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There are many people who reject the truth that Proverbs 8 is speaking of Christ, due to the fact that Christ is not mentioned by name, and that 'wisdom' is spoken of. But if you read the chapter, you will see phrases like ... "I will speak"; "receive my instruction"; "by me princes rule"; "I lead in the way of righteousness", etc. So it is written as if wisdom is actually a PERSON. And that person I believe to be none other than Jesus Christ the begotten Son of God. But can I prove this from the Bible? Yes, I believe I can. Let us read the verses from Proverbs 8 first, telling of wisdom [Christ] being 'brought forth' from God before anything was made:

Proverbs 8:22-30

Just look the language ... "I was by him, as one brought up with Him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him." Does that really sound like just a 'quality' is being spoken of? No! It is clearly speaking of a PERSON. A person who was 'brought forth' from God before anything was created. And that person is Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God the Father.

Now I hear people say ... "No! This cannot be Jesus because Proverbs 8 speaks of wisdom as a 'SHE'''

The fact that wisdom in the beginning of Proverbs 8 is spoken of as a 'HER' is a stumbling block from many. But we need to remember the way languages address certain things. In the Hebrew, the word 'wisdom' is grammatically feminine, which is why wisdom is addressed as 'she'. Look at how God addresses Jerusalem in the Bible. He always addresses Jerusalem as 'she' and 'her'. Does that mean Jerusalem is literally a woman? No. Every object, whether animate or inanimate, is designed as either masculine, feminine, or neuter. The gender of the word is often unrelated to whether the item is actually masculine or feminine. Although the nouns have gender, their gender does not refer to the actual item as being male or female. When we speak of a car or a ship do we tend to address them as? 'She' or 'her'. But obviously that does not mean the car or ship is a woman. The word for land in the Hebrew is also feminine, but does dirt have any biological gender? No. It is merely how it is written in the original language. So we should not get hung up on this point, for it stops people from seeing the truth. So let us look at the Biblical proof that wisdom is in fact referring to Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 1:30; 1 Corinthians 1:24; Luke 11:49; Matthew 23:1,34

Do you see? WHO is the 'wisdom' of God? It is none other than Jesus Christ. Which is why wisdom AS A PERSON, and yet the grammatical gender of the Hebrew word for wisdom [she] is completely unrelated to the actual gender of Christ Himself.

Just compare Luke 11:49 with Matthew 23:1,34. Wisdom is SPEAKING in Luke 11:49, and in Matthew 23 it explains WHO that wisdom of God is which is speaking - Jesus Christ. He is the wisdom of God, as Paul confirmed in 1 Corinthians 1:24. Christ is the one who is 'wisdom unto us' (1 Corinthians 1:30). He is the begotten Son of God from eternity just as Proverbs 8 confirms.

"The decree that he should be King on the holy hill of Zion WAS BASED UPON HIS SONSHIP, as is shown by these words: 'I will tell of the decree: Jehovah said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.' And so the Son was 'appointed heir of all things,' because 'all things were made through him; and without him was not anything made that hath been made.' And He, the eternal personal Wisdom of God, in the following language sets forth his own relationship to the Father of all, and to the things that are made: The Lord possessed me, the beginning of his way, Before his works of old. I was anointed from everlasting, From the first, from the beginning of the earth. When there were no depths I was brought forth, When there were no fountains abounding with water. Before the mountains were settled, Before the hills, was I brought forth." (Review and Herald, December. 23, 1902, Vol. 79, No. 51, p. 4)

"We turn to Proverbs 8:22-31. Here wisdom personified, which is Christ Himself, who is the wisdom of God. 1 Corinthians 1:24,30. He says: [Proverbs 8:22-31 quoted]." (Review and Herald, April 6, 1897, Vol. 74, No. 14, p. 212)

So it is clear from the Bible that the wisdom of God is Jesus Christ. It is Jesus Christ who was 'brought forth' from the Father before anything was created. This is why the Bible says that "GOD SENT HIS SON" (Romans 8:3, John 3:16-17). It is because Jesus is the only begotten in eternity past as a true Son. And Jesus confirmed this Himself:

John 16:27-28; John 17:7-8

You will notice that this 'coming out from God' precedes the coming to earth. Which is why the Bible tells us that God SENT HIS SON. Jesus was the Son of God BEFORE He came to earth. Yes! Jesus truly is the literal Son of God the Father. For a further study on Jesus being the literal Son of God the Father, please ASK ME.

(Matthew 27:54)

Where is all the person that says, Jesus Christ is not the "wisdom"?
Here is where you can proof your teaching. Silence again!!
Not too many seems to believe that.
We cannot forced them to believe my lovely God chosen one!! We must preached to the world. This is our duty "work by faith" they have faith without works. Pray for me I needed it mostly!!
Not too many seems to believe that.
Because of their false Sungod teaching they cannot see what is written in the Bible the whole context. All they can do is plucking verses here and there and invented a false teaching by their assuming!!
Because of their false Sungod teaching they cannot see what is written in the Bible the whole context. All they can do is plucking verses here and there and invented a false teaching by their assuming!!
I submit that you're "plucking verses here and there," mixed with the writings of Ms. White.
Because of their false Sungod teaching they cannot see what is written in the Bible the whole context. All they can do is plucking verses here and there and invented a false teaching by their assuming!!
There is no truth in a make-believe god, a triune god worshipping churches.
Trevor, Shroom, come and learn what is written in the Bible. Please leave your plucking verses books far from your Bible.
A person comes into existence when begotten by their father, conceived by their mother.

Christ is truly the begotten Son of God; not from eternity but from the moment he was begotten / conceived in the womb of his mother.