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Where does the spirit go upon a physical death?

Exactly. -and exactly the point. The things below are not the same as the things above. Flesh is not the same as spirit. While we can see the goodness and life of a river, tree, animal, or person-- these are images. The reality is a spiritual reality where each of these things is more, much more than their appearance. We recognize this reality in ourselves-- that there is more to us all than what meets the eye. Should we ignore the same reality in these other things that are also reflections of our Father?
No. Thank God for giving us these opportunities? Like His parables giving a visual …one of my favorites where one is tossed between Fire and Water. Who will help that ones tossing back and forth between the Fire and Water? It’s more than a visual but help …where I don’t think any of His miracles were random. like those things you mention that we take for granted as opportunities to learn of Him. as you said “reflections of our Father”
No. Thank God for giving us these opportunities? Like His parables giving a visual …one of my favorites where one is tossed between Fire and Water. Who will help that ones tossing back and forth between the Fire and Water? It’s more than a visual but help …where I don’t think any of His miracles were random. like those things you mention that we take for granted as opportunities to learn of Him. as you said “reflections of our Father”

That's a visual that strikes a chord with me. Isaiah 43:1-3

“Don’t be afraid, for I will protect you.
I call you by name, you are mine.
When you pass through the waters, I am with you;
when you pass through the streams, they will not overwhelm you.
When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned;
the flames will not harm you.
For I am the LORD your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your deliverer.

I see just the opposite…. Equating humans with animals, in the sense that we are not the superior life form, I think belittles humans psychologically which can lead to humans lowering their standards and acting like animals…
“Act however you want, have sex with whomever; after all, we’re only animals.”

IMO, that’s flawed.

Best wishes
In my experience, people who say this seldom have much experience with animals.

I happen to live, partly by choice and partly by sheer laziness, in an exceedingly blue-collar, lower-class neighborhood. I will occasionally refer to one of the alcoholic, druggie, foul-mouthed neighbors as an "animal." My wife always reminds me, quite accurately, that this is an insult to animals.

Humans as a "superior life form," except in the obvious way of intellect, strikes me as a complete absurdity. "Higher" in undeniable ways, but scarcely superior. Hence the need for the Christian explanation of a fallen humanity, a fallen creation, and a susceptibility to supernaturally intelligent demonic forces. The Christian explanation scarcely focuses on why the cockroach or duck-billed platypus kingdom is such an evil, disgusting spectacle but rather on why the human one is.
In my experience, people who say this seldom have much experience with animals.

I happen to live, partly by choice and partly by sheer laziness, in an exceedingly blue-collar, lower-class neighborhood. I will occasionally refer to one of the alcoholic, druggie, foul-mouthed neighbors as an "animal." My wife always reminds me, quite accurately, that this is an insult to animals.

Humans as a "superior life form," except in the obvious way of intellect, strikes me as a complete absurdity. "Higher" in undeniable ways, but scarcely superior. Hence the need for the Christian explanation of a fallen humanity, a fallen creation, and a susceptibility to supernaturally intelligent demonic forces. The Christian explanation scarcely focuses on why the cockroach or duck-billed platypus kingdom is such an evil, disgusting spectacle but rather on why the human one is.
Luke’s genealogy of Jesus calls Adam, “the son of God”. (Luke 3:38) As one of God’s sons, he was created perfect with the ability to live forever.

That’s why we read in Genesis, after A&E’s rebellion, of their offspring living to be over 900 years, even after several generations removed. Gradually becoming shorter to what we have today.

Death was never intended to be a human experience. It is now, because of Adam’s choice. But Jesus, the “last Adam” (1 Cor. 15:45), sent by God, bought humans for God, so that those who accept Christ, will eventually have the opportunity to gain “everlasting life.” — John 3:16; 17:3; Romans 6:23.

No purpose like that exists for animals.

Best wishes, my cousin.