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A Family Life cul-de-sac



A segment on Family Life Today was pretty good as you rarely hear criticism of the evangelical pitch that features that Jesus is going to fix everything in my life. The speaker was actually addressing the self-absorbed part of that, which was good to hear.

Except that he went the non-self direction. 'You will find that the Christian message is away from the self, and that the J curve is that you decrease and Christ increases. And then you learn about Lordship of your life--or else you haven't really grasped anything of Christian truth.' This was all framed in a treatment of 'Soil Testing'--that is, we are to find out what kind of 'soil' we are for the Word and do something about it. It is true that there is a type of 'response' to Christian faith that is all concerned with ease in life, and it actually exists because another sector of Christian outreach offers it.

We must see, though, that there is self-debasement that is avoided by Paul, as he said in Col 2. It may even involve a 'harsh treatment of the body' (the individual physical body, not the fellowship group, is meant).

It is also unfortunate that the believer's 'making Christ Lord' supercedes the objective NT meaning of Christ being Lord of this universe and world. That it belongs to him in a way that needs to be expressed to rulers and us as individuals. Family Life (Campus Crusade) is far more interested in the powerfully tenacious individual's will and its accomplishment, which, by the way, has an obnoxious way of borrowing against Acts 2: God made Jesus Lord and Christ. That was a historic (one-time) event--the resurrection. Shouldn't we be coming to terms with that?

Cru ministries are all about that power of tenacious will rather than the paradigm that now exists in the Enthroned King.

(My book the Enthroned King tells of the depiction of this world as Christ's rightful kingdom through the resurrection as the Davidic enthronement, the 40 days of explaining OT passages, and the destruction of Jerusalem. These are three powerful statements that are not used or known as they should be.)