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Here are the imperatives that Jesus gave for his disciples and for us.


Grace Accepted

These are grand opportunities to show our love and appreciation for the things Jesus and our Father have done for us. If you are not in a saving relationship these become a ladder to heaven that you can never fully climb.

1. "When you pray for forgiveness, forgive"
Mark 11:25-26

2. "You must be born again"
John 3:7

3. "Remain in Me and I will remain in you"
John 15:4

4. "Let your light shine before men"
Matt 5:14;16

5. "Settle matters quickly with your adversary"
Matt 5:25

6. "Get rid of whatever causes you to sin"
Matt 5:29-30

7. "Do Not Swear at All (Make a vow)"
Matt 5: 34-37

8. "Do Not Resist an Evil Person"
Matt 5:38-39 NIV

9. "Giving More than is Demanded of you"
Matt 5:40-42

10. "Love Your Enemies"
Matt 5:43-45 Even if that is me. :sneaky:

11. "Give to Please God, Not to be Seen"
Matt 6:1

12. "Pray Privately, Not to be Seen by Men"
Matt 6:5-7

13. "This, then, is how you should pray"
Matt 6:9-15

14. "Fast Without Fanfare"
Matt 6:16 NIV

15. "Do not Store up Treasures on Earth"
Matt 6:19-21

16. "Do not Worry about Your Needs"
Matt 6:25-26

17. "Do not Worry about Tomorrow"
Matt 6:34

18. "Place God First"
Matt 6:33

19. "Do not Judge"
Matt 7:1-2

20. "Guard what is Sacred"
Matt 7:6

21. "Ask, Seek, and Knock"
Matt 7:7 NIV

22. "Care for Those in Distress"
Matt 25:34-36

23. "Enter Through the Narrow Gate"
Matt 7:13-14

24. "Watch out for false prophets"
Matt 7:15

25. "Exercise Spiritual Power"
Matt 10:1, Matt 10:8

26. "Do not Despise Childlike Believers"
Matt 18:10

27. "Do not Exalt Yourself"
Matt 23:8-12

28. "Settle Disputes Between Believers in this Manner..."
Matt 18:15-17

29. "Do not Oppose Other Christian Groups"
Mark 9:38-40

30. "Have Complete Faith in God"
Mark 11:22-24

31. "Do as the Good Samaritan Did"
Luke 10:30-37

32. "Love One Another"
John 15:12

33. "Do this in Remembrance of Me"
Luke 22:19-20

34. "You Should also Wash One Another's Feet"
John 13:14

35. "Be Merciful"
Luke 6:36

36. "Go and Make Disciples of All Nations, Baptizing Them"
Matt 28:19-20

37. "Obey What I Command"
John 14:15

38. "You Must be Ready"
Luke 12:40