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The Loss of True Wisdom and Our Search For It



I will begin this with a supposition. It is only that, is not meant to be doctrine, or taken as absolute truth, for it is not given as one in scripture. At the same time, I do not present it without scripture. There are things in scripture that lead me to the supposition, not as teaching but as application of teaching we do have. I may be right or wrong concerning the hidden things, but it will apply to what I have to say about our loss of true wisdom in the garden of Eden, and how to find it again.

Suppose before God created the world we live in, and all that is in it, this was the beginning of a great contest, a war, between God and Satan, to see who would win control. An attempt iow of the devil to unseat God. We know that he existed and had fallen prior to our creation. We know from Job 1:6-12 that at least on one occasion Satan directly challenged God and God gave him permission to attempt to get Job to curse Him. Satan lost. In Revelation we get to peer into the heavenlies for a moment to see the actions of the evil one on earth and the great war that is going on there, and the final battle. At every point in redemption, we see this evil one attempting, through the actions of men, to stop the coming of Messiah, and we see him tempting Jesus to abandon His purpose and mission of purchasing redemption for many. We see also that Satan is a slow learner and that he is not omniscient. He is a creature. And we do know from scripture that there is a war going on in the heavenlies, between principalities and powers (Eph 6:12) and that it was waged against the coming of Christ first, and now is being waged against His people.

What is it that the Bible tells us Satan wants but to be God? And what better way to do that than to take all of creation, including all people, away from Him, so that He has no one, and the devil has them all as worshipers? He is said to be the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4) but of course that does not mean that God has turned His throne over to the devil or given up an ounce of His control. To think it is saying that is in an unintentional way, to agree with what Satan is attempting to do. It is he who has blinded the minds and caused us to lose the true wisdom that Adam was created with.

Back to the Garden. Adam was created with both natural and spiritual wisdom to walk with God. We see that he had full natural wisdom in his naming the creatures. He named them according to their created nature. We see that he had spiritual wisdom in that it is said He walked with God. To walk with God meant the same thing for him as it does for us. He walked according to the image of God with which He was created---good--- and willingly under the Headship of God. He fellowshipped in union with God, with nothing separating their communion. Perfect wisdom.

It was at this very thing, primarily the Headship of God over His creation, including man, the very problem he himself had with God, that the serpent tempted Adam and deceived Eve. And what is evil but this, and everything that follows this knowledge of good and evil? The desire in man to have autonomy, to answer to no one but himself, threw us into a state of losing both our natural and spiritual wisdom, and our fellowship with God in His very presence. Sin, and sinful man, cannot approach His holiness. Now, everything we know in the natural, we must first learn, and our spiritual wisdom is lost because it is tainted by what has now become enmity with. Our desire for autonomy, to not be under His control, along with desires for evil, the knowledge of which we now have. And though a great deal of this knowledge that we search for, if not all of it, is an attempt to find a way out of the curse of the law of God, which pronounces toil, and suffering and pain all arriving at the same place, death. Philosophers have been attempting this from ancient times. Religion tries and fails. Self-help, psychology, new age, meditation, a futile attempt to keep the law that we now have through scripture,---nothing will lead to spiritual understanding and wisdom. It arrives only at foolishness. Natural wisdom will never lead to spiritual wisdom.

But in this war for dominion, for the annihilation of any person belonging to God, God has always kept some for Himself, through faith. And we can argue till the cows come home whether the faith was inherent in them or given by God, but the way I see it is, it would require spiritual wisdom to seek the shelter of God as our Head. God can do this, give that Spiritual wisdom to those He chooses (speaking now of what is seen in the OT in the OT saints, and those said to have a heart after God). And it is not far-fetched to suppose that He would as His battle plan. The coming of the Redeemer was progressive, as God Himself began to teach about Himself, eventually through the Sinai covenant, and the covenant of promise of the Seed with Abraham, and through the prophets, (who in large part were the attorneys of the Sinai covenant.) Just as sin, and the loss of spiritual wisdom, is a progressive and fatal disease, (Satan's battle tactic), so is the unfolding of life for the dead, and light to the darkened world.

So how do we get back our lost spiritual wisdom? Where can it be found if reason and learning won't lead us there? It is found only in Christ. 1 Cor 1:26-31 For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. And because of Him, you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that as it is written, "Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord."

Eph 1:17-23 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which He has called you, what are the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His great might that He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. And He put all things under His feet and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

God wins the war through Jesus who died, placing on Him the sins of those who put their trust in Him, paying their debt, and sealing them with His righteousness in the Holy Spirit. In Christ a people are kept for God who will inherit the earth. A new heaven and new earth Rev 22. The devil and his minions and all the wicked destroyed. Gone forever. Rev 20:10-15 He takes hold of a people who dwell in the kingdom of darkness and brings them into the kingdom of the Son He loves. (Col 1:13)

Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart.
Now watch Cunningham's BOOK OF GENESIS and see what you think. 2016. Headsup: when Pureflix posted it, they said MODIFIED FOR FAMILY VIEWING. I have no idea what the original 'skinny' is on that.
Now watch Cunningham's BOOK OF GENESIS and see what you think. 2016. Headsup: when Pureflix posted it, they said MODIFIED FOR FAMILY VIEWING. I have no idea what the original 'skinny' is on that.
I couldn't watch it of pureflix without subscribing. I may do so later or see if I can find it elsewhere. I watched the trailer on youtube. I like that, "We spend all our lives trying to get back home." That is such a profound truth, for something in us knows that things are supposed to be different than this. It causes some to turn from a belief in God altogether, but still, they are looking, for something they sense is lost or can be attained, just in all the wrong places. In that false autonomy we insist on having, we delude ourselves that it is up to us to perfect the world, and that we are capable of doing so.

We still bear the image of God, though we do not reflect it. We are still under His Lordship, saved and unsaved alike, whether we acknowledge it or not. We still seek and desire what only He can give us. We try and build our own Eutopias only to find that darkness walks there too, and the yearning, for what, we do not know, still eats at us. Perfect love is our goal, and we can neither find nor give it.

I remember that yearning in me, a hard physical and mental pull. "There must be more than this. There must be more than this." It marred even my happiest moments, and I did not know what would satisfy that longing. Until---I heard the voice of the Shepherd calling in the wilderness, and I followed Him. I have not once since then felt that nagging dissatisfaction of something missing. And I know I am not Home yet, but I am on the road Home. It is rocky and hard, but my destination is certain, and my arrival a sweet and tender promise. I do not travel through this wilderness alone. I can enjoy the journey. And the day will come when it will be asked, "Who is this coming up out of the desert, leaning on the One who loves her?" What a glorious homecoming awaits those in Christ.
I couldn't watch it of pureflix without subscribing. I may do so later or see if I can find it elsewhere. I watched the trailer on youtube. I like that, "We spend all our lives trying to get back home." That is such a profound truth, for something in us knows that things are supposed to be different than this. It causes some to turn from a belief in God altogether, but still, they are looking, for something they sense is lost or can be attained, just in all the wrong places. In that false autonomy we insist on having, we delude ourselves that it is up to us to perfect the world, and that we are capable of doing so.

We still bear the image of God, though we do not reflect it. We are still under His Lordship, saved and unsaved alike, whether we acknowledge it or not. We still seek and desire what only He can give us. We try and build our own Eutopias only to find that darkness walks there too, and the yearning, for what, we do not know, still eats at us. Perfect love is our goal, and we can neither find nor give it.

I remember that yearning in me, a hard physical and mental pull. "There must be more than this. There must be more than this." It marred even my happiest moments, and I did not know what would satisfy that longing. Until---I heard the voice of the Shepherd calling in the wilderness, and I followed Him. I have not once since then felt that nagging dissatisfaction of something missing. And I know I am not Home yet, but I am on the road Home. It is rocky and hard, but my destination is certain, and my arrival a sweet and tender promise. I do not travel through this wilderness alone. I can enjoy the journey. And the day will come when it will be asked, "Who is this coming up out of the desert, leaning on the One who loves her?" What a glorious homecoming awaits those in Christ.

One of the best poetic expressions of this is a classic by Keats. I cannot think the title, but will look. He said that we can't possibly have been created for as little as our lives amount to, and then end in death.

Possibly: "On Death"
Can death be sleep, when life is but a dream,
And scenes of bliss pass as a phantom by?
The transient pleasures as a vision seem,
And yet we think the greatest pain's to die.

How strange it is that man on earth should roam,
And lead a life of woe, but not forsake
His rugged path; nor dare he view alone
His future doom which is but to awake.

It is read in the movie BRIGHT STAR, a bio-pic--which also might be the name of his poem on this, because he perished before full years.
We search and search for our purpose of being here, and ways to make our life under the sun, as Ecclesiastes puts it, better. We actually think that is our job, but all our efforts of natural wisdom only lead to more strife, more greed, more power grabs, more oppression, more evil. We fix one thing over here, only to have it be a destruction or devastation or hardship over there. We search for where did we come from, why are we here, when we have only to open one book and find the answer written in plain language.

Eccl 12:12-14 And further my son be admonished by these. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is wearisome to the flesh. Let us hear the conclusion of the matter.
Fear God and keep HIs commandments for this is man's all. For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.

Prov 1:7

We come to the Father only through Christ. John 14:6. Spiritual and earthly wisdom and understanding are found in Christ alone. Anything else, no matter how wise is foolishness, all our goodness, filthy. Is 64:6. We can only be made righteous in Him, by grace, and through faith.

And though after having come to Christ, we will still suffer the indignities of this fallen world, and live among evil, it cannot destroy us, or separate us from His love. He is taking us back to the Garden, of perfection in us and in all of His creation, but with the serpent destroyed, never to plague us again. And with a new and deeper appreciation of His glory and power, that we will never forget, having been through the fire and come out the other side, unscathed and purified. The final enemy, death, destroyed.