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Red Pill, Trad Wives, Soft Girl Era? Examples with Christian Homemaker Perspective

Well, I am learning how completely unhip I've become. I'll admit Punk Rock was my last gasp at attempting to keep up with modern culture.

However, I now learn that I am an unwitting Passport Bro! Yeah, baby! This is from the official Passport Bros website, https://www.theofficialpassportbros.com/:

It is this complete disregard for Men's thoughts, opinions, and values, as well as the proliferation of the toxic Western dating /marriage culture which has caused many Men to look elsewhere, in hopes of permanently finding Peace, Appreciation, Respect, Kindness, and Love from women within various foreign countries abroad.​
When my first wife died after 33 years of marriage, I gave absolutely no thought to ever dating again. Then a Belarusian woman was dropped into my lap by a friend who knew her sister in Sedona. I traveled 7000 miles for our first date and had to get my very first passport at age 57 to do it. She is indeed much like an American girl from 1955, and that was her appeal to me. Voila, I am a card-carrying Passport Bro!
Yes you are! See, you are trending!

When you mentioned your wife in the other thread, I remembered the Passport Bros! I will try to find a clip of one of them maybe tomorrow. I find the movement rather amusing and telling.
I have an example for Red Pill. Red Pill can mean different things but for this thread, I'm describing men who are opting out of modern dating and marriage customs to focus on self-improvement. I hope Im getting that right.

My example is the infamous Whatever Podcast.

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/imbAWqEZoo4?si=ppPazJeAYHuBv6ia

I hate how nothingburger this clip is but Im nervous about their content. They roast these online porn girls who agree to come on the podcast in order to promote their content streams.

Another example is Andrew Tate.

View: https://youtu.be/pUIDtbxyoE8?si=1PARXg5Y_aKpxWyO

My main criticism of Red Pill content is it's shallow view of fulfillment and success. Improving yourself so that you can be a whoremonger and never marry is hardly something I agree with for what I hope are obvious reasons.

I rag on career centeredness for women but I dont believe married men need to focus on making money at all costs either. They need to be there for their wives and children, not just provide a check.
Okay, one more question!!!

Does your departure from "orthodoxy" with your alternative theology have to do with Christians who believe all the essentials but don't live it out at all?

I'm not trying to make light of it at all. I'm just really curious
Well, in my alternative theology humanity is collectively working out the Creator's plan for the species as a whole, albeit through individual lives and possibly across many lifetimes. This is true of "believing" Christians who nevertheless conform to the world just as it is true of hardboiled atheists who nevertheless live highly moral and unworldly lives. They (and I) are all helping fulfill the Creator's objective of eventually having spiritually mature beings who are capable of genuine communion with the Creator and among themselves. I see the Creator as the Supreme Artist and as enjoying the spectacle the way any artist enjoys the creative process and the finished work.

I would probably see the Christians who DO walk the narrow path as the farthest along in their spiritual development (few as they may be), because I do believe Christianity expresses truths other religions don't capture. But I also believe there is an authenticity, not displeasing to the Creator, to anyone who makes a sincere and diligent effort to decide what he or she really believes and then lives accordingly - even if those beliefs are far removed from Ultimate Reality.

Before being banned at Christianity Board - they simply declared me "self-banned" without warning or explanation of any kind! - I had a fairly active blog that highlighted some of my thinking:

(Since I'm a constant work in progress, I might not agree with everything I wrote three months ago. "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.")
I have an example for Red Pill. Red Pill can mean different things but for this thread, I'm describing men who are opting out of modern dating and marriage customs to focus on self-improvement. I hope Im getting that right.

My example is the infamous Whatever Podcast.

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/imbAWqEZoo4?si=ppPazJeAYHuBv6ia

I hate how nothingburger this clip is but Im nervous about their content. They roast these online porn girls who agree to come on the podcast in order to promote their content streams.

Another example is Andrew Tate.

View: https://youtu.be/pUIDtbxyoE8?si=1PARXg5Y_aKpxWyO

My main criticism of Red Pill content is it's shallow view of fulfillment and success. Improving yourself so that you can be a whoremonger and never marry is hardly something I agree with for what I hope are obvious reasons.

I rag on career centeredness for women but I dont believe married men need to focus on making money at all costs either. They need to be there for their wives and children, not just provide a check.

These guys try so hard to be macho bros..... so hard to be the toxic alpha males that everyone talks about. And I think that's it. They just want to be talked about. To be the center of attention. My parents would have called that out as simply- self centered, and they never put in terms of something good. It's egotistical, misogynistic and selfish living.

Tate flip flopped on faith and now purports to have embraced Islam-- a whole society of men who minimize women to rule over them, rather than partner with them.
Am overthinking Soft Girl Era. It's an aesthetic and a certain mindset. Thats all I can say. Here's am example.
View: https://youtu.be/kWkLJqhJ_mw?si=4qp0LzEtAfV7MOI5

I'd never heard of it. I think we used to call them girly girls. Feminine. Lady-like. It's a far distance from all of these Butch girls we see these days. You know the ones. They have the short cropped haircuts-- even mullet-like, that scream "lesbian-dominator-I-wish-I-was-a-man" instead of a woman. So this trend is the opposite of that. It's says, 'I'm a woman, and proud to be.'

Many men appreciate women, simply for these feminine traits and instincts. I know I do. I love to come home to a house that is beautifully decorated. I did none of it. I have three sons who all have their own places. When my son had a serious girlfriend the transformation at his house was unmistakable. She might as well have graffitied it on the walls--- Stephanie was here. You could just tell that his space had been invaded by a girl. It was neater. It was 'prettier.' It smelled better. These are soft-girl aesthetics, I guess. It's something some women just have, and don't have to 'put on.' It's a vibe.
Not all of this is new. In years past we had 'macho men' and Marlboro men, to name but two manly identities. These have returned as 'new trends' that we now might call this whole 'Bro' movement and suddenly everyone thinks that they become cowboys by buying one of those jackets Kevin Costner wears on Yellowstone. Fads become trends and even pretenders can be trendy. As with soft-girls or trad-women, or any of these personas, it can all easily become artificial and faked. Like the Sunday morning preachers who put on a nice suit to stand on stage. It doesn't make them nice people.... that guy might be a jerk "in real life."

I think some of these trends are indeed the result of overthinking. Shouldn't we think of them as styles, or mentalities? I think and therefore I am.
think some of these trends are indeed the result of overthinking. Shouldn't we think of them as styles, or mentalities? I think and therefore I am.
I find the cool to bring up because I think the more we try to make male and female swappable, the more people will sort of rebel in the opposite direction.

I love being feminine, but Im not always stereotypically girly. I love fishing and will happily clean fish myself while onlookers look horrified. Something about the raw elements outdoors and the thrill of the hunt---I could fish all day.

I think movements are the most helpful when they help people embrace part of themselves.