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Have We Added a Commandment?



In much of today's church it seems so. At the least we have taken the commandment of "Love your neighbor" altered the meaning and wording of it to fit our culture and our sensibilities and moved it to first place in the form of "Be Nice". In the event that disagreements ensue on theological matters, all the other commandments must become subject to being nice.

Of course "nice" is subjective in the extreme and so it relies upon the feelings of the persons involved. What is courage and honesty of conviction and presentation in one becomes "not nice" to the one it is directed towards. Unless they begin to not be nice by pointing out all the character faults of the one addressing an issue they disagree with or do not like. However, due to the subjective nature of "nice", in them this now becomes "nice." (That way we never have to own up to the sinfulness of what we are doing. Instead we can blame it all the "not niceness" of the other person.)

And if both parties are thoroughly trained in niceness, and able to curb all inner feelings and emotions, we can have a short lived but utterly devoid of substance, exchange, that nevertheless, drips mountains of sickening sweetness. And we can at least go away saying, "I am so good. And they are so good too."

If we keep at it long enough we can have a society that contains no personalities. Doesn't that sound grand?!
In much of today's church it seems so. At the least we have taken the commandment of "Love your neighbor" altered the meaning and wording of it to fit our culture and our sensibilities and moved it to first place in the form of "Be Nice". In the event that disagreements ensue on theological matters, all the other commandments must become subject to being nice.

Of course "nice" is subjective in the extreme and so it relies upon the feelings of the persons involved. What is courage and honesty of conviction and presentation in one becomes "not nice" to the one it is directed towards. Unless they begin to not be nice by pointing out all the character faults of the one addressing an issue they disagree with or do not like. However, due to the subjective nature of "nice", in them this now becomes "nice." (That way we never have to own up to the sinfulness of what we are doing. Instead we can blame it all the "not niceness" of the other person.)

And if both parties are thoroughly trained in niceness, and able to curb all inner feelings and emotions, we can have a short lived but utterly devoid of substance, exchange, that nevertheless, drips mountains of sickening sweetness. And we can at least go away saying, "I am so good. And they are so good too."
Not only can "nice" can be overrated, but can also be disingenuous, a facade, and even used as a trap.
As you mentioned, their inner feelings are hidden and therefore you will not be able to to get an accurate estimation of them.

Scripture tells us there is an appropriate time for everything, a time for peace and a time for war, a time to build and a time to tear down, a time to love and a time to hate (Ecc 3).

Scripture even tells us that getting angry with someone is wrong when it is done WITHOUT A CAUSE. (Matt 5:22)

However, I do believe there are settings in which "niceness" is necessary, such as social gatherings (reunions, Christmas, etc.)
Nothing ruins those settings like a pot-stirrer with a grudge to bear.

And to tell the truth, I think the "subjective" mantra is overused and mostly unnecessary to even bring up.
Because ANYTHING can be subjective to ANYONE these days, so why waste time using the word???
It's got to where I just want to say "Duh" (and roll my eyes) to anyone that uses it in an discussion.

As for internet sites, to me it is simple.
I have the choice to just avoid conversing with anyone.
I can put them on ignore and my world stays normal.

People that keep wanting to tango with a person they find frustrating, I have one thing to say ...... "You made your bed, now lie in it".
If you poke the dog with a stick, don't complain to anyone that the dog bit you.

And stop being so offended, people!!!!!!
I remember the days when we could all watch TV characters like Archie Bunker and George Jefferson, and we all laughed at them both.

I don't know how many people here ever watched the movie starring Clint Eastwood, Gran Torino, but the dialogue between him and an Asian neighbor girl was refreshing to watch.
They both sluffed off the cultural slurs they made to each other as no big deal, and they became friends without either of them having to abandon their culture to be friends.

If we keep at it long enough we can have a society that contains no personalities. Doesn't that sound grand?!
It's a robotic world.
As for internet sites, to me it is simple.
I have the choice to just avoid conversing with anyone.
I can put them on ignore and my world stays normal.

People that keep wanting to tango with a person they find frustrating, I have one thing to say ...... "You made your bed, now lie in it".
If you poke the dog with a stick, don't complain to anyone that the dog bit you.

And stop being so offended, people!!!!!!
Agreed Sissy. (y)
In much of today's church it seems so. At the least we have taken the commandment of "Love your neighbor" altered the meaning and wording of it to fit our culture and our sensibilities and moved it to first place in the form of "Be Nice". In the event that disagreements ensue on theological matters, all the other commandments must become subject to being nice.

When it comes to people arguing over scripture, the best thing to do is allow your neighbor to be themselves and allow God to work on their own heart and mind, this is something seen throughout many ages of time.

Like the Reformation, who killed in the name of God. And if you did not submit to their ways, you were killed right then or whatever type of think right?

Same thing happens today on forum sites, and it is all standing on the line of "I see a 7, and you see an L".

Therefore when people come at me at this point in time, my honest objection is hey, maybe you are right and perhaps I am wrong, it was good to talk about this however it seems we have a different view and looking at this, and that is okay.

In Romans 12, has a whole lot to consider when "Dealing with difficult people", and that we are indeed suppose to live in peace with people, even they do not accept "that persons view because ya ya ya", type of thinking.

It all starts with-in the heart, and all us need renewing in our mind. the Bible, and looking at it is what helps us to renew our mind, and to have the mind of Christ, and to look to and live by the Holy Spirit IF one decides to participate and draw closer to God in which He will draw closer to the individual.

Of course "nice" is subjective in the extreme and so it relies upon the feelings of the persons involved. What is courage and honesty of conviction and presentation in one becomes "not nice" to the one it is directed towards.

You are right. It would depend on the situation. There are so many real situations out there, It would depend on the situation at hand. Are there some particulars that you have been through yourself you like to share, where you decided to be nice?

There are so many limitless situations to try to define on - say a grandson shows a picture to his grandma, but she doesn't care for it, but says hey you know what son that is great, let me put it on the fridge that is a version of being nice isn't it?

Unless they begin to not be nice by pointing out all the character faults of the one addressing an issue they disagree with or do not like.

Like "I do not like you because your nose is to pointy, or I do not like you because you dress that way?" Or "Why do you always have that same belt on? Why do you always wear the same clothes do you own multiple shirts of the same type? What is wrong with you do you have no personality?"

People can in general be really mean and assy towards people if they want to. A person give a mean look and you did not even do nothing to them, or say something to you that is mean and you did not even do nothing to them.

Should we rile up and bust them in the fricken head just because of it? Or Be nice? And do good to our enemies? By and through the Spirit?

However, due to the subjective nature of "nice", in them this now becomes "nice." (That way we never have to own up to the sinfulness of what we are doing. Instead we can blame it all the "not niceness" of the other person.)

I kind tired of the niceness now, but really believe the Holy Spirit is the most profiecent and profound way to get by in life by making God the one whom is at the center focus of the heart, and when bad things comes along, just pass it over to Him, and forgive as the Lord had forgave us.

And if both parties are thoroughly trained in niceness, and able to curb all inner feelings and emotions, we can have a short lived but utterly devoid of substance, exchange, that nevertheless, drips mountains of sickening sweetness. And we can at least go away saying, "I am so good. And they are so good too."

If we keep at it long enough we can have a society that contains no personalities. Doesn't that sound grand?!
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Like the Reformation, who killed in the name of God.
The Reformation didn't kill. That is like saying a gun killed a person. But don't single out the reformation when you, from not niceness, speak of one group of people killing another group. There is the Inquisition and the Crusades, and the Hallecost etc.
Therefore when people come at me at this point in time, my honest objection is hey, maybe you are right and perhaps I am wrong, it was good to talk about this however it seems we have a different view and looking at this, and that is okay.
None of which you mean. A front of niceness.
In Romans 12, has a whole lot to consider when "Dealing with difficult people", and that we are indeed suppose to live in peace with people, even they do not accept "that persons view because ya ya ya", type of thinking.
The problem is a person standing up for their beliefs and supporting them, not bending to the will of the one whose only purpose is to get people to bend, is viewed (usually by those who can't support their beliefs because they are unsupportable)as insult, nasty, not nice.
It all starts with-in the heart, and all us need renewing in our mind. the Bible, and looking at it is what helps us to renew our mind, and to have the mind of Christ, and to look to and live by the Holy Spirit IF one decides to participate and draw closer to God in which He will draw closer to the individual.
Are you intentionally missing my point?

Like "I do not like you because your nose is to pointy, or I do not like you because you dress that way?" Or "Why do you always have that same belt on? Why do you always wear the same clothes do you own multiple shirts of the same type? What is wrong with you do you have no personality?"

People can in general be really mean and assy towards people if they want to. A person give a mean look and you did not even do nothing to them, or say something to you that is mean and you did not even do nothing to them.

Should we rile up and bust them in the fricken head just because of it? Or Be nice? And do good to our enemies? By and through the Spirit?
Are you intentionally missing my point?
and when shit comes along,
I guess you did get tired of being nice!
Don’t know just shared my thoughts, did lose interest. I decided to delete this but cant.
Sometimes we notice a time for corrective words... and use what seems harsh to some to speak a certain truth.
The truth that needed to be said.
It seems 'not nice' to either to speaker or adherent but it needed to be said. I get that.
We can be nice in our intent.. yet need to use a harsh spoken reality. Needed to be said.
It is not a happiness dictatorship we conform to... iron sharpening iron needs a little harshness.
Spiritual formation needs correction and corrective words, else we eat sugar clouds and fail to grow.
Thanks Arial, though the subtextual conversation is an aside to the central OP- this is good to air.
I appreciate you calling this out.
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Sometimes we notice a time for corrective words... and use what seems harsh to some to speak a certain truth.
The truth that needed to be said.
It seems 'not nice' to either to speaker or adherent but it needed to be said. I get that.
There were times when all of knew we should have been spanked, grounded, and harshly yelled at.
(Well, not me, I was a perfect child!!! 😇 But the rest of you knew you had it coming. ;) )

We can be nice in our intent.. yet need to use a harsh spoken reality. Needed to be said.
It is not a happiness dictatorship we conform to... iron sharpening iron needs a little harshness.
Spiritual formation needs correction and corrective words, else we eat sugar clouds and fail to grow.
Sugar clouds!
Now I want some
View attachment 1677

Thanks Arial, though the subtextual conversation is an aside to the central OP- this is good to air.
I appreciate you calling this out.
Always good to get different perspectives and be up-front.
Don’t know just shared my thoughts, did lose interest. I decided to delete this but cant.
It is okay Matt,
Sharing a thought and an idea is what we are about.
Now and then I have posted with what I was mulling over at that time.
Mulling over things leads to testing any hypothetical statement that we all test and contribute to.
And then things develop from there!
There are some posts that I wish I could either delete or edit too... wisdoms of looking back at what we had posted over were we had been with any post :) (even now I edited my grammar !!!!)
Stay safe and keep going with your ideas :)
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There were times when all of knew we should have been spanked, grounded, and harshly yelled at.
(Well, not me, I was a perfect child!!! 😇 But the rest of you knew you had it coming. ;) )

Sugar clouds!
Now I want some
View attachment 1677

Always good to get different perspectives and be up-front.
Sugar clouds is a real thing! :ROFLMAO:
Oh I so love that: yet I will on grow by eating them- 'where's the beef'!