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Study on Pride — Humbleness



From my own life, there have been many times before having come to God where I believed that I was above others. Pride in having come to know the Lord Jesus even, and looking down on other people. Even as a Christian, looking down on other people because they perhaps had done bad things, like drugs, or drinking, and despised them.

Pride, is something that comes about that starts off in our heart. Now is it okay to have pride in something you accomplished? There is nothing wrong with this, in light of what God has done for you, and perhaps being a parent and helping your son how to speak or learn homework. Or perhaps overcoming an obstacles that pervious hindered you before. There is nothing wrong with this again in light of looking to God, and being humbled in his light. Not to become prideful, because of something you have done and to down play the other doesn't seem right in my best estimation.

Being honest, humble, transparent, before God, and before Man is a good thing.

My life use to be prideful against anything the things of God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, even over my own mother (thinking I would never have to work and she would), thinking that I was better than my (sister) though we both bleed the same blood, along with also thinking I was better than my (brother).

So with this I can be open and honest with you all that I have had trouble with this from my fleshy and also in the sense of spiritual pride.

I use to be someone who would boast and be prideful, but not so much anymore. Though some look at me as though I may not know anything, that I am just some punk kid who just does whatever he desires to do, and God created me, and by his grace I am what I am. He is the only one who ever came into my life through His Son Jesus Christ who had changed me, though sometimes my flesh still can come up. It is best to abide in Christ which is totally a choice on our own individual part.

I am not God; nor am I ever equal to God, just because his spirit lives with-in me, to be humble, gentle, kind, lowly is what he desires for us to by and through the spirit because of Christ Jesus. God helps us through our lives, and he deserves every respect for having kept us alive, through our very birth until now to this day. To Thank God for helping us to get through the things he helped us get through, throughout our bad choices or even good choices - He deserves the glory, praise, and lets give thanks to Him for it all, friend.

There are seven things that God detestable to him:

Proverbs 6:16-19
New International Version

16 There are six things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19 a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

What are some of your thoughts?
Are there some scriptures you would like to share for this study?
Proverbs 6:16-19
English Standard Version

16 There are six things that the Lord hates,
seven that are an abomination to him:
17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,

In this Proverb 16, the first thing mentioned here is:

There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to Him.

Abomination = a thing that causes disgust or hatred.

The very first thing that is mention is haughty eyes. In other words a Proud look. Proud, vain, arrogant, conceited, snobbish, stuck-up, pompous.

These scripture describe what the LIVING GOD HATES.
Proverbs 30:13 A generation—how high are their eyes, || Indeed, their eyelids are lifted up.

This can describe even our generation today. How high are their eyes, and indeed, their eyelids are lifted up.

God hates, and finds the haughty eyes of a person - in which a person can only look down at others, and believes they are lower than them. What a tough thing here... as a person who has been proud in his own heart and still struggles with it.

If there is a God - you must think these things matter to Him!

So if you are some one who struggles with this, call out to God and tell him about it and allow to help you change your heart, and become humble before him as you are given life by him every day.

Psalms 10:4 (LSV)
4 The wicked does not inquire according to the height of his face. “There is no God!” [are] all his schemes.

In this Psalms - the Wicked does not inquire according to the height of his face. "There is not God! [are] all his schemes.

There are people today even in the Christian faith, that can become prideful in that they believe they are God themselves, of course this scripture is talking about wicked however even the Pharisee, and the publican went through this in the story by Jesus. (Luke 18:9-14)
From Pslams 18:

25 To the faithful you show yourself faithful,
to the blameless you show yourself blameless,
26 to the pure you show yourself pure,
but to the devious you show yourself shrewd.
27 You save the humble
but bring low those whose eyes are haughty.

The Psalmist said here To the faithful you show yourself faithful, to the blameless you show yourself blameless, to the pure you should yourself pure,

but to the devious you should yourself shrewd. You save the humble but bring low those who eyes are haughty.

The first three verses remind me of the Sermon on the Mount when Jesus had spoke to his disciples about blessed are the poor, blessed are those who mourn.

It seems here the Psalmist talking about God says to those who are dives you should yourself shrewd, (reminds me of the Parable of the Shrewd Manager).

Shrewd stands for in the English Dictionary : having or showing sharp power of Judgements : astute (of weather) piercingly cold.

So those who deal by deviousness with God they are dealt with shrewdly, God saves the humble but brings low those who eyes are haughty - proud - vain - concieted.
Listen to what Isaiah said about the women in his day, not to single out just women but men can also be prideful too.

Isaiah 3:16 (LSV)
16 “Because that daughters of Zion have been haughty, || And they walk stretching out the neck, || And deceiving [with] the eyes, || They go walking and mincing, || And they make a jingling with their feet,

The Daughters of Zion have been haughty, and they walk stretching out the neck,

deceiving with the eyes,

they go walking about mincing, and they make a jinging with their feet.

Does this sound kind of the day we live in too? IF you ever go and look on Facebook, or Tiktok or some thing things that we have to use, can you see these same things perhaps through the news? Through Pride rallies and the things like that?

Sure you have, and though people may go and try to fight the world and its struggles and the darkness, the only thing we can do is be humble, sharing the Lord and showing them his love, and sharing how he had humbled us in this life.