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Recent content by SteVen

  1. SteVen

    Where did the Bible come from? - Shot out of a canon?

    Too bad you can't remember what you wrote. How come? I hope you aren't referring to the seventh day of the creation week. The Sabbath points to creation. Creation doesn't point to the Sabbath. When did Moses write about the creation week? Before or after the events in Exodus chapter 16...
  2. SteVen

    Where did the Bible come from? - Shot out of a canon?

    Are you claiming that the moral law is the Ten Commandments? Do you only keep nine? [
  3. SteVen

    The Case Against Eternal Security - NOSAS

    Perhaps I misunderstood. Happens often enough. - LOL ]
  4. SteVen

    American Black Nightshade and Reincarnation--- huh?

    Yes. 1 Peter 1:23 KJV Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. ]
  5. SteVen

    The Case Against Eternal Security - NOSAS

    SteVen said: What translation is that? Here's the NT Greek. (ep' = upon) The NT Greek for Luke 4:18 indicates upon/on. ??? I also believe this was common for OT Prophets. And is even used in Acts chapter two at the outpouring on Pentecost. Acts 2:3-4 NIV They saw what seemed...
  6. SteVen

    Where did the Bible come from? - Shot out of a canon?

    Do you observe the seventh day Sabbath of the TCs? You wrote, "They are divine, perfect and immutable." - Wrangler Have you seen my topic from CyBs? titled something like: The law, the Law, God's law and Christ's law - four different things From my POV you are referring to what I call "God's...
  7. SteVen

    Where did the Bible come from? - Shot out of a canon?

    Who were the TCs given to? (given to the Israelites alone through Moses) Deuteronomy 5:3 NRSVue Not with our ancestors did the Lord make this covenant but with us, who are all of us here alive today. ]
  8. SteVen

    The Case Against Eternal Security - NOSAS

    What translation is that? Here's the NT Greek. (ep' = upon) 1909. epi Strong's Concordance epi: on, upon Original Word: ἐπί Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: epi Phonetic Spelling: (ep-ee') Definition: on, upon Usage: on, to, against, on the basis of, at. HELPS Word-studies 1909...
  9. SteVen

    Where did the Bible come from? - Shot out of a canon?

    I've been experimenting lately with hearing from God the way Jesus did. So, I'm using challenges at work to learn this. We need to find product quickly to fill customer orders. This has been somewhat of a nightmare because the products look very similar. The products have very long names...
  10. SteVen

    The gospel according to... ???

    The most common example is the Catholic Bible which contains the Apocrypha. Canon = a collection of scripture books The Catholic Bible, which contains the Apocrypha, is a different canon. (collection of books ) /
  11. SteVen

    Where did the Bible come from? - Shot out of a canon?

    I have wondered whether God wanted us to have a Bible or not. Many struggle to hear God's voice because they have never learned how. The Bible gets in the way of that. Especially when you claim that... "The Bible alone is the Word of God. Anything else is extra-biblical and should be...
  12. SteVen

    American Black Nightshade and Reincarnation--- huh?

    Cremation is quite popular now, Does that cause a problem with the seed idea? /
  13. SteVen

    Seven questions

    That's debatable. / cc: @O'Darby III
  14. SteVen

    Seven questions

    You are describing Yahweh as a tyrant. (with biblical defense) ]
  15. SteVen

    Seven questions

    That saw cuts both ways. - LOL ]