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For the Christian, the primary ongoing need will be “deliverance!” No, not deliverance from sin’s guilt, as this will never again be an issue with the Father, considering He gave all to establish this. I think is bears repeating, that it has been wisely said that “the lost need saved, and the saved needs delivered”—from the power of the old man’s temptations (Mat 6:13). This concerns the power of sin to disturb and distract a believer from the truth that he cannot again enter into condemnation (Ro 8:1). It would require the Lord Jesus’ expiation for our sin to have lost it power!

God has promised that “sin shall not have dominion over you” (Ro 6:14). In my personal assessment of this passage it designs the intension that the sin nature will no longer cause you to desire after it. Seeing it yet abides in us we will notice the presence of its desires, but now we also see the dislike, yea the hatred of it after our new nature; and it’s only the new nature we are in (Ro 8:9), even though the old nature yet abides within (Ro 7:17, 20). Not only are we not in the old man (flesh, i.e. sin nature) but we are in the Spirit of our Father and the Son; and through the Blessed Spirit “God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure (Phl 2:13), which is a permanent condition, so that we never again, will and do the desires of the old man (sin nature). Often it is that many profess salvation falsely, and true to the old man, they will not endure, manifesting one still in his sin nature, and in his sin!

When the power of sin exercises its forces to discourage you (as often as it will be), remember that it’s merely another attempt of the old man and its handler (Satan) to interfere with your primary encouragement from God—your spiritual growth in His work of “conformation to the image of His Son” (Rom 8:29; Eph 4:15), which generally concerns His walk on the earth (1Jo 2:6). For it is the walk of the Christian that God uses to encourage the saved, and to draw the lost!