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A duty of God's children



Without looking at any scripture,
and just using my common sense and critical thinking.
I would have believed, that as children of God, we would have the duty to keep God's word alive among His people.

I was an Atheist, I had never been a Christian, never went to a church.
But I decided to look into the Bible because I did have some Christian friends in my ear, telling me to believe it.
Right from my first read, I was surprised, and it made me wonder if any Christians actually read their book.
Anyway, I studied, in the gospels initially, and I tried doing the things Jesus said, and He came.
He came very quickly.

I gave myself five years to work out what the Bible is saying,
and told myself, if I still didn't know if Jesus was true or not by then, then I would give up the study.
But Jesus came after only six weeks of me trying to do His commandments.
Most of what Jesus said was still a mystery to me then, or way too hard for me, but I did those things that I could do,
and when He came that first time, all He said to me was, "It shall get easier for you from now on".
And it did. Revelation and understanding started coming.

But I have gotten off topic, but not really.
I needed to put that background story.
Because once I knew that Jesus was true, I was now thrust over into the Christians' world.
I was now confessing Jesus' name with them.
And I tried to fellowship.

But I still had so many questions.
Questions that no one else seemed to be asking.
And, certainly, no one was capable of answering.
Rather, every church I went to, they started accusing me, for wanting to know the truth.
And for wanting to understand the words in scripture, I was accused of not having faith.

Faith in what? if you don't understand the words you put your faith in.

And I kept raising God's words, because I saw them speaking contrary wise to scripture.
And for this too I got accused (and still do get accused).
And nearly every where I posted God's words, I got shut down.

God's word is dead in the congregation.
It is true what they say, Jesus died for them.
But He should be living in our midst, shouldn't He? the Bible says so.

Isn't it our duty to keep His word alive in the congregation?
Keep it in the remembrance of the people.
And not shut down the little ones, and the least, when they go to inquire into God's word.
Logically speaking.
The problem is that everyone seems to read the Bible so differently.

I used to think you are promoting for "obedience to God and Jesus is a requirement for salvation".

Now you are claiming obedience will not save you.

It is clear to me it is a word game going on in the Christian community using Bible verses.
The problem is that everyone seems to read the Bible so differently.

I used to think you are promoting for "obedience to God and Jesus is a requirement for salvation".

Now you are claiming obedience will not save you.

It is clear to me it is a word game going on in the Christian community using Bible verses.
Thank you, Meshak.

The problem is, everyone just blabs what they think,
and don't show what He said.

So His word is now forgotten in the congregation.
And I mean, completely gone.

Till now, if someone does raise some of God's words,
many will quickly come and show some things St Paul said, to try to shut that one down.
As if St Paul had no faith in God's word.

And it isn't a word game that is going on.
It is called the judgment.
If anyone claims God, then men will judge them for that.

So we who claim God, and come in Jesus' name, must be armed with His word.
We, who received His law, should be ready to answer them, and to teach the Lord's word.
Thank you, Meshak.

The problem is, everyone just blabs what they think,
and don't show what He said.
Nope, they all quote verses.

But they all read it differently, especially online.

Dont think you are the only one who can quote the verses.
Nope, they all quote verses.

But they all read it differently, especially online.

Dont think you are the only one who can quote the verses.
Yes, that is so.

But we can count the verses they mostly like to quote on two hands.
And all from St Paul.
And they quote verses to justify their sayings, and their refusal to keep all the word.
They don't quote verses to teach the commandments,
or to make known what the Lord says.

When we understand the Lord's commandments for making meat offerings for the congregation,
then it becomes easy to discern the thoughts and intentions of the hearts of those making the offerings.
If we do God's will, and keep His commandments,
then it is easy to know who else does.