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In-depth look at : Faith




There are two theme relative to faith that need to be briefly discussed: First, why faith is placed on Jesus and why it's not, and second why faith is the primary precursor to genuine love.

First, Why faith is placed in Jesus and why it's not.

Volumes have been written on the subject of faith. The intention here is not to make an exhaustive presentation of it but to instead present items that are often overlooked or even rejected about it. We contend that God is not a respecter of persons. This being the case, and the fact that His only human son has completed (finished) all that is necessary to reconcile and redeem all of humankind to Him, we submit that God, through His Holy Spirit (which is, in fact, the Spirit of Christ Himself) calls (and is calling) to all men to receive Him by and through faith in His Son.

Those who receive and believe in the message, the Good News, or Christ Jesus are saved both from a life of bondage here in this life and from afterlife loss. Those who refuse to place their faith in Christ's finished work ( as inclined to do of HIs Spirit) will remain in spiritual bondage here and will suffer after-life loss there. With God calling to all people to receive His Son's shed blood on their behalf it is really as simple as that.

We submit that upon believing, and upon accepting and receiving Christ's finished work by and through the Spirit that a person is made a child of God (though but a babe) whereas before they were merely a creation of God. Additionally and in light of this factor, we admit that all who will not receive Christ by faith here will die as creations of God - not children - and will be justly rewarded (or suffer loss) based on their life of faithlessness. We concur with scripture, however , that every knee will, in fact, bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord and that, due to the fact that no person can do this but by the Spirit, that all will ultimately be reconciled to God at some point in time in their existence. Nevertheless, what is the difference between those who believe and receive Christ here and those who don't? The difference is faith - the spiritual (rather than the material) apprehension that something is true, real, or worthy of our trust and allegiance. Perhaps the better question is why do some choose to place their faith in Jesus at the invitation of the Holy Spirit while others chose to reject the invitation?

(Expressed permission from the Author - to use for edification and learning to others full work found here on many different topics - PDF | The Christian Anarchist Crookbook | cult)
continued from post #1,

Again, numerous points of conjecture could be included here - some valid others not - but we will appeal to Jesus words to help us with the answer. There are several insights worthy of examination as Jesus says those who receive and believe but perhaps we can summarize them all through the following -

They love God and others more than the things of this world - with the things of the world including (in part)

- Self

- Family

- Power and popularity

- Dark

- Lies

- Man

- Lust

- Pride

- Flesh

- Money and material

- Hate and revenge

In other words, when someone desires, seeks, wants to love God and others more than their own pet interests, more than themselves, they would be more open and willing to believe in things of Christ over the things the world over the things the world around them offers.
Those who love the things of this world pre-eminently will have a a hard time choosing to believe in the things of God (which are not of this world.) So while God is knocking on the heart of all people, inviting them to believe and receive Him through His Son, most people love their own lives - themselves - too much to accept, receive, believe - place their faith in Him and His Promises.

It is as simple as this. Contrary to what man religionist will suggest today, when God and the salvation of man are the topic at hand the event is a two-way street - God calls freely to all to receive individuals choose to believe. When individuals love the world and all that is in it more than the offering God presents, faith is directed elsewhere - to money, family, or the self. When a person humbly sees themselves and the impotent things of this world as they really are - futile, weak, beggarly and temporary - they are more likely to look to God and receive His Son by saving faith.

It is for this reason that believers do not fret over loved ones suffering at the hands of the things of this world - when they become disappointed and broken by the temporal failures that come with riches, substances, family, friends, sin and even self itself. When such things prove themselves to be feeble, the attraction of God and His Promises often become far more inviting.

As a result, believers share the simple Gospel message (that Jesus did in fact pay for all of their sin with His life and shed blood) with all who will hear, in patience and love, knowing that the seeds of this eternally significant theme will grow, not return void, and will someday have the potential to brings a soul to what is called, "saving faith" fo their own free-will and accord.
Continued from post #2

Second, why faith is the primary precursor to genuine love.

John the Beloved, one of Jesus chosen apostles, wrote in his 1st Epistle:

1st John 3:23 And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment.

Interestingly enough, when Jesus was approached by a Jewish scribe and was asked what are the greatest commandments He said:

"Thou shalt love they Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hand al the law and the prophets." (Matthew 22:37-40)

Earlier He taught His disciples:

John 13:34 "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another."

Why would Jesus, when asked about the greatest commandment only speak of love but when John rehearses the "commandments" to his audience later describes them (again) in the following way:

"And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment."

We might remember that faith was intrinsic to the faith of the Nation Jesus came to save. Going all the way back to Abraham, the father of the faith, it was his faith that justified him before God, and nothing more. What is often lost among people (Christians and non-Christians alike) is the important role faith in God and Christ plays in their ability to love as He desires them to love.

For this reason John the Beloved articulated the commandments as (First) believing on God's son, Jesus Christ and to love one another as He (Jesus explained - with the love for God tacitly implied.)
Continued from post #3,

Perhaps an example might help articulate this principle.

Joe and Tom are neighbors - divorcees - and they both have five year old daughters who they love dearly. Joe is an atheist and Tom is a follower of Christ both men subscribe to the idea that love will conquer all things. The difference is Joe follows the Beatles view of love and Tom follows Jesus example and descriptions of it.

One morning as the men drank coffee and talked about life, their little girls were in the front year playing in the morning sun with their dolls. A disturbed man with twisted ideas about sex approached the children and violently molted both of them before running away and leaving in his wake two bruised, and bleeding children.

The police were called and the man is apprehended but due to a legal technicality is realized to continue to roam about the typically quiet neighborhood.

Joe and Tom are equally distraught - to the point o being violently angry - especially as their little girls begin to become withdrawn, fearful, and have nightmares of evil men hurting them.

In this sordid example, Joe and Tom - professors of love for all - are facing the challenge and test of their stated ideals. Both men find themselves obsessing over revenge, both possess hearts full of anger, and both spend time in deep despair over the harm done to their young, innocent formerly healthy happy daughters.

While their initial reaction to these crimes is anticipated and understandable, both men have to come to grips with how they will react to this even in their immediate and future lives as both want to enact revenge upon this released sexual predator.

While it is possible for both men, from and through their respective morals, and standards to forgive the molester and put ideas and actions of revenge behind them, there is a marked difference in what would compel them to respond in such a manner.

Joe would be daring on his own strength to overcome his innate desires to throttle the perpetrator but Tom has a Lord and Savior in His life who not only commanded that Tom turn the other cheek (to meekly forgive) but to love the man as well.
Continued from post #4

Here is where Christian faith becomes the precursor to Christian love. If Tom has true faith in Jesus words, that as HIs follower He should:

  • Turn the other cheek
  • Forgive all men/women
  • love those who hurt us and despitefully use us, and
  • to trust that revenge is the Lords and not ours.
Then Tom will die to his desires for revenge and let God handle the situation in the future. If Tom has not placed his faith in God toward such things, then he is less likely to show love towards the man who harmed his daughter.

And so it with everything Jesus said and did in His life. We, as His followers, will decide by faith to trust in Him and HIs ways and words and love more and more or we will choose not to place our faith in Him and His ways and therefore love less and less.

In this we can see that the more faith an individual has in the words and promises of God the more they are able to love as He would have us love, and the less we trust in Him and HIs words and promises, the less love we will prove to have first for Him (the first great commandment) and for our fellow man (the second great commandment).

Faith Summary

The more faith in the words of God and Christ that a Christian possess, the more they will love God and Man with authentic agape love. The less the faith a believer has in God and Christ's words, the less agape love they will present.

Religious Crooks

It seems that when it comes to the subject of faith that religious crooks tend to either add to it, diminish it, or explain it in a manner that is untenable in this day and age. Some, borrowing from the words of Christ to His chosen and trained apostles ,teach that if a person has enough faith that they can accomplish anything that they want. Other suggest that the presence of faith is not enough to please God. Between these two positions all sorts of abuses seem to thrive. From scripture, we know that faith comes by hearing of the word. We also know there is wisdom in praying for faith and that it is a spiritual gift. We simultaneously admits that without faith it is impossible to please God. All of these things could be included in an examination of the principles of faith.
First, Why faith is placed in Jesus and why it's not.

Why was the faith of Christ placed in the heart of the Son of man if not to both reveal or hear the will and empower Jesus finish it to the good pleasure glory of God not seen..

Does God have faith? Can His faith fail in what it hoped as a dead testimony? "Let there be" the law and "nothing appeared"

We cannot place faith in or towards Jesus unless he first gives us his understand as it is written make the devil flee. Powerful words of faith

Roman 3: 3-4 For what if some did not believe (no faith, none not little) ? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.