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God is not mad, angry, with you.



In the narrative in the Bible it pertains to the nation of Israel mainly. The Bible was never written to you, or for you, even never written to your country. No where in scripture do you see this.

And every single generation after this must keep all of these things proclaimed in the Bible and maintain the church like the Bible states

If you could show me something like this I would disregard my own personal faith of Jesus having returned in 70Ad.

God is not mad at you.
God is not angry at you.

God sent his son for a specific reason, it was firstly to deal with the nation of Israel that started going down the slope of not having care for God. Gods own chosen nation of Israel had the Son of God Killed. After this period of time, with Jesus had resurrected.

Jesus apostles went out and wrote letters even, if you read 1 Thessalonians all the way through which can take 30 minutes: you will see how the apostle Paul encouraged the audience there to continue hold on to faith and wait for his return. Even while they were still alive. The point of all of this was that when Jesus returns to gather the pure blameless bride. And the temple was destroyed. The Jewish known world their heaven and earth, was wiped away.


For the Kingdom of Heavenly Jerusalem to be established upon the earth through believers who would become part of the kingdom of the heavenly Jerusalem while walking around on the earth. To know if you led by the spirt are a child of God, you are loved by God and God cares for you, you have communication with God and seek him out and pray. Having love for God and others.

God is not angry with you.. when you mess up and make mistakes cause we all do. God is a good God who desires to help you, and help you by the Son of God who lives with in you as you walk in your life on earth while still being much a part of the heavenly Kingdom.

Be encouraged to read your Bible, friend!

In His name,
Matthew Gallagher
In the narrative in the Bible it pertains to the nation of Israel mainly. The Bible was never written to you, or for you, even never written to your country. No where in scripture do you see this.

And every single generation after this must keep all of these things proclaimed in the Bible and maintain the church like the Bible states

If you could show me something like this I would disregard my own personal faith of Jesus having returned in 70Ad.

God is not mad at you.
God is not angry at you.

God sent his son for a specific reason, it was firstly to deal with the nation of Israel that started going down the slope of not having care for God. Gods own chosen nation of Israel had the Son of God Killed. After this period of time, with Jesus had resurrected.

Jesus apostles went out and wrote letters even, if you read 1 Thessalonians all the way through which can take 30 minutes: you will see how the apostle Paul encouraged the audience there to continue hold on to faith and wait for his return. Even while they were still alive. The point of all of this was that when Jesus returns to gather the pure blameless bride. And the temple was destroyed. The Jewish known world their heaven and earth, was wiped away.


For the Kingdom of Heavenly Jerusalem to be established upon the earth through believers who would become part of the kingdom of the heavenly Jerusalem while walking around on the earth. To know if you led by the spirt are a child of God, you are loved by God and God cares for you, you have communication with God and seek him out and pray. Having love for God and others.

God is not angry with you.. when you mess up and make mistakes cause we all do. God is a good God who desires to help you, and help you by the Son of God who lives with in you as you walk in your life on earth while still being much a part of the heavenly Kingdom.

Be encouraged to read your Bible, friend!

In His name,
Matthew Gallagher

I don’t see any evidence that Jesus returned in 70 AD, but there is a myriad of evidence that he returned after three days in the tomb. Thousands of eye witnesses and books written, lives changed. History made.
Tons of it in the Bible, as far as the evidence of it going to happen.

Up to you to decide, Mr. E.
God is angry with the wicked. He will pour out his wrath on his enemies if they refuse to repent.
Though Who was those wicked? Was it not the ones who decided to go ahead and crucified the Son of God?

What a very wicked thing that had happen, an innocent man to die on a judgement of the Nation of Israel.

Think about it.

In His Name,
Matthew Gallagher
If you do wicked acts, you'll get caught by the Police, then head to Jail. Today of course, but ultimately God is no longer angry at human beings.

That is the way I believe and look at it. Sure he hates when people divorce and split apart he also hates pride, and haughtiness and the few other things founded in the proverbs I believe.

However, God is no longer angry, at people any more. Having had poured his wrath out on the nation of Israel obliterating their heaven and earth they knew to usher in the new covenant. Having divorced the nation of Israel in turn to marry the whole world, in which all have been reconciled because of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.

Think about it.

In His name,
Matthew Gallagher
“The Bible was never written to you, or for you …”

This assertion doesn’t sit well with me and I don’t believe it sits well with God and the Messiah.
The Bible was never written to you, or for you
Not to us, agreed. Howeer, how can you say eye witness accounts of the Son of God who came to save the world is not written for us?
my own personal faith of Jesus having returned in 70Ad.
I only heard of this last week. Do you believe the 2nd Coming has already ocurred, as prophesied in Revelation?
Not to us, agreed. Howeer, how can you say eye witness accounts of the Son of God who came to save the world is not written for us?

I only heard of this last week. Do you believe the 2nd Coming has already ocurred, as prophesied in Revelation?

This is the same Matthew that is on ChristianityBoard.....

Yes- without wanting to speak for him, he thinks the second coming happened in 70 AD
If Jesus has returned and this is the best he can do, no wonder people turn away from him.

When he returns, he and those who belong to him will manage the world. When that happens, it won’t look anything like it currently does.