person not know the story of Joseph, how one 'way' led to another imprisonment, 3 times or more?

The NT does not do trite.