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Christology The Amazing Christ



Please take a moment to read this post.

The Amazing Christ -

The anointed one whom was sent down by God from heaven born in flesh, through the past generations of people whom lead up to the birth of the promised messiah who would bring justification, and also lead into the great and dreadful day of the LORD (God), as promised to the material nation which was produced by and through the seed of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. Which lead to the 12 tribes of Israel in that day in age for them, even if there may have been split off from one being united.

Yeshua, the Lord sent from Heaven by God (Yahweh/Jehovah), was for the judgement, and redemption for all people by and through the death, burial, and resurrection. In which the promise which was made for the Jews then through out the ages, until Jesus (Yeshua) had come to be born now at that point be bringing forth in all into Salvation for having sin paid for on behalf of Him.

This death, was required to vanquish sin, to conquer over the devil (defeated - for all people once and for all be cause of being cast away and done away with according to Revelation, the death allows people to be able to also die to sin, by being baptized in Jesus (Yeshua) and his death. Then raise, rise again, resurrection of newness of life is formed, when people come to believe in these truths about that bible which is all lead by and through the Spirit which is sent from God, by believing and having faith which leads to having a prayerful relationship, and also looking and seeking the things of God by looking at the bible and reading the word.

The finality, is this, having a brand new life by the Holy Spirit of God / (Spirit of Christ) that resides with-in you is your new life which produces what the spirit brings forth such as kindness, patience, goodness, long-suffering, love, peace, forgiveness, which is always produced by and from God and never ourselves because of faith and asking the Father in heaven to help you as you go through this life.
Please take a moment to read this post.

The Amazing Christ -

The anointed one whom was sent down by God from heaven born in flesh, through the past generations of people whom lead up to the birth of the promised messiah who would bring justification, and also lead into the great and dreadful day of the LORD (God), as promised to the material nation which was produced by and through the seed of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. Which lead to the 12 tribes of Israel in that day in age for them, even if there may have been split off from one being united.

Yeshua, the Lord sent from Heaven by God (Yahweh/Jehovah), was for the judgement, and redemption for all people by and through the death, burial, and resurrection. In which the promise which was made for the Jews then through out the ages, until Jesus (Yeshua) had come to be born now at that point be bringing forth in all into Salvation for having sin paid for on behalf of Him.

This death, was required to vanquish sin, to conquer over the devil (defeated - for all people once and for all be cause of being cast away and done away with according to Revelation, the death allows people to be able to also die to sin, by being baptized in Jesus (Yeshua) and his death. Then raise, rise again, resurrection of newness of life is formed, when people come to believe in these truths about that bible which is all lead by and through the Spirit which is sent from God, by believing and having faith which leads to having a prayerful relationship, and also looking and seeking the things of God by looking at the bible and reading the word.

The finality, is this, having a brand new life by the Holy Spirit of God / (Spirit of Christ) that resides with-in you is your new life which produces what the spirit brings forth such as kindness, patience, goodness, long-suffering, love, peace, forgiveness, which is always produced by and from God and never ourselves because of faith and asking the Father in heaven to help you as you go through this life.

Greetings, interesting post. Are you Unitarian or Oneness?
Simply a believer in the Lord Yeshua Christ, whom was risen again by God, according to scriptures and believer that there is One God, as Paul states.
Simply a believer in the Lord Yeshua Christ, whom was risen again by God, according to scriptures and believer that there is One God, as Paul states.

There is One Godhead (Romans 1:20), but there are Three disctinct Persons Who are equally called God in the Bible (eg, John 1:1; Acts 5:3-4, etc). Do you believe this to be true?

No, I do not believe I have to agree with you.

If you believe what you do with God being three disctinct persons that is fine with me.
I wont argue with anyone who believes differently it doesn't matter to me as I am not dogmatic on that type of thing.
Simply a believer in the Lord Yeshua Christ, whom was risen again by God, according to scriptures and believer that there is One God, as Paul states.
If I remember correctly, you claimed to believe in the Trinity.

Did I misunderstand you?
This thread is not about the trinity, though may people may come by and talk about it or share that subject. The subject of the thread is about the great work of Christ and what was done for all the world, and for us to grow by and through the spirit worshiping God in spirit and truth.

No, I do not believe I have to agree with you.

If you believe what you do with God being three disctinct persons that is fine with me.
I wont argue with anyone who believes differently it doesn't matter to me as I am not dogmatic on that type of thing.

no one is asking you to agree with me, as I don't matter. It is what the Holy Bible, which is the ONLY Infallible, Inerrant Word of God, that ONLY matters, and it is very clear, that God is NOT "Unitarian", this is a demoinc heresy
no one is asking you to agree with me, as I don't matter. It is what the Holy Bible, which is the ONLY Infallible, Inerrant Word of God, that ONLY matters, and it is very clear, that God is NOT "Unitarian", this is a demoinc heresy

I’m not worried about these things as much as other people tend to worry about them. Thank you for responding.
Doing good things for others is not totally dependent on receiving the Holy Spirit.
Even evil ones do good things for others.

Matthew 7
(11) If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!