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Anthropology Robert Sepehr Anthropologist

al thomsen, aka mr e and bobby sepher aka Fake anthropologist need help. Please give to the cause!!!
Where are bobby sepher's credentials? Nowhere to be found. He does like to eat for FREE. Like many scammers do.
Where are bobby sepher's credentials? Nowhere to be found. He does like to eat for FREE. Like many scammers do.
Sepehr does not have advanced degrees in anthropology. If he wrote a dissertation, it's not on Proquest dissertation express which means he 1. graduated from Harvard, 2. got a degree from a diploma mill, or 3. Has no degree. I'm going with #3 until he responds. I asked on his FB page where he did his diss, who was his advisor, and what was the title. My comment was erased and I was blocked from posting.