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I Know This One Thing



Discussions of differing theologies is interesting, important, helpful, informative. There is a negative side to it, as with most things where fallen people are involved. It isn't so much that things often get heated, insults fly about, kindness goes out the window. That is to be expected when people are coming from opposite premises. The attributes of God that we are meant to reflect, of kindness and mercy and gentleness often disappear, and with them, I believe, the focus on God and His glory. It becomes all letter with no Spirit. Pride and arrogance rise up in their place. And it is hard, I admit, for me, and I can only assume many, to know where and how to draw the line between zeal for truth and what the world would see as kindness, gentleness, and mercy. The Pharisees would not have seen Jesus as kind and gentle in His rebukes of them, Yet I stand on the sidelines, cheering Him on. And we know that Jesus did no wrong. It is kindness, maybe not in the eyes of the Pharisees, but towards us, all who read His words, as instruction and teaching. And He was defending truth, not Himself.

I was pondering these things this morning. Trying to step inside the beliefs that I disagree with that come up on the forum. Particularly, lately, of works for salvation, verses, faith alone. And whether such a belief denies the work that Jesus did, presenting Him only as the one who shows the way and replaces the priesthood of Israel. And does such a belief disqualify as saving faith. The only "head" I can see inside is my own, and often not too clearly, compared to all that God can see. But in my pondering and checking my own beliefs on the subject, I arrived at this one thing I know for certain.

God is so holy, so pure and perfect that no sinner and no sin can dwell in His presence. I want to dwell with Him for I have come to hate sin and all that is associated with it in this world we live in. I know He is restoring all things and the time will come when many do dwell with Him in the new heaven and the new earth where there is no sin nor even a hint of it. This is where I want to be. Knowing Him even as I am known.

Not only am I a sinner, but I am a hopeless and helpless one. I cannot stop transgressing against my Creator. Even in my good deeds done after my union with Christ, I immediately find the serpent lurking there, a seed of my old self, tempting me with pride and self seeking. Always crouching at the door. I cannot get rid of this sin on my own. Someone who is truly holy and yet lived in this same world that I live in, surrounded by sins and temptations, just as I live in it, and yet never sin, had to take this power of sin to condemn me before God, off my shoulders. And I see that Jesus did that very thing when He died in my place, and I will trust Him and this always, and no other. I will cling to Him and only Him for dear life and hope. And I will trust in the Spirit of Christ in me, not myself, to perform in me the good pleasure of the Father in transforming me more and more into His faith in the Father when He laid down His life for mine, into the image of Christ for which I was created. I rest in Him from all my work to attain a life that is pleasing to God. He will do a good work in me. In this I rest. And as He is doing this, it is Christ and His righteousness in whom I am sealed, now and forever. There is no enemy strong enough to remove me from under His wings, or take me out of His hands. All these things He tell me in His word. I believe HIm. I have a peace that passes all understanding, in Him, the one who reconciled me to God, and I am free to rejoice in the Lord, and praise His holy name.
Discussions of differing theologies is interesting, important, helpful, informative. There is a negative side to it, as with most things where fallen people are involved. It isn't so much that things often get heated, insults fly about, kindness goes out the window. That is to be expected when people are coming from opposite premises. The attributes of God that we are meant to reflect, of kindness and mercy and gentleness often disappear, and with them, I believe, the focus on God and His glory. It becomes all letter with no Spirit. Pride and arrogance rise up in their place. And it is hard, I admit, for me, and I can only assume many, to know where and how to draw the line between zeal for truth and what the world would see as kindness, gentleness, and mercy. The Pharisees would not have seen Jesus as kind and gentle in His rebukes of them, Yet I stand on the sidelines, cheering Him on. And we know that Jesus did no wrong. It is kindness, maybe not in the eyes of the Pharisees, but towards us, all who read His words, as instruction and teaching. And He was defending truth, not Himself.

I was pondering these things this morning. Trying to step inside the beliefs that I disagree with that come up on the forum. Particularly, lately, of works for salvation, verses, faith alone. And whether such a belief denies the work that Jesus did, presenting Him only as the one who shows the way and replaces the priesthood of Israel. And does such a belief disqualify as saving faith. The only "head" I can see inside is my own, and often not too clearly, compared to all that God can see. But in my pondering and checking my own beliefs on the subject, I arrived at this one thing I know for certain.

God is so holy, so pure and perfect that no sinner and no sin can dwell in His presence. I want to dwell with Him for I have come to hate sin and all that is associated with it in this world we live in. I know He is restoring all things and the time will come when many do dwell with Him in the new heaven and the new earth where there is no sin nor even a hint of it. This is where I want to be. Knowing Him even as I am known.

Not only am I a sinner, but I am a hopeless and helpless one. I cannot stop transgressing against my Creator. Even in my good deeds done after my union with Christ, I immediately find the serpent lurking there, a seed of my old self, tempting me with pride and self seeking. Always crouching at the door. I cannot get rid of this sin on my own. Someone who is truly holy and yet lived in this same world that I live in, surrounded by sins and temptations, just as I live in it, and yet never sin, had to take this power of sin to condemn me before God, off my shoulders. And I see that Jesus did that very thing when He died in my place, and I will trust Him and this always, and no other. I will cling to Him and only Him for dear life and hope. And I will trust in the Spirit of Christ in me, not myself, to perform in me the good pleasure of the Father in transforming me more and more into His faith in the Father when He laid down His life for mine, into the image of Christ for which I was created. I rest in Him from all my work to attain a life that is pleasing to God. He will do a good work in me. In this I rest. And as He is doing this, it is Christ and His righteousness in whom I am sealed, now and forever. There is no enemy strong enough to remove me from under His wings, or take me out of His hands. All these things He tell me in His word. I believe HIm. I have a peace that passes all understanding, in Him, the one who reconciled me to God, and I am free to rejoice in the Lord, and praise His holy name.
I have began to learn to tame my spirit when comes to be a logical disagreement. The thing I still struggle with is when somebody else responds with arrogance, scorn, innuendo and just general nastiness.

That’s when the flesh wells up and wants to answer back in kind. And yet God calls us to turn the other cheek I must obey as hard as that is going to be. I must obey him because he is my abba whom I love.
I have began to learn to tame my spirit when does it feel logical disagreement. The thing I still struggle with send somebody else responds with arrogance, scorn come about innuendo and just general nastiness.

That’s when the flesh wells up and wants to answer back and kind. And yet God calls us to turn the other cheek I must obey as hard as that is going to be. I must obey him because he is my abba whom I love.
You and me both! Personalities have a lot to do with it I think, and experiences. I think when truth is at stake, things can even be said forcefully, and honestly, calling a spade a spade. It will often be taken as an insult by the one receiving it, in fact that is pretty much guaranteed. As long as the force is applied to the error and I do not think it is a kindness to let damaging false teaching stand. It is as you say, arrogance and scorn and misrepresentation of what one is saying so as to fight with paper tigers or straw men armies, and pure nastiness, that are difficult for me to deal with, without resorting to my "talent" for using words as a very sharp, precision sword, and not the sword of the Spirit. Truthfully, in those situations I am showing restraint, not putting to words even half of what I am thinking. LOL. And thinking it is wrong too.