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Death is coming.



View: https://youtu.be/V_TUeptV8Oc

4 minute video

An video of encouragement.

I can’t keep up with many of the people here on the forums as time goes by to quickly and another reason is people have their own ideas and opinions when it comes down to the Bible itself, understand?

Sometimes time invested here can be valueless if it is not used properly, and that is where I need to align myself with the purpose of sending a message for someone to get and look at consider and either throw in the fire or perhaps it helps them further along the trail of their faith and going after Jesus.

The reality of all life is the fact that death is coming, and what one does with their life is up to them and between them and God and we have no true effect on if a person changes their mind or not, only God can have that effect and it is when truth is presented.

God bless you and take care, be encouraged to read and seek and love your life in the new spiritual life that comes through Christ Jesus by faith in him.
“Death is coming.”

Yes. So too is life coming for those who are in Messiah, and the second death for those who are not.

Serious business for all.