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John 14



John 14

1. Let NOT your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe in me (Jesus is talking to His apostles before they kill Him. He is giving the apostles their last instruction on earth before He goes back to His Father in heaven.).

2. In my Father's house are many mansions ( Trevor, is there mansions now in the temple of this earthly Jerusalem?): if it were so, I would have told you. I GO TO PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU (so Trevor where are Jesus going to prepare a place for Pipiripi? In heaven or in Jerusalem on earth?).

3. And if I go and prepare a place for you ( for me), I WILL COME AGAIN (come again from where Trevor? From His tomb or from heaven or from this earthly Jerusalem, your teaching is starting to making to much circles my friend), AND RECEIVE YOU UNTO MYSELF (where Trevor, is this talking about crucifixion our going back from where Jesus has come?); that where I am, there ye may be also.

4. And whither I go ye know (yes Pipiripi know, but Trevor is talking about your crucifixion Jesus.), and the way ye know.

5. Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither Thou goest; and how can we know the way? (Trevor don't know the way because he is staking in crucifixion.)

6. Jesus saith unto him, I AM THE WAY (but all the tarians and new age teachers will never know the way. Because they have rejected Jesus Christ as the SON OF GOD. THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me (the teachings of Jesus Christ, not of man).

The rest is just follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Do you see here! Thomas and Philip was so long with Jesus, but they didn't understand what Jesus is teaching or saying. Why? Because they are still carnal minded thinking people, and also that Jesus are going to rule on earth at their time.

Do you see! It is the same with this false teaching that Jesus are going to rule in Jerusalem, when He returns back now in the second coming.

Satan has destroyed this people minds so that they can never understand the scriptures. 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12!!
An important word has been omitted.

“You believe in God. Believe also in me.”

(John 14:1)

The imperative isn’t to believe in God and also in God.

You [already] believe in God. Believe also [now] in a human person, Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah, the Son of God.
An objection to what I wrote in post #2 -> in trinitarian theology, Jesus of Nazareth is not a human person.

In order to hold the theology a person must embrace the teaching of the theology.
An objection to what I wrote in post #2 -> in trinitarian theology, Jesus of Nazareth is not a human person.

In order to hold the theology a person must embrace the teaching of the theology.

I'm sorry-- but we don't discuss the Trinity here.

April Fools!

There are no banned topics at White Horse.
I'm sorry-- but we don't discuss the Trinity here.

April Fools!

There are no banned topics at White Horse.

Banning topics is a policy which fails to address the real issue online discussion forums face - i.e. members who refuse, or are unable, to abide by rules establishing acceptable behavior.

Forums that ban topics decline over time. White Horse is positioning itself to increase over time.

Steady as she goes, captain. Steady as she goes.
Banning topics is a policy which fails to address the real issue online discussion forums face - i.e. members who refuse, or are unable, to abide by rules establishing acceptable behavior.

Forums that ban topics decline over time. White Horse is positioning itself to increase over time.

Steady as she goes, captain. Steady as she goes.

This is intended to be a city of refuge for the censored and persecuted.

--Kind of like the new X platform. It's not going to be how it was..... first step is house cleaning.