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Peace with God; Right by Faith



(Please be encouraged to read this out loud to yourself word by word, and think about what is being said).

Peace with God, and declared right by faith, we have peace toward God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Are you someone who is fairly familiar with this passage? It found in Romans 5. Paul is writing after having talked about the faith that Abraham had perviously in the last chapter.

Are you someone who who peace toward God, understanding that it is by faith that you are able to peace toward God? Some translations say "we have peace with God". However you take it, are you someone who rests in the finished work of Christ? That he has taken care of the sins that you have committed since the day you were born, and will even take care of your sins you will possibly make in the future? That is a very personal and deep question.

Normally when a person is convicted of having "missed the mark" which is normally placing love - towards God - FIRST. That is something that needs to be noted. It is always said by Jesus to have love for God first, will all your heart, with all your soul (mind/will/emotions), and will all your mind (Matthew 22:36-40).

This is something that has to be first established with your very own free will choice to make God your priority first and foremost always every second, every minute, every hour, every day. There is absolutely no other way around. Remember we are made right with God by faith, and are justified by faith (even when you flub up - which admittedly all have to first admit to God that you acknowledge this) a person is made right with God. (Some mistakenly make the choice in say I need to get my outer fleshly shell right with God before he accepts me).

This is wrong thinking, the Flesh profits nothing. However The SPIRIT is the only thing that can help put to death the misdeeds of the body a person will live (Romans 8:13), live in what way? Live by the spiritual way of life, it is where you allow the Spirit of Christ with-in you (Galatians 2:20) to come forth and allow (HIS) love to come through, (1 Corinthians 13 - really read this over and over to yourself), and this is where life is found. It is where the acknowledgement of peace is found by the Spirit (Galatians 5).

Are you someone who believes this? If you are not, it would be good to examine yourself if you are in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5), this message is not to unbelievers. This is a message to believers already who believe that Jesus Christ came, died, was buried, and resurrected by God.

Are you someone believes that you can have peace with God just by faith?
Are you someone that believes you must get your flesh in order first before you can actually experience peace with God which is by faith in the Lord?

These are very vital and important questions for you to ask yourself, and to even pray and talk to God about, and check the scriptures if they pan out.
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(Please be encouraged to read this out loud to yourself word by word, and think about what is being said).

Peace with God, and declared right by faith, we have peace toward God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Are you someone who is fairly familiar with this passage? It found in Romans 5. Paul is writing after having talked about the faith that Abraham had perviously in the last chapter.

Are you someone who who peace toward God, understanding that it is by faith that you are able to peace toward God? Some translations say "we have peace with God". However you take it, are you someone who rests in the finished work of Christ? That he has taken care of the sins that you have committed since the day you were born, and will even take care of your sins you will possibly make in the future? That is a very personal and deep question.

Normally when a person is convicted of having "missed the mark" which is normally placing love - towards God - FIRST. That is something that needs to be noted. It is always said by Jesus to have love for God first, will all your heart, with all your soul (mind/will/emotions), and will all your mind (Matthew 22:36-40).

This is something that has to be first established with your very own free will choice to make God your priority first and foremost always every second, every minute, every hour, every day. There is absolutely no other way around. Remember we are made right with God by faith, and are justified by faith (even when you flub up - which admittedly all have to first admit to God that you acknowledge this) a person is made right with God. (Some mistakenly make the choice in say I need to get my outer fleshly shell right with God before he accepts me).

This is wrong thinking, the Flesh profits nothing. However The SPIRIT is the only thing that can help put to death the misdeeds of the body a person will live (Romans 8:13), live in what way? Live by the spiritual way of life, it is where you allow the Spirit of Christ with-in you (Galatians 2:20) to come forth and allow (HIS) love to come through, (1 Corinthians 13 - really read this over and over to yourself), and this is where life is found. It is where the acknowledgement of peace is found by the Spirit (Galatians 5).

Are you someone who believes this? If you are not, it would be good to examine yourself if you are in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5), this message is not to unbelievers. This is a message to believers already who believe that Jesus Christ came, died, was buried, and resurrected by God.

Are you someone believes that you can have peace with God just by faith?
Are you someone that believes you must get your flesh in order first before you can actually experience peace with God which is by faith in the Lord?

These are very vital and important questions for you to ask yourself, and to even pray and talk to God about, and check the scriptures if they pan out.
There are theoretically two ways of salvation, man's way, which is by religion. And there is God's way of salvation, which is by faith in his Son Jesus Christ. There is no peace in man's way by religion, because no one knows what God requires of them. How righteous must one be to please a holy God? What is required? no one knows. Jesus who was perfect is the only one that pleased God. Salvation by faith requires nothing but faith, no works, no obedience, no nothing, just faith and faith alone. This we can rest in and have peace with God.