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Prager on how faiths fail



On this week's ULTIMATE ISSUES, Prager observed that the way the Left made Christian faith fail was to pounce on its failures. There are some. Then he prescribed doing the exact same to defeat the Left today: Item #1:

'Secular communism is the most murderous factor of the 20th century at 100M. There is one substantial religious massacre in the same period--the Islamic Turk massacre of Armenians. But today's young person only knows about George Floyd. They don't know of Pol Pot, Lenin, etc, but they might know of Hitler if he's labeled right-wing and if he is aligned with the Christian church. They don't know the Christian church role in abolition, in founding of hospitals and in schools and in housing. '

'Lately, there has been renewed criticism of Catholics in Canadian missions, about the unmarked graves. But this must be qualified. It is only Leftist media saying the unmarked graves contain native nations, and the Left is repeating its smear about disease at a time period when people did not truly know what was going on about infection, let alone have a scientific name for one.'

'The Left never mentions the 'virtue' of torture of enemies in native tribes, the slavery, the gambling slaves. Islamic slave-dealers removed African slaves means of reproduction. The Sacajawea acquisition was an act of sex trafficking which Lewis and Clark refused as such, but protected, going forward.'
More on glossed native nations history:
In my home area in WA state, one coastal town has a low elevation gap between the main town and the inland outside residential area. There is an estuary and 4 poles spaced along it. I used to think this was part of some little-known fishing method. I was surprised one day to learn that a tribe inland had a substantial long-running tiff with a Canadian tribe about 150 miles away. Whenever the Canadian tribe would come down for another round in the conflict, the local tribe would defeat them and also display heads on the 4 poles, to try to get them to stop coming.
On this week's ULTIMATE ISSUES, Prager observed that the way the Left made Christian faith fail was to pounce on its failures. There are some. Then he prescribed doing the exact same to defeat the Left today: Item #1:

'Secular communism is the most murderous factor of the 20th century at 100M. There is one substantial religious massacre in the same period--the Islamic Turk massacre of Armenians. But today's young person only knows about George Floyd. They don't know of Pol Pot, Lenin, etc, but they might know of Hitler if he's labeled right-wing and if he is aligned with the Christian church. They don't know the Christian church role in abolition, in founding of hospitals and in schools and in housing. '

'Lately, there has been renewed criticism of Catholics in Canadian missions, about the unmarked graves. But this must be qualified. It is only Leftist media saying the unmarked graves contain native nations, and the Left is repeating its smear about disease at a time period when people did not truly know what was going on about infection, let alone have a scientific name for one.'

'The Left never mentions the 'virtue' of torture of enemies in native tribes, the slavery, the gambling slaves. Islamic slave-dealers removed African slaves means of reproduction. The Sacajawea acquisition was an act of sex trafficking which Lewis and Clark refused as such, but protected, going forward.'

Correction to last line: "...trafficking but whom Lewis and..."