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Recent content by Adrift

  1. Adrift

    oof! Another $61 Billion to kill people in Ukraine

    .....or a drug dealer, terrorist, prisoner, pervert, etc.
  2. Adrift

    We Never Went To The Moon

    The Moon is 384,400 km or 1.28 light seconds from Earth. That means that it takes light, or any electromagnetic communication like radio, 2.6 seconds to make it from the Earth to the Moon and back again. Actual communication delays are even longer, due to having to relay the signal from the...
  3. Adrift

    God forgive my lusting today.......and yesterday.......and tomorrow

    Yes. If you lust for God and his will. Not money, power, sex or beauty.
  4. Adrift

    God forgive my lusting today.......and yesterday.......and tomorrow

    If I get kicked off for uncomfortable honesty, then I was on the wrong forum anyway.
  5. Adrift

    God forgive my lusting today.......and yesterday.......and tomorrow

    For me, the sin of lust is enigmatic. Try not to visualize a monkey eating a hamburger. What is the first thing that you visualized? You couldn't help yourself. I have a similar issue when I see an extremely attractive female, only I'm not visualizing her eating a hamburger. I know that lusting...
  6. Adrift

    Theistic Agnosticism - The honesty to admit we don't know everything

    I was raised in the Catholic church. Later, I realized that their doctrines were much broader than God's. Luckily, while in the Army, I read the Bible and it cleared my mind of the insanities. Now, I just struggle along trying to understand truth.
  7. Adrift

    Theistic Agnosticism - The honesty to admit we don't know everything

    We do have a few people on the forum who, apparently, know everything. It must be an awful burden. God bless them.
  8. Adrift

    Does God Tell Us To Twerk It?

    They danced but I don't believe they were twerking. Holding hands while going in cicles, one could twerk out of their sandals and fall.
  9. Adrift

    Why was Jesus Sent?

    Are you inferring that you've seen Him?
  10. Adrift

    We Never Went To The Moon

    Well, I will miss you. I came here because you were here. We don't have to agree on everything.
  11. Adrift

    Does God give you what you what you ask for?

    I only pray for enlightenment, so, I can't tell. I feel a strengthened enlightenment on some issues and still dumber than a hammer on others.
  12. Adrift

    We Never Went To The Moon

    I am not lying when I say that I was a telemetry engineer at ESRO and tracked and monitored Apollo 11. I monitored batteries and solar panel attitudes for NASA. You believe that so many people could have kept that huge of a secret?
  13. Adrift

    God Doesn't Hate Me

    I agree. Perhaps God reached a point of frustration with the OT guys that He decided to send Himself in the form of Jesus to improve the communications. The NT, via Jesus, may have lowered His level of frustration. Just wondering.
  14. Adrift

    We Never Went To The Moon

    Those videos are crap. They all revolve around immature inferences that are not plausible. A video showing movies that inferred their was no moon landing? That's lame. I can find videos and movies that say God doesn't exist. That doesn't make it true. Logic should tell you that thousands of...