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The Gospel in a Song



By aka Arial


O lonely cross on the hill,
one nailed to it bleeding and dying.
One called the Son of God, Son of man.
Spit upon and mocked by man, a mother mourning.
Facing God's justice against my sins
as though He were me.
The cry that should be mine
coming from His lips.
"My God, My God, why have your forsaken me?"

Three days, three nights in the darkness of the tomb.
Then His perfect righteousness breaks the bonds,
He rises from the grave.
O glorious sunrise, the light of life dawning.
Those chains that bind me, could not hold Him.
Sin and death defeated.
My King, my King, stands victorious on the hill.

There came a moment when, in power and in glory
He reached down and pulled me from the mire.
He sees me sitting in the darkness and no way of escape,
Brings me into the light.
He roars, this Lion of Judah, in strength and might,
Yet gently calls me, Shepherd with staff and rod.
I hear His voice and follow Him; He wraps me in His robes of righteousness.
He marks me with His seal, "This one is mine."

It must be that He loves me
with perfect unchanging love.
It must be that He delights in me.
How can this be?
How can this be?
But in His garden, I will dwell,
in freedom and in peace.
Forever I will love and worship Him,
My God, my King, my Savior.

By aka Arial


O lonely cross on the hill,
one nailed to it bleeding and dying.
One called the Son of God, Son of man.
Spit upon and mocked by man, a mother mourning.
Facing God's justice against my sins
as though He were me.
The cry that should be mine
coming from His lips.
"My God, My God, why have your forsaken me?"

Three days, three nights in the darkness of the tomb.
Then His perfect righteousness breaks the bonds,
He rises from the grave.
O glorious sunrise, the light of life dawning.
Those chains that bind me, could not hold Him.
Sin and death defeated.
My King, my King, stands victorious on the hill.

There came a moment when, in power and in glory
He reached down and pulled me from the mire.
He sees me sitting in the darkness and no way of escape,
Brings me into the light.
He roars, this Lion of Judah, in strength and might,
Yet gently calls me, Shepherd with staff and rod.
I hear His voice and follow Him; He wraps me in His robes of righteousness.
He marks me with His seal, "This one is mine."

It must be that He loves me
with perfect unchanging love.
It must be that He delights in me.
How can this be?
How can this be?
But in His garden, I will dwell,
in freedom and in peace.
Forever I will love and worship Him,
My God, my King, my Savior.

That is very nice Arail, but there is nothing in that, that is about the Gospel or redemption.

I didn't particularly like the part that says, "He marks me in his seal, this one is mine". The scripture plainly says that God is no respecter of persons. You have made God a respecter of persons. What Jesus does, he does, for the whole world and not for some certain persons. God so loves the world (all of humanity) not some of humanity, John 3:16.
By aka Arial


O lonely cross on the hill,
one nailed to it bleeding and dying.
One called the Son of God, Son of man.
Spit upon and mocked by man, a mother mourning.
Facing God's justice against my sins
as though He were me.
The cry that should be mine
coming from His lips.
"My God, My God, why have your forsaken me?"

Three days, three nights in the darkness of the tomb.
Then His perfect righteousness breaks the bonds,
He rises from the grave.
O glorious sunrise, the light of life dawning.
Those chains that bind me, could not hold Him.
Sin and death defeated.
My King, my King, stands victorious on the hill.

There came a moment when, in power and in glory
He reached down and pulled me from the mire.
He sees me sitting in the darkness and no way of escape,
Brings me into the light.
He roars, this Lion of Judah, in strength and might,
Yet gently calls me, Shepherd with staff and rod.
I hear His voice and follow Him; He wraps me in His robes of righteousness.
He marks me with His seal, "This one is mine."

It must be that He loves me
with perfect unchanging love.
It must be that He delights in me.
How can this be?
How can this be?
But in His garden, I will dwell,
in freedom and in peace.
Forever I will love and worship Him,
My God, my King, my Savior.

That is very nice Arail, but there is nothing in that, that is about the Gospel or redemption.

I didn't particularly like the part that says, "He marks me in his seal, this one is mine". The scripture plainly says that God is no respecter of persons. You have made God a respecter of persons. What Jesus does, he does, for the whole world and not for some certain persons. God so loves the world (all of humanity) not some of humanity, John 3:16.
Jesus knows who God gives to him.
That is very nice Arail, but there is nothing in that, that is about the Gospel or redemption.

I didn't particularly like the part that says, "He marks me in his seal, this one is mine". The scripture plainly says that God is no respecter of persons. You have made God a respecter of persons. What Jesus does, he does, for the whole world and not for some certain persons. God so loves the world (all of humanity) not some of humanity, John 3:16.
All believers bear that seal, no matter in what way they think they came to believe. Do you not have it?
All believers bear that seal, no matter in what way they think they came to believe. Do you not have it?
Jesus has provided salvation for everyone, Hebrews 2:9. If he didn't provide for everyone, he would be unjust.

The Bible plainly teaches that Jesus is the savior of the whole world, 1 John 2:2. To be the savior of the whole world means that he has provided salvation for the whole world. This means that every person that wants to be saved can be by doing nothing more than calling on the name of the Lord, Romans 10:13.
Jesus has provided salvation for everyone, Hebrews 2:9. If he didn't provide for everyone, he would be unjust.

The Bible plainly teaches that Jesus is the savior of the whole world, 1 John 2:2. To be the savior of the whole world means that he has provided salvation for the whole world. This means that every person that wants to be saved can be by doing nothing more than calling on the name of the Lord, Romans 10:13.
The question is who will? But I guess I could have counted on you to turn every good thing into vileness and hate. There is something wrong with you. And we have already had the above conversation. This is not the place for it.
Jesus has provided salvation for everyone, Hebrews 2:9. If he didn't provide for everyone, he would be unjust.

The Bible plainly teaches that Jesus is the savior of the whole world, 1 John 2:2. To be the savior of the whole world means that he has provided salvation for the whole world. This means that every person that wants to be saved can be by doing nothing more than calling on the name of the Lord, Romans 10:13.
It means he provided salvation for those sealed not just the Jewish world but the gentile world also. Their names are written in a sealed book the lambs book of new born life, . slain form the foundation of the world demonstrated 2000 years ago

Miraculously ( nothing more and nothing less) the calling on the name of the Lord, hearing the gospel he empowers mankind do it to the good pleasure of God