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Would you surrender your own beliefs in the cause of doctrinal unity?


Well-known member
This is a follow-up to a previous topic: Unity of the faith - at what cost?

Probably the biggest roadblock to Christian doctrinal unity is holding on to the freedom we have to determine our own beliefs.
Would you surrender your own beliefs in the cause of Christian doctrinal unity?

Just to be clear, I do not seek Christian doctrinal unity. Defined as EVERYONE surrendering to a predetermined set of beliefs.
I believe that unity comes when we accept each other no matter our differences.
That we seek to understand each other instead of rejecting those whose Christian doctrine may differ.
Which presents its own set of challenges, of course. But that's another topic. (I hope) - LOL

But what do Christians mean when they say we need to have unity of the faith?


The answer probably varies as much as the people.

I think Paul does a great job of describing how 'the body' of Christ is made up of individual parts. One body (unity) with many parts (individuality).
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