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Red Pill, Trad Wives, Soft Girl Era? Examples with Christian Homemaker Perspective

My wife was forced to take up a career somewhat late in life. She put up with being thrown into walls and kicked with steel-toed boots for 10 years, but when it started up on her youngest son, that was when she knew it was time to get out of that marriage. She became an elementary school teacher to support her two kids. She was really good at it, too. She has a real heart for children.

The feminist movement started back in the 60s and 70s when I was a kid. Back then, stuff like that wasn't talked about much. A woman was expected to put up with it.

Anyway, that's one of the reasons I'm somewhat sympathetic to the feminist movement.

And one of the reasons my wife carries a gun.
Thanks for stopping by. My husband and I came up in the 90's and 2000's.

Our experience has been witnessing a wasteland of father desertion and male passivity. We have no negative byproducts of patriarchy left to speak of.

I encourage anyone to share, even if they don't line up with my stance.
Thanks for stopping by. My husband and I came up in the 90's and 2000's.

Our experience has been witnessing a wasteland of father desertion and male passivity. We have no negative byproducts of patriarchy left to speak of.

I encourage anyone to share, even if they don't line up with my stance.

I think it's a wonderful trend. Here in Southern California there is a mass exodus, many seeking an alternative lifestyle (in a good way).

Here, it truly does take two wage-earners to afford even a starter home, with an average sales price approaching $1 Mil. So many, who would like to start a family, simply don't feel like they can afford to do so. As a survival mechanism, many opt to leave our balmy weather and explore this 'Trad-wife' experiential opportunity elsewhere. Some call it down-sizing, or right-sizing, but for economic reasons they get out of Dodge and move somewhere other than here. They buy 2 acres, or 20 acres and build Barndominiums in Idaho, or Utah or South Dakota, or Montana-- escape from New York City, or Los Angeles...... anywhere, where the wifey can stay home and make babies to her heart's content. Maybe have some chickens and a couple of goats, or a horse.

It's a healthy choice.
This what a couple of friends of mine from work did. He was one of my golf-buddies and had some crummy job keeping track of parts in the warehouse (and telling me I couldn't get the parts I needed). She had an engineering degree, was really good at what she did (one of the best I've ever worked with), and made 2x-3x what he did. When their first child came along, it was a logical move: She went back to work doing what she was really good at; he became a stay-at-home dad and raised two kids. It helped that her parents lived close by and her (very traditional Cuban) mom was there to help out.
The issue I have with this is what I suggested above: it assumes that the genders and gender roles are fungible. Mom can be Dad and Dad can be Mom. I just don't think this is the case. One of the areas where the Bible actually does seem divinely inspired is precisely this one. There is a male role that it takes a male to fulfill and a female role that it takes a female to fulfill. The emphasis on the female role is quite impressive for a patriarchal culture in highly patriarchal time. Dad at home and Mom in the workplace may be better than no one at home and both in the workplace, but it clearly isn't The Plan.

Although my theology as expressed here is "barely Christian, if it is at all," my alternative theology is ultra-conservative, highly biblical Christianity that would have made me at home in the most highly Puritanical 17th century Puritan sect. Modern Christianity has so completely and utterly conformed and caved to the world that I don't really think it has any more to do with Christianity than me at my most radical - quite possibly a great deal less. It's mostly just a fraud.
I think it's a wonderful trend. Here in Southern California there is a mass exodus, many seeking an alternative lifestyle (in a good way).

Here, it truly does take two wage-earners to afford even a starter home, with an average sales price approaching $1 Mil. So many, who would like to start a family, simply don't feel like they can afford to do so. As a survival mechanism, many opt to leave our balmy weather and explore this 'Trad-wife' experiential opportunity elsewhere. Some call it down-sizing, or right-sizing, but for economic reasons they get out of Dodge and move somewhere other than here. They buy 2 acres, or 20 acres and build Barndominiums in Idaho, or Utah or South Dakota, or Montana-- escape from New York City, or Los Angeles...... anywhere, where the wifey can stay home and make babies to her heart's content. Maybe have some chickens and a couple of goats, or a horse.

It's a healthy choice.
Ill grant that this lifestyle choice doesn't lend well to purchasing a cushy starter home right away! Not in this market.

I am willing to be really frugal for this.
Although my theology as expressed here is "barely Christian, if it is at all," my alternative theology is ultra-conservative, highly biblical Christianity that would have made me at home in the most highly Puritanical 17th century Puritan sect. Modern Christianity has so completely and utterly conformed and caved to the world that I don't really think it has any more to do with Christianity than me at my most radical - quite possibly a great deal less. It's mostly just a fraud.
I'm intrigued. I read your blog post to St.Steven. How do you have an alternative theology? You sound like me... Maybe I have to start a different thread for that?
Ill grant that this lifestyle choice doesn't lend well to purchasing a cushy starter home right away! Not in this market.

I am willing to be really frugal for this.

My wife chose to work so that we could afford to send our kids to a private Christian school-- a choice that we are glad to have made given the mess that public education is in California. It cost a lot, but she/we wouldn't hesitate to make again.

Instead of upgrading a home, we stayed in one we could afford for 20 years and invested our funds in our kids. It wasn't until we became empty-nesters and got our boys through college that we splurged on a new home. Not a 'trad-wife' example, but an example of making choices that promoted a healthy balance in support of family. It doesn't diminish my wife in any way, that she chose to work to afford this.
I'm intrigued. I read your blog post to St.Steven. How do you have an alternative theology? You sound like me... Maybe I have to start a different thread for that?
Sure - go for it! Lay out your theology so the True Christians can decide whether you're an infidel or a mere heathen. :D

If you read my three blog entries, you'll have a pretty good idea of my "alternative theology." Most people would probably describe it more in the vein of a New Age or "spiritual rather than religious" position.

Nevertheless, I do have some inkling that actual, exceedingly harsh, biblical Christianity just might be true. That Jesus really may have been saying the gate is small and few will find it - "few" not meaning 3.2 billion or 965 million but honest-to-God few (144,000! scream the Jehovah's Witnesses).

There is too much mystery, ambiguity and uncertainty for me to be dogmatic about my own position or completely dismissive of anyone else's. Those that seem absurd to me could certainly be true. I can see enough potential truth in ultra-conservative biblical Christianity, a Christianity that truly does not conform to the world, that it's my fallback position.
Sure - go for it! Lay out your theology so the True Christians can decide whether you're an infidel or a mere heathen. :D

If you read my three blog entries, you'll have a pretty good idea of my "alternative theology." Most people would probably describe it more in the vein of a New Age or "spiritual rather than religious" position.

Nevertheless, I do have some inkling that actual, exceedingly harsh, biblical Christianity just might be true. That Jesus really may have been saying the gate is small and few will find it - "few" not meaning 3.2 billion or 965 million but honest-to-God few (144,000! scream the Jehovah's Witnesses).

There is too much mystery, ambiguity and uncertainty for me to be dogmatic about my own position or completely dismissive of anyone else's. Those that seem absurd to me could certainly be true. I can see enough potential truth in ultra-conservative biblical Christianity, a Christianity that truly does not conform to the world, that it's my fallback position.
Ill make a "Long or Short Statement of Faith" thread.

If ultra-conservative biblical Christianity is what you like, even as just a possiblity, then we are more alike than I would have guess. That's my only view. I feel like the modern church failed me and only throwing out all their sayings and tradtions is helping me on the Narrow Path.
Ill make a "Long or Short Statement of Faith" thread.

If ultra-conservative biblical Christianity is what you like, even as just a possiblity, then we are more alike than I would have guess. That's my only view. I feel like the modern church failed me and only throwing out all their sayings and tradtions is helping me on the Narrow Path.
On almost every forum on which I've ever participated, I've started a thread along the lines of "Give us your absolute, bottom-line Christian essentials" - meaning cut through the BS and tell us what you think is absolutely REQUIRED to qualify for the label "Christian." It never goes well. Increasingly, however, I realize it's possible - and extremely common - to believe all the "essential" things while being so utterly conformed to the world in every way that you don't even see it.
Was going to do Soft Girl Era next but I just thought of a group I wouldve left out!

They're called Passport Bros lol
Increasingly, however, I realize it's possible - and extremely common - to believe all the "essential" things while being so utterly conformed to the world in every way that you don't even see it.
Okay, one more question!!!

Does your departure from "orthodoxy" with your alternative theology have to do with Christians who believe all the essentials but don't live it out at all?

I'm not trying to make light of it at all. I'm just really curious
Was going to do Soft Girl Era next but I just thought of a group I wouldve left out!

They're called Passport Bros lol
Well, I am learning how completely unhip I've become. I'll admit Punk Rock was my last gasp at attempting to keep up with modern culture.

However, I now learn that I am an unwitting Passport Bro! Yeah, baby! This is from the official Passport Bros website, https://www.theofficialpassportbros.com/:

It is this complete disregard for Men's thoughts, opinions, and values, as well as the proliferation of the toxic Western dating /marriage culture which has caused many Men to look elsewhere, in hopes of permanently finding Peace, Appreciation, Respect, Kindness, and Love from women within various foreign countries abroad.​
When my first wife died after 33 years of marriage, I gave absolutely no thought to ever dating again. Then a Belarusian woman was dropped into my lap by a friend who knew her sister in Sedona. I traveled 7000 miles for our first date and had to get my very first passport at age 57 to do it. She is indeed much like an American girl from 1955, and that was her appeal to me. Voila, I am a card-carrying Passport Bro!