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Cp. thread next door on RUN SILENT, RUN DEEP. Once again, a general is a genius in the worst situation facing the young USA. Unfortunately the script has a studied way of avoiding Washington's faith. When served some good Madeira for the 1st time in a year, it's "Praise be to God." But we never see him pray, except maybe the last scene of reflection on an incredible victory.

This is a very high-quality production and re-enactment from 2000. It is encouraging to know that all the sites and locations are being kept intact. The production failed the factor of ice, although Washington crossed the Delaware again soon, and it may have been that incident that was iced over.

He was a daring leader with a dastardly sense of timing. The decisiveness of the victory shows when, immediately after, Washington insisted on getting his sick and exhausted troops back across the Delaware with 900 hostages, because of the specter of 20,000 English troops who would soon find out what happened to Trenton.

Best line: "There are no niceties in war."