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Fact or Fiction?



Hello to you reader,

Have you ever seen this scripture before?

Romans 10:17 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.

What are the some of the facts concerning the Good news about Christ? Faith come by hearing the message about the Lord Jesus Christ and God.

How can you get close to hearing to message about the Lord? It is as easy as looking into the New Testament, or the Apostolic Record that is the reports of those who witnessed and walked around with Jesus for several years, before Jesus had ended up being given over to the Roman Empire, and the Jewish King Herod. With coming to a decision of Pilate making the choice to go ahead and give the Jews what they desired which was a murderer over an innocent man. The blood would be on the hand of the Jews as they by their choice said so.

How ever that is the simple run down of some of the events that had happened but that is not all there is. Faith needs to be fed, by reading the word of God and hearing the reports that are made within the Bible about the Lord. Did you know the Lord had said forgive 7x70? That is a Christian principle that we live by. In the bible in the book of Timothy you can find out where Paul mentions that prayers should be made for all people, even those who are in authority like presidents now even in America, Cops, and the governing authorities? Did you know that is also a Christian principle?

To pray for all people? Even those in Authority, and in that day Nero was around who had Christians killed. Do you believe that is something that should a Christian principle? You have to choose. What about God creating the heaven and earth? Do you believe and trust in faith about what the bible has to offer?

So much can be learned if one desires to do so, and can become overwhelmingly knowledgeable about the things the bible says, that are all in truth if you are desirous to learn and grow and know what the truth and facts are, while walking by faith in trusting God? would you not say?
  1. Have you ever seen this scripture before?
  2. What are the some of the facts concerning the Good news about Christ?
  3. How can you get close to hearing to message about the Lord?
  4. In the bible in the book of Timothy you can find out where Paul mentions that prayers should be made for all people, even those who are in authority like presidents now even in America, Cops, and the governing authorities?
  5. Did you know that is also a Christian principle?
  6. To pray for all people?
  7. Do you believe that is something that should a Christian principle?
  8. [/B]What about God creating the heaven and earth?
  9. Do you believe and trust in faith about what the bible has to offer?
  10. So much can be learned if one desires to do so, and can become overwhelmingly knowledgeable about the things the bible says, that are all in truth if you are desirous to learn and grow and know what the truth and facts are, while walking by faith in trusting God?
  11. would you not say?
Lot's of questions MatthewG.

I think the point about becoming overwhelmingly knowledgeable about the things the bible says is where many babes in Christ are, including me. I'm comforted that it is not about knowledge but relationships. One of the best sermons I ever heard, so liberating, is that we don't have to have all the answers. We just need to know that:
  1. We are children of God;
  2. We encountered the living God;
  3. We give witness to the experience of the transformational power of Christ in our lives.
Leave in to the Holy Spirit to answer other people's question and guide them through God's words - the burden is not on us. Below is a verse I often cite to my wife who gets manic or in a panic at times, feeling overwhelmed as you wrote about. I hope this helps.

“Be still, and know that I am God!
Psalm 46:10