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Fighting it out With Long Spoons


Grace Accepted

Heaven & Hell
Rabbi Haim is purported to have told the parable of Heaven and Hell in which he was taken to both. They were very much alike in his story, a group of people sitting around a table with a warm delicious bowl of soup setting upon it. The aroma was absolutely heavenly. In both places, each person had a long spoon attached to their wrist by and unbreakable cord. The spoon was long enough to reach the warm, rich deliciousness of the steaming bowl.

The difference
The difference between the places is that in hell all the people were gaunt, pale as tallow and growling and fighting with each other. It was obvious that they were starving to death while sitting at a table, in front of a warm bowl of the most delicious soup in the universe. In contrast, the table in heaven was filled with happy laughter, joyous healthy people enjoying the most delicious repast to every cross the threshold of any beings lips.

The Insight
As he examined these two scenes the rabbi saw that in hell each person was fighting for the most soup for themselves but though the long spoons could reach the bowl of savory delight, when withdrawn brimming with goodness, the spoons were to long to be drawn to ones mouth. They extended over their shoulders by more than a foot. But in heaven even though the spoons were of the same length and attached by the same cord, all were happy and well fed of the ambrosial board. As he observed a bit longer the reason for this became clear. In heaven the people were feeding each other but on hell it was each man for himself.

If we are beholding Christ should there not be an external growth in evidence that we are being changed into his likeness? He was meek and lowly of heart. No, we should never give up spreading the good-news of the gospel until like Stephen our mouths are stilled by death. But there should be a turning away from personal insults and invectives hurled personally at our opponents.

The Truth will often land a blow much harder than an insult and some may take the truth of the gospel as an insult but we should be true to Christ in our hearts and not get caught up in defending our ego instead Him. This is my personal goal and Lord willing, I will continue to grow in that direction.

After all, we certainly reflect the gods or God we serve, May it always be God.
Heaven & Hell
Rabbi Haim is purported to have told the parable of Heaven and Hell in which he was taken to both. They were very much alike in his story, a group of people sitting around a table with a warm delicious bowl of soup setting upon it. The aroma was absolutely heavenly. In both places, each person had a long spoon attached to their wrist by and unbreakable cord. The spoon was long enough to reach the warm, rich deliciousness of the steaming bowl.

The difference
The difference between the places is that in hell all the people were gaunt, pale as tallow and growling and fighting with each other. It was obvious that they were starving to death while sitting at a table, in front of a warm bowl of the most delicious soup in the universe. In contrast, the table in heaven was filled with happy laughter, joyous healthy people enjoying the most delicious repast to every cross the threshold of any beings lips.

The Insight
As he examined these two scenes the rabbi saw that in hell each person was fighting for the most soup for themselves but though the long spoons could reach the bowl of savory delight, when withdrawn brimming with goodness, the spoons were to long to be drawn to ones mouth. They extended over their shoulders by more than a foot. But in heaven even though the spoons were of the same length and attached by the same cord, all were happy and well fed of the ambrosial board. As he observed a bit longer the reason for this became clear. In heaven the people were feeding each other but on hell it was each man for himself.

If we are beholding Christ should there not be an external growth in evidence that we are being changed into his likeness? He was meek and lowly of heart. No, we should never give up spreading the good-news of the gospel until like Stephen our mouths are stilled by death. But there should be a turning away from personal insults and invectives hurled personally at our opponents.

The Truth will often land a blow much harder than an insult and some may take the truth of the gospel as an insult but we should be true to Christ in our hearts and not get caught up in defending our ego instead Him. This is my personal goal and Lord willing, I will continue to grow in that direction.

After all, we certainly reflect the gods or God we serve, May it always be God.
Good parable and observation. It is very interesting to see growth in some and lack of it in others. To recognize when it is taking place in us and when it is not. If there is no growth, either the Holy Spirit is not present or we are flat out not listening to Him, but to that age old voice that crouches ever at our door---ego and hubris.